| Your request for similar items found 20 book(s). | Modify Search | Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 book(s) |
1. | | Title: Speak, bird, speak again: Palestinian Arab folktales Author: Muhawi, Ibrahim 1937- Published: University of California Press, 1989 Subjects: Anthropology | Literature in Translation | Middle Eastern Studies | Folklore and MythologyPublisher's Description: Were it simply a collection of fascinating, previously unpublished folktales, Speak, Bird, Speak Again: Palestinian Arab Folktales would merit praise and attention because of its cultural rather than political approach to Palestinian studies. But it is much more than this. By combining their respect . . . [more]Similar Items | 2. | | Title: Three mothers, three daughters: Palestinian women's stories Author: Gorkin, Michael Published: University of California Press, 1996 Subjects: Middle Eastern Studies | Cultural Anthropology | Women's Studies | SociologyPublisher's Description: This remarkable collection of oral histories from six Palestinian women, three mothers and three of their daughters, affords an unparalleled view into the daily lives of women who have lived, and continue to live, through a turbulent and rapidly changing era. In recording these stories, Michael Gork . . . [more]Similar Items | 3. | | Title: Birthing the nation: strategies of Palestinian women in IsraelAuthor: Kanaaneh, Rhoda Ann Published: University of California Press, 2002 Subjects: Anthropology | Women's Studies | Medical Anthropology | Sociology | Postcolonial Studies | Middle Eastern History | Sociology | Postcolonial Studies | Middle Eastern History | Middle Eastern HistoryPublisher's Description: In this rich, evocative study, Rhoda Ann Kanaaneh examines the changing notions of sexuality, family, and reproduction among Palestinians living in Israel. Distinguishing itself amid the media maelstrom that has homogenized Palestinians as "terrorists," this important new work offers a complex, nuan . . . [more]Similar Items | 4. | | Title: Comrades and enemies: Arab and Jewish workers in Palestine, 1906-1948 Author: Lockman, Zachary Published: University of California Press, 1996 Subjects: History | Middle Eastern HistoryPublisher's Description: In Comrades and Enemies Zachary Lockman explores the mutually formative interactions between the Arab and Jewish working classes, labor movements, and worker-oriented political parties in Palestine just before and during the period of British colonial rule. Unlike most of the historical and sociolog . . . [more]Similar Items | 5. | | Title: Land, labor and the origins of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 1882-1914Author: Shafir, Gershon Published: University of California Press, 1996 Subjects: Middle Eastern Studies | Middle Eastern History | Labor StudiesPublisher's Description: Gershon Shafir challenges the heroic myths about the foundation of the State of Israel by investigating the struggle to control land and labor during the early Zionist enterprise. He argues that it was not the imported Zionist ideas that were responsible for the character of the Israeli state, but t . . . [more]Similar Items | 6. | | Title: Intimate enemies: Jews and Arabs in a shared landAuthor: Benvenisti, Meron 1934- Published: University of California Press, 1995 Subjects: Politics | Middle Eastern Studies | Jewish Studies | Middle Eastern HistoryPublisher's Description: As Israelis and Palestinians negotiate separation and division of their land, Meron Benvenisti, former Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, maintains that any expectations for "peaceful partition" are doomed. In his brave and controversial new book, he raises the possibility of a confederation of Israel/Pales . . . [more]Similar Items | 7. | | Title: Sacred landscape: the buried history of the Holy Land since 1948Author: Benvenisti, Meron 1934- Published: University of California Press, 2000 Subjects: Jewish Studies | Religion | Middle Eastern Studies | PoliticsPublisher's Description: As a young man Meron Benvenisti often accompanied his father, a distinguished geographer, when the elder Benvenisti traveled through the Holy Land charting a Hebrew map that would rename Palestinian sites and villages with names linked to Israel's ancestral homeland. These experiences in Benvenisti' . . . [more]Similar Items | 8. | | Title: Arabs and Young Turks: Ottomanism, Arabism, and Islamism in the Ottoman Empire, 1908-1918 Author: Kayalı, Hasan Published: University of California Press, 1997 Subjects: History | Middle Eastern History | Middle Eastern Studies | PoliticsPublisher's Description: Arabs and Young Turks provides a detailed study of Arab politics in the late Ottoman Empire as viewed from the imperial capital in Istanbul. In an analytical narrative of the Young Turk period (1908-1918) historian Hasan Kayali discusses Arab concerns on the one hand and the policies of the Ottoman . . . [more]Similar Items | 9. | | Title: The Arab world: society, culture, and stateAuthor: Barakat, Halim Isber Published: University of California Press, 1993 Subjects: Sociology | Politics | SociologyPublisher's Description: This wide-ranging examination of Arab society and culture offers a unique opportunity to know the Arab world from an Arab point of view. Halim Barakat, an expatriate Syrian who is both scholar and novelist, emphasizes the dynamic changes and diverse patterns that have characterized the Middle East s . . . [more]Similar Items | 10. | | Title: The Jewish state: a century later Author: Dowty, Alan 1940- Published: University of California Press, 1998 Subjects: Jewish Studies | Middle Eastern Studies | PoliticsPublisher's Description: As the fiftieth anniversary of Israeli statehood approaches, along with the commemoration of the hundredth anniversary of the World Zionist Organization, the question of what is meant by a "Jewish" state