| Your request for similar items found 20 book(s). | Modify Search | Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 book(s) |
1. | | Title: The caregiving dilemma: work in an American nursing homeAuthor: Foner, Nancy 1945- Published: University of California Press, 1994 Subjects: Anthropology | Medical Anthropology | Social Problems | Medicine | Women's StudiesPublisher's Description: Along with increasing life expectancy comes the knowledge that many Americans will one day enter nursing homes. Who are the people who will care for us or for our relatives? Nancy Foner provides a major study of institutional care that focuses on nursing aides, who are the backbone of American nursi . . . [more]Similar Items | 2. | | Title: Big doctoring in America: profiles in primary care Author: Mullan, Fitzhugh Published: University of California Press, 2002 Subjects: Medicine | Health Care | SociologyPublisher's Description: The general practitioner was once America's doctor. The GP delivered babies, removed gallbladders, and sat by the bedsides of the dying. But as the twentieth century progressed, the pattern of medical care in the United States changed dramatically. By the 1960s, the GP was almost extinct. The later . . . [more]Similar Items | 3. | | Title: Intensive care: a doctor's journalAuthor: Murray, John F. (John Frederic) 1927- Published: University of California Press, 2000 Subjects: Medicine | AgingPublisher's Description: Intensive Care is an affecting view from the trenches, a seasoned doctor's minute-by-minute and day-by-day account of life in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of a major inner-city hospital, San Francisco General. John F. Murray, for many years Chief of the Pulmonary and Critical Care Division of the h . . . [more]Similar Items | 4. | | Title: Starting at home: caring and social policyAuthor: Noddings, Nel Published: University of California Press, 2002 Subjects: Politics | American Studies | Anthropology | Social and Political Thought | Political Theory | Public Policy | Social Problems | Public Policy | Sociology | SociologyPublisher's Description: Nel Noddings, one of the central figures in the contemporary discussion of ethics and moral education, argues that caring--a way of life learned at home--can be extended into a theory that guides social policy. Tackling issues such as capital punishment, drug treatment, homelessness, mental illness, . . . [more]Similar Items | 5. | | Title: Customers and patrons of the mad-trade: the management of lunacy in eighteenth-century London: with the complete text of John Monro's 1766 case bookAuthor: Andrews, Jonathan 1961- Published: University of California Press, 2003 Subjects: History | History of Science | Psychology | Social Problems | PsychiatryPublisher's Description: This book is a lively commentary on the eighteenth-century mad-business, its practitioners, its patients (or "customers"), and its patrons, viewed through the unique lens of the private case book kept by the most famous mad-doctor in Augustan England, Dr. John Monro (1715-1791). Monro's case book, c . . . [more]Similar Items | 6. | | Title: Rethinking home: a case for writing local historyAuthor: Amato, Joseph Anthony Published: University of California Press, 2002 Subjects: History | Intellectual History | United States History | WritingPublisher's Description: Joseph A. Amato proposes a bold and innovative approach to writing local history in this imaginative, wide-ranging, and deeply engaging exploration of the meaning of place and home. Arguing that people of every place and time deserve a history, Amato draws on his background as a European cultural hi . . . [more]Similar Items | 7. | | Title: The war come home: disabled veterans in Britain and Germany, 1914-1939Author: Cohen, Deborah 1968- Published: University of California Press, 2001 Subjects: History | European History | German Studies | Military History | European StudiesPublisher's Description: Disabled veterans were the First World War's most conspicuous legacy. Nearly eight million men in Europe returned from the First World War permanently disabled by injury or disease. In The War Come Home, Deborah Cohen offers a comparative analysis of the very different ways in which two belligerent . . . [more]Similar Items | 8. | | Title: Healing the masses: Cuban health politics at home and abroadAuthor: Feinsilver, Julie Margot Published: University of California Press, 1993 Subjects: Latin American Studies | Politics | Medicine | Public PolicyPublisher's Description: How has Cuba, a small, developing country, achieved its stunning medical breakthroughs? Hampered by scarce resources and a long-standing U.S. embargo, Cuba nevertheless has managed to provide universal access to health care, comprehensive health education, and advanced technology, even amid desperat . . . [more]Similar Items | 9. | | Title: Learning to go to school in Japan: the transition from home to preschool lifeAuthor: Peak, Lois Published: University of California Press, 1991 Subjects: Anthropology | Cultural Anthropology | Japan | EducationPublisher's Description: Japanese two-year-olds are indulged, dependent, and undisciplined toddlers, but by the age of six they have become obedient, self-reliant, and cooperative students. When Lois Peak traveled to Japan in search of the "magical childrearing technique" behind this transformation, she discovered that the . . . [more]Similar Items | 10. | | Title: Aging, death, and human longevity: a philosophical inquiryAuthor: Overall, Christine 1949- Published: University of California Press, 2003 Subjects: Philosophy | Ethics | Public PolicyPublisher's Description: With the help of medicine and technology we are living longer than ever before. As human life spans have increased, the moral and political issues surrounding longevity have become more complex. Should we desire to live as long as possible? What are the social ramifications of longer lives? How does . . . [more]Similar Items | 11. | | Title: Lost lullabyAuthor: Alecson, Deborah