| Your request for similar items found 20 book(s). | Modify Search | Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 book(s) |
1. |  | Title: Biodiversity conservation in Costa Rica: learning the lessons in a seasonal dry forestAuthor: Frankie, G. W Published: University of California Press, 2004 Subjects: EcologyEvolutionEnvironment | Ecology | Conservation | Latin American StudiesPublisher's Description: The beautiful tropical dry forest of northwest Costa Rica, with its highly seasonal rainfall and diversely vegetated landscape, is disappearing even more rapidly than Costa Rica's better-known rain forest, primarily because it has been easier to convert to agriculture. This book, based on more than . . . [more]Similar Items | 2. |  | Title: Tropical forests and the human spirit: journeys to the brink of hopeAuthor: Stone, Roger D Published: University of California Press, 2002 Subjects: EcologyEvolutionEnvironment | Ecology | Conservation | AnthropologyPublisher's Description: Tropical forests are vanishing at an alarming rate. This book, based on extensive international field research, highlights one solution for preserving this precious resource: empowering local people who depend on the forest for survival. Synthesizing a vast amount of information that has never been . . . [more]Similar Items | 3. |  | Title: Changing fortunes: biodiversity and peasant livelihood in the Peruvian AndesAuthor: Zimmerer, Karl S Published: University of California Press, 1997 Subjects: Anthropology | Geography | Ecology | Latin American StudiesPublisher's Description: Two of the world's most pressing needs - biodiversity conservation and agricultural development in the Third World - are addressed in Karl S. Zimmerer's multidisciplinary investigation in geography. Zimmerer challenges current opinion by showing that the world-renowned diversity of crops grown in th . . . [more]Similar Items | 4. |  | Title: Contesting Earth's future: radical ecology and postmodernityAuthor: Zimmerman, Michael E 1946- Published: University of California Press, 1994 Subjects: Philosophy | Social and Political Thought | Natural History | Ecology | SociologyPublisher's Description: Radical ecology typically brings to mind media images of ecological activists standing before loggers' saws, staging anti-nuclear marches, and confronting polluters on the high seas. Yet for more than twenty years, the activities of organizations such as the Greens and Earth First! have been influen . . . [more]Similar Items | 5. |  | Title: The conquest of Ainu lands: ecology and culture in Japanese expansion, 1590-1800Author: Walker, Brett L 1967- Published: University of California Press, 2001 Subjects: History | Japan | Ethnic Studies | EcologyPublisher's Description: This model monograph is the first scholarly study to put the Ainu - the native people living in Ezo, the northernmost island of the Japanese archipelago - at the center of an exploration of Japanese expansion during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the height of the Tokugawa shogunal era. I . . . [more]Similar Items | 6. |  | Title: In our own hands: a strategy for conserving California's biological diversity Author: Jensen, Deborah B Published: University of California Press, 1993 Subjects: Environmental Studies | Ecology | Public Policy | California and the WestPublisher's Description: "Biodiversity." As argument over environmental and conservation policy grows more heated in California and throughout the nation, the term has become a buzzword. But what does biodiversity really mean? What really threatens it? Why should we care? In Our Own Hands offers a readable, scientifically s . . . [more]Similar Items | 7. |  | Title: The natural history of Big SurAuthor: Henson, Paul 1959- Published: University of California Press, 1993 Subjects: Environmental Studies | California and the West | Natural History | EcologyPublisher's Description: Each year millions of people visit the area of rugged California coastline and wild mountains known as Big Sur. Finally here is a book that is both a natural history of this beautiful region and an excellent guide to its extensive public lands. The first section introduces the area's geology, climat . . . [more]Similar Items | 8. |  | Title: Natural conflict resolutionAuthor: Aureli, Filippo 1962- Published: University of California Press, 2000 Subjects: Science | Zoology | Psychology | Cultural Anthropology | Politics | SociologyPublisher's Description: Aggression and competition are customarily presented as the natural state of affairs in both human society and the animal kingdom. Yet, as this book shows, our species relies heavily on cooperation for survival as do many others - from wolves and dolphins to monkeys and apes. A distinguished group o . . . [more]Similar Items | 9. |  | Title: Crimes against nature: squatters, poachers, thieves, and the hidden history of American conservation Author: Jacoby, Karl 1965- Published: University of California Press, 2001 Subjects: History | United States History | Natural HistoryPublisher's Description: Crimes against Nature reveals the hidden history behind three of the nation's first parklands: the Adirondacks, Yellowstone, and the Grand Canyon. Focusing on the impact that conservation in these areas had on rural people, Karl Jacoby traces the effect of criminalizing such traditional practices as . . . [more]Similar