| Your request for similar items found 20 book(s). | Modify Search | Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 book(s) |
1. |  | Title: The ultimate art: essays around and about opera Author: Littlejohn, David 1937- Published: University of California Press, 1992 Subjects: Music | OperaPublisher's Description: Anyone who cares about opera will find The Ultimate Art a thoroughly engaging book. David Littlejohn's essays are exciting, provocative, sometimes even outrageous. They reflect his deep love of opera - that exotic, extravagant, and perpetually popular hybrid performing art form - and his fascination . . . [more]Similar Items | 2. |  | Title: Opera in seventeenth-century Venice: the creation of a genre Author: Rosand, Ellen Published: University of California Press, 1990 Subjects: Music | Musicology | Opera | European HistoryPublisher's Description: Ellen Rosand shows how opera, born of courtly entertainment, took root in the special social and economic environment of seventeenth-century Venice and there developed the stylistic and aesthetic characteristics we recognize as opera today. With ninety-one music examples, most of them complete piece . . . [more]Similar Items | 3. |  | Title: Russian opera and the symbolist movementAuthor: Morrison, Simon Alexander 1964- Published: University of California Press, 2002 Subjects: Music | Opera | Musicology | Composers | Russian and Eastern European Studies | LiteraturePublisher's Description: An aesthetic, historical, and theoretical study of four scores, Russian Opera and the Symbolist Movement is a groundbreaking and imaginative treatment of the important yet neglected topic of Russian opera in the Silver Age. Spanning the gap between the supernatural Russian music of the nineteenth ce . . . [more]Similar Items | 4. |  | Title: Verdi at the Golden Gate: opera and San Francisco in the Gold Rush yearsAuthor: Martin, George Whitney Published: University of California Press, 1993 Subjects: Music | History | Opera | Composers | American Studies | California and the West | European HistoryPublisher's Description: Opera is a fragile, complex art, but it flourished extravagantly in San Francisco during the Gold Rush years, a time when daily life in the city was filled with gambling, duels, murder, and suicide. In the history of the United States there has never been a rougher town than Gold Rush San Francisco, . . . [more]Similar Items | 5. |  | Title: Emblems of eloquence: opera and women's voices in seventeenth-century VeniceAuthor: Heller, Wendy Beth Published: University of California Press, 2004 Subjects: Music | European Studies | Opera | Classical Music | Women's Studies | Classical Literature and Language | Renaissance HistoryPublisher's Description: Opera developed during a time when the position of women - their rights and freedoms, their virtues and vices, and even the most basic substance of their sexuality - was constantly debated. Many of these controversies manifested themselves in the representation of the historical and mythological wom . . . [more]Similar Items | 6. |  | Title: William Faulkner and the tangible past: the architecture of Yoknapatawpha Author: Hines, Thomas S Published: University of California Press, 1997 Subjects: Architecture | Architectural History | Literature | American Literature | United States HistoryPublisher's Description: The world of William Faulkner is seen from a new perspective in Thomas Hines's imaginative and many-faceted study. Hines assesses the impact of the built environment on Faulkner's consciousness and shows how the architecture of the writer's fictional county of Yoknapatawpha reflects the actual archi . . . [more]Similar Items | 7. |  | Title: Translating property: the Maxwell Land Grant and the conflict over land in the American West, 1840-1900Author: Montoya, María E 1964- Published: University of California Press, 2002 Subjects: History | Californian and Western History | Law | Latino Studies | California and the West | California and the WestPublisher's Description: Although Mexico lost its northern territories to the United States in 1848, battles over property rights and ownership have remained intense. This turbulent, vividly narrated story of the Maxwell Land Grant, a single tract of 1.7 million acres in northeastern New Mexico, shows how contending groups . . . [more]Similar Items | 8. |  | Title: The listening composerAuthor: Perle, George 1915- Published: University of California Press, 1990 Subjects: Music | Contemporary Music | ComposersPublisher's Description: George Perle takes us into the composer's workshop as he reevaluates what we call "twentieth-century music" - a term used to refer to new or modern or contemporary music that represents a radical break from the tonal tradition, or "common practice," of the preceding three centuries. He proposes that . . . [more]Similar Items | 9. |  | Title: Wising up the marks: the modern William Burroughs Author: Murphy, Timothy S 1964- Published: University of California Press, 1998 Subjects: Literature | American Studies | Literary Theory and Criticism | PhilosophyPublisher's Description: William S. Burroughs is one of the twentieth century's most visible, controversial, and baffling literary figures. In the first comprehensive study of the writer, Timothy S. Murphy places Burroughs in the company of the most significant intellectual minds of our time. In doing so, he gives us an imm . . . [more]Similar Items | 10. |  | Title: Reflections of an American composer Author: Berger, Arthur 1912- Published: University of California Press, 2002 Subjects: Music | American Music | Classical Music | Contemporary Music | Composers | MusicologyPublisher's Description: In this engrossing collection of essays, distinguished composer, theorist, journalist, and