Golden 1954- Published: University of California Press, 1995 Subjects: American Studies | Gender Studies | Women's Studies | Medicine | Ethics | SociologyPublisher's Description: Lost Lullaby makes one think the unthinkable: how a loving parent can pray for the death of her child. It is Deborah Alecson's story of her daughter, Andrea, who was born after a full-term, uneventful pregnancy, weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces, perfectly formed and exquisitely featured. But an inexplica . . . [more]Similar Items | 12. | | Title: Life without disease: the pursuit of medical utopia Author: Schwartz, William B 1922- Published: University of California Press, 1998 Subjects: Science | Medicine | Economics and Business | History and Philosophy of Science | Public PolicyPublisher's Description: The chaotic state of today's health care is the result of an explosion of effective medical technologies. Rising costs will continue to trouble U.S. health care in the coming decades, but new molecular strategies may eventually contain costs. As life expectancy is dramatically extended by molecular . . . [more]Similar Items | 13. | | Title: No aging in India: Alzheimer's, the bad family, and other modern things Author: Cohen, Lawrence 1961- Published: University of California Press, 1998 Subjects: Anthropology | Medical Anthropology | Aging | South AsiaPublisher's Description: From the opening sequence, in which mid-nineteenth-century Indian fishermen hear the possibility of redemption in an old woman's madness, No Aging in India captures the reader with its interplay of story and analysis. Drawing on more than a decade of ethnographic work, Lawrence Cohen links a detaile . . . [more]Similar Items | 14. | | Title: Good with their hands: boxers, bluesmen, and other characters from the Rust BeltAuthor: Rotella, Carlo 1964- Published: University of California Press, 2002 Subjects: History | American Studies | Sociology | Literature | Labor Studies | Urban Studies | Ethnic Studies | Gender StudiesPublisher's Description: This eloquent, streetwise book is a paean to America's Rust Belt and a compelling exploration of four milieus caught up in a great transformation of city life. With loving attention to detail and a fine sense of historical context, Carlo Rotella explores women's boxing in Erie, Pennsylvania; Buddy G . . . [more]Similar Items | 15. | | Title: Chuck Jones: a flurry of drawings Author: Kenner, Hugh Published: University of California Press, 1994 Subjects: American Studies | Film | Autobiographies and BiographiesPublisher's Description: Creator of the mono-maniacal Wile E. Coyote and his elusive prey, the Road Runner, Chuck Jones has won three Academy Awards and been responsible for many classics of animation featuring Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, and Elmer Fudd. Who better to do Chuck Jones than Hugh Kenner, master wordsmith . . . [more]Similar Items | 16. | | Title: White saris and sweet mangoes: aging, gender, and body in North India Author: Lamb, Sarah 1960- Published: University of California Press, 2000 Subjects: Anthropology | South Asia | Aging | Cultural Anthropology | Women's StudiesPublisher's Description: This rich ethnography explores beliefs and practices surrounding aging in a rural Bengali village. Sarah Lamb focuses on how villagers' visions of aging are tied to the making and unmaking of gendered selves and social relations over a lifetime. Lamb uses a focus on age as a means not only to open u . . . [more]Similar Items | 17. | | Title: Encountering Chinese networks: Western, Japanese, and Chinese corporations in China, 1880-1937Author: Cochran, Sherman 1940- Published: University of California Press, 2000 Subjects: History | Economics and Business | Asian History | ChinaPublisher's Description: Big businesses have faced a persistent dilemma in China since the nineteenth century: how to retain control over corporate hierarchies while adapting to local social networks. Sherman Cochran, in the first study to compare Western, Japanese, and Chinese businesses in Chinese history, shows how vario . . . [more]Similar Items | 18. | | Title: Refuge of the honored: social organization in a Japanese retirement community Author: Kinoshita, Yasuhito 1953- Published: University of California Press, 1993 Subjects: Anthropology | Cultural Anthropology | Sociology | JapanPublisher's Description: Faced with the decline of the traditional family and the explosive growth of the over-65 population, the Japanese are looking for new ways to care for their elders. This timely study documents the birth of a major social phenomenon in Japan - the planned retirement community.In the mid-1980s, Yasuhi . . . [more]Similar Items | 19. | | Title: Working-class heroes: protecting home, community, and nation in a Chicago neighborhoodAuthor: Kefalas, Maria Published: University of California Press, 2003 Subjects: Sociology | American Studies | Anthropology | Urban Studies | Ethnic Studies | Gender Studies | Politics | Social Problems | Urban Studies | Urban StudiesPublisher's Description: Chicago's Southwest Side is one of the last remaining footholds for the city's white working class, a little-studied and little-understood segment of the American population. This book paints a nuanced and complex portrait of the firefighters, police officers, stay-at-home mothers, and office worker . . . [more]Similar Items | 20. | | Title: Inventing home: emigration, gender, and the middle class in Lebanon, 1870-1920 Author: Khater, Akram Fouad 1960- Published: University of California Press, 2001 Subjects: History | Middle Eastern History | Women's Studies | Sociology | Middle Eastern StudiesPublisher's Description: Between 1890 and 1920 over one-third of the peasants of Mount Lebanon left their villages and traveled to the Americas. This book traces the journeys of these villagers from the ranks of the peasantry into a middle class of their own making. Inventing Home delves into the stories of these travels, s . . . [more]Similar Items |