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Your search for 'Comparative Religions' in subject found 7 book(s).
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1. cover
Title: Aesthetics and analysis in writing on religion: modern fascinations
Author: Gold, Daniel
Published: University of California Press,  2003
Subjects: Religion | Comparative  Religions
Publisher's Description: This book addresses a fundamental dilemma in religious studies. Exploring the tension between humanistic and social scientific approaches to thinking and writing about religion, Daniel Gold develops a line of argument that begins with the aesthetics of academic writing in the field. He shows that su . . . [more]
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2. cover
Title: A magic still dwells: comparative religion in the postmodern age
Author: Patton, Kimberley C. (Kimberley Christine) 1958-
Published: University of California Press,  2000
Subjects: Religion | Comparative  Religions
Publisher's Description: The first thorough assessment of the field of comparative religion in forty years, this groundbreaking volume surmounts the seemingly intractable division between postmodern scholars who reject the comparative endeavor and those who affirm it. The contributors demonstrate that a broader vision of re . . . [more]
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3. cover
Title: Sainthood: its manifestations in world religions
Author: Bond, George Doherty 1942-
Published: University of California Press,  1990
Subjects: Religion | Comparative  Religions | Philosophy
Publisher's Description: Every major religion exalts certain individuals who occupy a dual role. On the one hand they serve as exemplars of virtue to be imitated, and on the other hand they stand removed from other mortals, privileged and unique. Christianity knows them as saints, and in the study of religion the term has b . . . [more]
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4. cover
Title: A culture of conspiracy: apocalyptic visions in contemporary America
Author: Barkun, Michael
Published: University of California Press,  2003
Subjects: Politics | Sociology | Christianity | Comparative  Religions
Publisher's Description: What do UFO believers, Christian millennialists, and right-wing conspiracy theorists have in common? According to Michael Barkun in this fascinating yet disturbing book, quite a lot. It is well known that some Americans are obsessed with conspiracies. The Kennedy assassination, the Oklahoma City bom . . . [more]
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5. cover
Title: Retelling U.S. religious history
Author: Tweed, Thomas A
Published: University of California Press,  1997
Subjects: Religion | United States History | Asian Studies | American Studies | Comparative  Religions
Publisher's Description: This collection marks a turning point in the study of the history of American religions. In challenging the dominant paradigm, Thomas A. Tweed and his coauthors propose nothing less than a reshaping of the way that American religious history is understood, studied, and taught.The range of these essa . . . [more]
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6. cover
Title: Carnal Israel: reading sex in Talmudic culture
Author: Boyarin, Daniel
Published: University of California Press,  1993
Subjects: Jewish Studies | Religion | Judaism | Gender Studies | Comparative  Religions | Classical Religions
Publisher's Description: Beginning with a startling endorsement of the patristic view of Judaism - that it was a "carnal" religion, in contrast to the spiritual vision of the Church - Daniel Boyarin argues that rabbinic Judaism was based on a set of assumptions about the human body that were profoundly different from those . . . [more]
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7. cover
Title: In search of god the mother: the cult of Anatolian Cybele
Author: Roller, Lynn E
Published: University of California Press,  1999
Subjects: Classics | Archaeology | Ancient History | Gender Studies | Women's Studies | Religion | Comparative  Religions
Publisher's Description: This book examines one of the most intriguing figures in the religious life of the ancient Mediterranean world, the Phrygian Mother Goddess, known to the Greeks and Romans as Cybele or Magna Mater, the Great Mother. Her cult was particularly prominent in central Anatolia (modern Turkey), and spread . . . [more]
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