is particularly timely. Alan Dowty takes on that question in a book that is admirable for its cl . . . [more]Similar Items | 11. | | Title: Men, women, and God(s): Nawal El Saadawi and Arab feminist poetics Author: Malti-Douglas, Fedwa Published: University of California Press, 1995 Subjects: Literature | Middle Eastern Studies | Gender Studies | Women's StudiesPublisher's Description: Men, Women, and God(s) is a pioneering study of the Arab world's leading feminist and most controversial woman writer, Nawal El Saadawi. Author of plays, memoirs, and such novels as Woman at Point Zero and The Innocence of the Devil , El Saadawi has become well known in the West as well as in the Ar . . . [more]Similar Items | 12. | | Title: Memory for forgetfulness: August, Beirut, 1982 Author: Darwīsh, Maḥmūd Published: University of California Press, 1995 Subjects: Literature | Literature in Translation | Middle Eastern Studies | RhetoricPublisher's Description: One of the Arab world's greatest living poets uses the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon and the shelling of Beirut as the setting for this sequence of prose poems. Mahmoud Darwish vividly recreates the sights and sounds of a city under terrible siege. As fighter jets scream overhead, he explores the . . . [more]Similar Items | 13. | | Title: Perceptions of Palestine: their influence on U.S. Middle East policy Author: Christison, Kathleen 1941- Published: University of California Press, 1999 Subjects: Politics | Middle Eastern History | Middle Eastern StudiesPublisher's Description: For most of the twentieth century, considered opinion in the United States regarding Palestine has favored the inherent right of Jews to exist in the Holy Land. That Palestinians, as a native population, could claim the same right has been largely ignored. Kathleen Christison's controversial new boo . . . [more]Similar Items | 14. | | Title: Willie Brown: a biography Author: Richardson, James 1953- Published: University of California Press, 1996 Subjects: Politics | History | United States History | Californian and Western History | Autobiographies and BiographiesPublisher's Description: This is the first comprehensive biography of Willie Brown, one of California's most enduring and controversial politicians. Audacious, driven, talented - Brown has dominated California politics longer and more completely than any other public figure. James Richardson, a senior writer for The Sacrame . . . [more]Similar Items | 15. | | Title: Reclaiming America: Nike, clean air, and the new national activismAuthor: Shaw, Randy 1956- Published: University of California Press, 1999 Subjects: American Studies | Politics | Public PolicyPublisher's Description: Have activists taken the bumper-sticker adage "Think Globally, Act Locally" too literally? Randy Shaw argues that they have, with destructive consequences for America. Since the 1970s, activist participation in national struggles has steadily given way to a nearly exclusive focus on local issues. Am . . . [more]Similar Items | 16. | | Title: Historical destiny and national socialism in Heidegger's "Being and time" Author: Fritsche, Johannes Published: University of California Press, 1999 Subjects: Philosophy | German Studies | Intellectual HistoryPublisher's Description: There has been much debate over the relationship of Heidegger's philosophy - in particular his book Being and Time - to his practical involvement with National Socialism. Yet the question has never been addressed through a comparison of Being and Time with other texts on history and politics written . . . [more]Similar Items | 17. | | Title: Popular music and national culture in IsraelAuthor: Regev, Motti Published: University of California Press, 2004 Subjects: Music | Ethnomusicology | Middle Eastern Studies | Popular Culture | Jewish StudiesPublisher's Description: A unique Israeli national culture - indeed, the very nature of "Israeliness" - remains a matter of debate, a struggle to blend vying memories and backgrounds, ideologies and wills. Identifying popular music as an important site in this wider cultural endeavor, this book focuses on the three major po . . . [more]Similar Items | 18. | | Title: Politician's dilemma: building state capacity in Latin AmericaAuthor: Geddes, Barbara Published: University of California Press, 1994 Subjects: Latin American Studies | Economics and Business | Latin American History | PoliticsPublisher's Description: In Latin America as elsewhere, politicians routinely face a painful dilemma: whether to use state resources for national purposes, especially those that foster economic development, or to channel resources to people and projects that will help insure political survival and reelection. While politici . . . [more]Similar Items | 19. | | Title: Renaissance Paris: architecture and growth, 1475-1600 Author: Thomson, David 1912- Published: University of California Press, 1985 Subjects: Art | ArchitecturePublisher's Description: In the modern literature on Renaissance art and architecture, Paris has often been considered the Cinderella of the European capitals. The prestigious buildings that were erected soon after François I decided in 1528 to make Paris his residence have long since been lost. Thomson, however, restores t . . . [more]Similar Items | 20. | | Title: City of stone: the hidden history of JerusalemAuthor: Benvenisti, Meron 1934- Published: University of California Press, 1996 Subjects: Politics | History | Jewish Studies | Middle Eastern History | Middle Eastern StudiesPublisher's Description: Jerusalem is more than a holy city built of stone. Domain of Muslims, Jews, and Christians, Jerusalem is a perpetual contest, and its shrines, housing projects, and bulldozers compete in a scramble for possession. Now one of Jerusalem's most respected authorities presents a history of the city that . . . [more]Similar Items |