| Your request for similar items found 20 book(s). | Modify Search | Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 book(s) |
1. | | Title: Physics and politics in revolutionary RussiaAuthor: Josephson, Paul R Published: University of California Press, 1991 Subjects: History | History and Philosophy of Science | Russian and Eastern European Studies | PoliticsPublisher's Description: Aided by personal documents and institutional archives that were closed for decades, this book recounts the development of physics - or, more aptly, science under stress - in Soviet Russia up to World War II. Focusing on Leningrad, center of Soviet physics until the late 1930s, Josephson discusses t . . . [more]Similar Items | 2. | | Title: Lise Meitner: a life in physicsAuthor: Sime, Ruth Lewin 1939- Published: University of California Press, 1997 Subjects: Science | Physics | Autobiographies and Biographies | Women's Studies | History | History and Philosophy of SciencePublisher's Description: Lise Meitner (1878-1968) was a pioneer of nuclear physics and co-discoverer, with Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann, of nuclear fission. Braving the sexism of the scientific world, she joined the prestigious Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Chemistry and became a prominent member of the international physi . . . [more]Similar Items | 3. | | Title: Phase diagrams of the elementsAuthor: Young, D. A. (David A.) 1942- Published: University of California Press, 1991 Subjects: Science | PhysicsPublisher's Description: The behavior of solid and liquid matter at high pressures and temperatures is best described in a phase diagram, which shows the regions of stability of different phases of the material. Thanks to the diamond-anvil cell, which has made possible much higher pressures, and to new and very accurate the . . . [more]Similar Items | 4. | | Title: From c-numbers to q-numbers: the classical analogy in the history of quantum theory Author: Darrigol, Olivier Published: University of California Press, 1993 Subjects: History | History and Philosophy of Science | PhysicsPublisher's Description: The history of quantum theory is a maze of conceptual problems, through which Olivier Darrigol provides a lucid and learned guide, tracking the role of formal analogies between classical and quantum theory. From Planck's first introduction of the quantum of action to Dirac's formulation of quantum m . . . [more]Similar Items | 5. | | Title: A mind always in motion: the autobiography of Emilio Segrè Author: Segrè, Emilio Published: University of California Press, 1993 Subjects: Science | History and Philosophy of Science | Physics | AutobiographyPublisher's Description: The renowned physicist Emilio Segrè (1905-1989) left his memoirs to be published posthumously because, he said, "I tell the truth the way it was and not the way many of my colleagues wish it had been." This compelling autobiography offers a personal account of his fascinating life as well as candid . . . [more]Similar Items | 6. | | Title: From chemical philosophy to theoretical chemistry: dynamics of matter and dynamics of disciplines, 1800-1950Author: Nye, Mary Jo Published: University of California Press, 1994 Subjects: Science | History and Philosophy of Science | Physical Sciences | PhysicsPublisher's Description: How did chemistry and physics acquire their separate identities, and are they on their way to losing them again? Mary Jo Nye has written a graceful account of the historical demarcation of chemistry from physics and subsequent reconvergences of the two, from Lavoisier and Dalton in the late eighteen . . . [more]Similar Items | 7. | | Title: The key to Newton's dynamics: the Kepler problem and the Principia: containing an English translation of sections 1, 2, and 3 of book one from the first (1687) edition of Newton's Mathematical principles of natural philosophy Author: Brackenridge, J. Bruce 1927- Published: University of California Press, 1996 Subjects: Science | Physics | History and Philosophy of SciencePublisher's Description: While much has been written on the ramifications of Newton's dynamics, until now the details of Newton's solution were available only to the physics expert. The Key to Newton's Dynamics clearly explains the surprisingly simple analytical structure that underlies the determination of the force necess . . . [more]Similar Items | 8. | | Title: Frontiers of supercomputing II: a national reassessment Author: Ames, Karyn R Published: University of California Press, 1994 Subjects: Science | Computer Science | PhysicsPublisher's Description: This uniquely comprehensive book brings together the vast amount of technical, economic, and political information and the analyses of supercomputing that have hitherto been buried in the frequently inaccessible "gray literature." Seventy-nine distinguished participants in the second Frontiers of Su . . . [more]Similar Items | 9. | | Title: The paradox of plenty: oil booms and petro-statesAuthor: Karl, Terry Lynn 1947- Published: University of California Press, 1997 Subjects: Politics | Economics and Business | Latin American StudiesPublisher's Description: The Paradox of Plenty explains why, in the midst of two massive oil booms in the 1970s, oil-exporting governments as different as Venezuela, Iran, Nigeria, Algeria, and Indonesia chose common development paths and suffered similarly disappointing outcomes. Meticulously documented and theoretically i . . . [more]Similar Items | 10. | | Title: Heisenberg and the Nazi atomic bomb project: a study in German cultureAuthor: Rose, Paul Lawrence Published: University of California Press, 1998 Subjects: History | European History | German Studies | European Studies | Science | Technology and Society | Physics | History and Philosophy of SciencePublisher's Description: No one better represents the plight and the conduct of German intellectuals under Hitler than Werner Heisenberg, whose task it was to build an atomic bomb for Nazi Germany. The controversy surrounding Heisenberg still rages, because of the nature of his work and the regime for which it was undertake . . . [more]Similar Items | 11. | | Title: Inalienable possessions: the paradox of keeping-while-givingAuthor: Weiner, Annette B 1933- Published: University of California Press, 1992 Subjects: Anthropology | East Asia OtherPublisher's Description: Inalienable Possessions tests anthropology's traditional assumptions about kinship, economics, power, and gender in an exciting challenge to accepted theories of reciprocity and marriage exchange. Focusing on Oceania societies from Polynesia to Papua New Guinea and including Australian Aborigine gro . . . [more]Similar Items | 12. | | | 13. | | Title: The oceans, their physics, chemistry, and general biology Author: Sverdrup, H. U. (Harald Ulrik) 1888-1957 Published: Prentice-Hall, 1942 Subjects: Similar Items | 14. | | Title: Agrarian dreams: the paradox of organic farming in CaliforniaAuthor: Guthman, Julie Published: University of California Press, 2004 Subjects: Environmental Studies | California and the West | Public Policy | Social Science | Agriculture | Geography | Food and CookingPublisher's Description: In an era of escalating food politics, many believe organic farming to be the agrarian answer. In this first comprehensive study of organic farming in California, Julie Guthman casts doubt on the current wisdom about organic food and agriculture, at least as it has evolved in the Golden State. Refut . . . [more]Similar Items | 15. | | Title: Prematurity in scientific discovery: on resistance and neglectAuthor: Hook, Ernest B 1936- Published: University of California Press, 2002 Subjects: Science | History of Science | Social and Political Thought | Geology | Evolution | Physics | History of MedicinePublisher's Description: For centuries, observers have noted the many obstacles to intellectual change in science. In a much-discussed paper published in Scientific American in 1972, molecular biologist Gunther Stent proposed an explicit criterion for one kind of obstacle to scientific discovery. He denoted a claim or hypot . . . [more]Similar Items | 16. | | Title: Lawrence and his laboratory: a history of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Author: Heilbron, J. L Published: University of California Press, 1990 Subjects: Science | History and Philosophy of SciencePublisher's Description: The Radiation Laboratory in Berkeley, California, was the birthplace of particle accelerators, radioisotopes, and modern big science. This first volume of its history is a saga of physics and finance in the Great Depression, when a new kind of science was born.Here we learn how Ernest Lawrence used . . . [more]Similar Items | 17. | | Title: The caregiving dilemma: work in an American nursing homeAuthor: Foner, Nancy 1945- Published: University of California Press, 1994 Subjects: Anthropology | Medical Anthropology | Social Problems | Medicine | Women's StudiesPublisher's Description: Along with increasing life expectancy comes the knowledge that many Americans will one day enter nursing homes. Who are the people who will care for us or for our relatives? Nancy Foner provides a major study of institutional care that focuses on nursing aides, who are the backbone of American nursi . . . [more]Similar Items | 18. | | Title: The prince and the law, 1200-1600: sovereignty and rights in the western legal traditionAuthor: Pennington, Kenneth Published: University of California Press, 1993 Subjects: History | Medieval History | LawPublisher's Description: The power of the prince versus the rights of his subjects is one of the basic struggles in the history of law and government. In this masterful history of monarchy, conceptions of law, and due process, Kenneth Pennington addresses that struggle and opens an entirely new vista in the study of Western . . . [more]Similar Items | 19. | | Title: The war come home: disabled veterans in Britain and Germany, 1914-1939Author: Cohen, Deborah 1968- Published: University of California Press, 2001 Subjects: History | European History | German Studies | Military History | European StudiesPublisher's Description: Disabled veterans were the First World War's most conspicuous legacy. Nearly eight million men in Europe returned from the First World War permanently disabled by injury or disease. In The War Come Home, Deborah Cohen offers a comparative analysis of the very different ways in which two belligerent . . . [more]Similar Items | 20. | | Title: Genethics: moral issues in the creation of people Author: Heyd, David Published: University of California Press, 1992 Subjects: Philosophy | EthicsPublisher's Description: Unprecedented advances in medicine, genetic engineering, and demographic forecasting raise new questions that strain the categories and assumptions of traditional ethical theories. Heyd's approach resolves many paradoxes in intergenerational justice, while offering a major test case for the profound . . . [more]Similar Items |