1. | | Title: Dynasty and empire in the age of Augustus: the case of the of the Boscoreale Cups Author: Kuttner, Ann L Published: University of California Press, 1995 Subjects: Art | Art History | Classical History | Ancient HistoryPublisher's Description: The two silver skyphoi commonly known as the Boscoreale Cups of Augustus and Tiberius are indispensable for providing the documentation of one of the only two cycles of Roman imperial state reliefs to survive from the Julio-Claudian period. Ann Kuttner offers the first comprehensive examination of t . . . [more]Similar Items |
2. | | Title: Rome and the enemy: imperial strategy in the principateAuthor: Mattern, Susan P 1966- Published: University of California Press, 1999 Subjects: Classics | Classical History | Classical Politics | Classical Literature and Language | Military History | Ancient HistoryPublisher's Description: How did the Romans build and maintain one of the most powerful and stable empires in the history of the world? This illuminating book draws on the literature, especially the historiography, composed by the members of the elite who conducted Roman foreign affairs. From this evidence, Susan P. Mattern . . . [more]Similar Items |
3. | | Title: Imperial ideology and provincial loyalty in the Roman EmpireAuthor: Ando, Clifford 1969- Published: University of California Press, 2000 Subjects: Classics | Classical History | Ancient History | Social TheoryPublisher's Description: The Roman empire remains unique. Although Rome claimed to rule the world, it did not. Rather, its uniqueness stems from the culture it created and the loyalty it inspired across an area that stretched from the Tyne to the Euphrates. Moreover, the empire created this culture with a bureaucracy smalle . . . [more]Similar Items |
4. | | Title: Rome before Avignon: a social history of thirteenth-century Rome Author: Brentano, Robert 1926- Published: University of California Press, 1991 Subjects: History | European History | Medieval History | Religion | Medieval StudiesPublisher's Description: Robert Brentano evokes papal Rome in all its paradox and complicated brilliance. From a detailed re-creation of the physical "town" with its series of brick campanili and green and purple mosaic floors, to the intrigues of the great families, like the Orsini and Colonna, the reader is guided through . . . [more]Similar Items |
5. | | Title: Failure of empire: Valens and the Roman state in the fourth century A.DAuthor: Lenski, Noel Emmanuel 1965- Published: University of California Press, 2003 Subjects: Classics | History | Classical History | Ancient History | Classical Politics | Autobiographies and BiographiesPublisher's Description: Failure of Empire is the first comprehensive biography of the Roman emperor Valens and his troubled reign (a.d. 364-78). Valens will always be remembered for his spectacular defeat and death at the hands of the Goths in the Battle of Adrianople. This singular misfortune won him a front-row seat amon . . . [more]Similar Items |
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10. | | Title: Barbarians and politics at the Court of Arcadius Author: Cameron, Alan Published: University of California Press, 1993 Subjects: Classics | Religion | Ancient HistoryPublisher's Description: The chaotic events of A.D. 395-400 marked a momentous turning point for the Roman Empire and its relationship to the barbarian peoples under and beyond its command. In this masterly study, Alan Cameron proposes a complete rewriting of received wisdom concerning the social and political history of th . . . [more]Similar Items |
11. | | Title: Imperatores victi: military defeat and aristocratic competition in the middle and late republic Author: Rosenstein, Nathan Stewart Published: University of California Press, 1990 Subjects: Classics | Classical History | Military History | Ancient HistoryPublisher's Description: Given the intense competition among aristocrats seeking public office in the middle and late Roman Republic, one would expect that their persistent struggles for honor, glory, and power could have seriously undermined the state or damaged the cohesiveness of the ruling class. Rome in fact depended o . . . [more]Similar Items |
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14. | | Title: Spectacle and society in Livy's history Author: Feldherr, Andrew 1963- Published: University of California Press, 1998 Subjects: Classics | Classical Literature and Language | Classical History | Comparative Literature | LiteraturePublisher's Description: Public spectacle - from the morning rituals of the Roman noble to triumphs and the shows of the Arena - formed a crucial component of the language of power in ancient Rome. The historian Livy (c. 60 B.C.E.-17 C.E.), who provides our fullest description of Rome's early history, presents his account o . . . [more]Similar Items |
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