educator Arthur Berger invites us into the vibrant and ever-changing American music scene that has been his home for most of the twentieth century. Witty, urbane, and always entertaining, Berger describes the . . . [more]Similar Items | 11. |  | Title: One step from the White House: the rise and fall of Senator William F. Knowland Author: Montgomery, Gayle B 1934- Published: University of California Press, 1998 Subjects: Politics | Autobiographies and Biographies | California and the West | Californian and Western History | American Studies | United States HistoryPublisher's Description: During the Cold War years of the 1950s, William F. Knowland was one of the most important figures in American politics. As the Republican leader of the U.S. Senate, the wealthy California newspaper heir was recognized and respected by millions. His influence with President Eisenhower led to Earl War . . . [more]Similar Items | 12. |  | Title: William Mulholland and the rise of Los AngelesAuthor: Mulholland, Catherine 1923- Published: University of California Press, 2000 Subjects: History | California and the West | Californian and Western History | Autobiographies and BiographiesPublisher's Description: William Mulholland presided over the creation of a water system that forever changed the course of southern California's history. Mulholland, a self-taught engineer, was the chief architect of the Owens Valley Aqueduct - a project ranking in magnitude and daring with the Panama Canal - that brought . . . [more]Similar Items | 13. |  | Title: Beethoven and the construction of genius: musical politics in Vienna, 1792-1803Author: DeNora, Tia 1958- Published: University of California Press, 1996 Subjects: Music | History | Sociology | Composers | European HistoryPublisher's Description: In this provocative account Tia DeNora reconceptualizes the notion of genius by placing the life and career of Ludwig van Beethoven in its social context. She explores the changing musical world of late eighteenth-century Vienna and follows the activities of the small circle of aristocratic patrons . . . [more]Similar Items | 14. |  | Title: Driven into paradise: the musical migration from Nazi Germany to the United StatesAuthor: Brinkmann, Reinhold 1934- Published: University of California Press, 1999 Subjects: Music | American Music | Composers | Musicology | European History | United States HistoryPublisher's Description: The forced migration of artists and scholars from Nazi Germany is a compelling and often wrenching story. The story is twofold, of impoverishment for the countries the musicians left behind and enrichment for the United States. The latter is the focus of this eminent collection, which approaches the . . . [more]Similar Items | 15. |  | Title: Music drama at the Paris Odéon, 1824-1828Author: Everist, Mark Published: University of California Press, 2002 Subjects: Music | Musicology | Opera | French Studies | European HistoryPublisher's Description: Parisian theatrical, artistic, social, and political life comes alive in Mark Everist's impressive institutional history of the Paris Odéon, an opera house that flourished during the Bourbon Restoration. Everist traces the complete arc of the Odéon's short but highly successful life from ascent to t . . . [more]Similar Items | 16. |  | Title: A heart at fire's center: the life and music of Bernard HerrmannAuthor: Smith, Steven C Published: University of California Press, 1991 Subjects: Cinema and Performance Arts | Film | Contemporary Music | ComposersPublisher's Description: No composer contributed more to film than Bernard Herrmann, who in over 40 scores enriched the work of such directors as Orson Welles, Alfred Hitchcock, François Truffaut, and Martin Scorsese. In this first major biography of the composer, Steven C. Smith explores the interrelationships between Herr . . . [more]Similar Items | 17. |  | Title: Stravinsky and the Rite of spring: the beginnings of a musical language Author: Van den Toorn, Pieter C 1938- Published: University of California Press, 1987 Subjects: Music | ComposersSimilar Items | 18. |  | Title: A magic still dwells: comparative religion in the postmodern ageAuthor: Patton, Kimberley C. (Kimberley Christine) 1958- Published: University of California Press, 2000 Subjects: Religion | Comparative ReligionsPublisher's Description: The first thorough assessment of the field of comparative religion in forty years, this groundbreaking volume surmounts the seemingly intractable division between postmodern scholars who reject the comparative endeavor and those who affirm it. The contributors demonstrate that a broader vision of re . . . [more]Similar Items | 19. |  | Title: Still a man's world: men who do "women's" workAuthor: Williams, Christine L 1959- Published: University of California Press, 1995 Subjects: Sociology | Anthropology | Gender Studies | Women's Studies | Economics and Business | Men and MasculinityPublisher's Description: Men who do "women's work" have consistently been the butt of jokes, derided for their lack of drive and masculinity. In this eye-opening study, Christine Williams provides a wholly new look at men who work in predominantly female jobs. Having conducted extensive interviews in four cities, Williams u . . . [more]Similar Items | 20. |  | Title: Conventional wisdom: the content of musical formAuthor: McClary, Susan Published: University of California Press, 2000 Subjects: Music | MusicologyPublisher's Description: With her usual combination of erudition, innovation, and spirited prose, Susan McClary reexamines the concept of musical convention in this fast-moving and refreshingly accessible book. Exploring the ways that shared musical practices transmit social knowledge, Conventional Wisdom offers an account . . . [more]Similar Items |