Items | 10. |  | Title: The new public management: improving research and policy dialogueAuthor: Barzelay, Michael Published: University of California Press, 2001 Subjects: Politics | Public Policy | Economics and Business | Social Science | SociologyPublisher's Description: How policymakers should guide, manage, and oversee public bureaucracies is a question that lies at the heart of contemporary debates about government and public administration. In their search for better systems of public management, reformers have looked in particular at the United Kingdom, Austral . . . [more]Similar Items | 11. |  | Title: Shady practices: agroforestry and gender politics in the Gambia Author: Schroeder, Richard A Published: University of California Press, 1999 Subjects: Geography | Anthropology | Ecology | African Studies | Social ProblemsPublisher's Description: Shady Practices is a revealing analysis of the gendered political ecology brought about by conflicting local interests and changing developmental initiatives in a West African village. Between 1975 and 1985, while much of Africa suffered devastating drought conditions, Gambian women farmers succeede . . . [more]Similar Items | 12. |  | Title: Ecology of the Southern California Bight: a synthesis and interpretationAuthor: Dailey, Murray D Published: University of California Press, 1994 Subjects: Science | Environmental Studies | Ecology | BiologyPublisher's Description: Here is a benchmark study of one significant stretch of the Pacific Ocean, the Southern California Bight. Extending from Point Conception to the Mexican border and out to the 200-mile limit, these waters have never before been investigated in such detail, from so many points of view, by such an emin . . . [more]Similar Items | 13. |  | Title: Birds of the Salton Sea: status, biogeography, and ecologyAuthor: Patten, Michael A Published: University of California Press, 2003 Subjects: Organismal Biology | Ecology | Ornithology | Animals | California and the WestPublisher's Description: The Salton Sea, California's largest inland lake, supports a spectacular bird population that is among the most concentrated and most diverse in the world. Sadly, this crucial stopover along the Pacific Flyway for migratory and wintering shorebirds, landbirds, and waterfowl is dangerously close to c . . . [more]Similar Items | 14. |  | Title: Public lands and political meaning: ranchers, the government, and the property between themAuthor: Merrill, Karen R Published: University of California Press, 2002 Subjects: History | Californian and Western History | United States History | LawPublisher's Description: The history of the American West is a history of struggles over land, and none has inspired so much passion and misunderstanding as the conflict between ranchers and the federal government over public grazing lands. Drawing upon neglected sources from organized ranchers, this is the first book to pr . . . [more]Similar Items | 15. |  | Title: Translating property: the Maxwell Land Grant and the conflict over land in the American West, 1840-1900Author: Montoya, María E 1964- Published: University of California Press, 2002 Subjects: History | Californian and Western History | Law | Latino Studies | California and the West | California and the WestPublisher's Description: Although Mexico lost its northern territories to the United States in 1848, battles over property rights and ownership have remained intense. This turbulent, vividly narrated story of the Maxwell Land Grant, a single tract of 1.7 million acres in northeastern New Mexico, shows how contending groups . . . [more]Similar Items | 16. |  | Title: Pollution in a promised land: an environmental history of Israel Author: Tal, Alon 1960- Published: University of California Press, 2002 Subjects: EcologyEvolutionEnvironment | Jewish Studies | Ecology | Geography | ConservationPublisher's Description: Virtually undeveloped one hundred years ago, Israel, the promised "land of milk and honey," is in ecological disarray. In this gripping book, Alon Tal provides--for the first time ever--a history of environmentalism in Israel, interviewing hundreds of experts and activists who have made it their mis . . . [more]Similar Items | 17. |  | Title: California's salmon and steelhead: the struggle to restore an imperiled resource Author: Lufkin, Alan Published: University of California Press, 1990 Subjects: Environmental Studies | Ecology | California and the West | Marine and Freshwater SciencesPublisher's Description: Millions upon millions of salmon and steelhead once filled California streams, providing a plentiful and sustainable food resource for the original peoples of the region. But over the years, dams and irrigation diversions have reduced natural spawning habitat from an estimated 6,000 miles to fewer t . . . [more]Similar Items | 18. |  | Title: Genetic nature/culture: anthropology and science beyond the two-culture divideAuthor: Goodman, Alan H Published: University of California Press, 2003 Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | SociologyPublisher's Description: The so-called science wars pit science against culture, and nowhere is the struggle more contentious - or more fraught with paradox - than in the burgeoning realm of genetics. A constructive response, and a welcome intervention, this volume brings together biological and cultural anthropologists to . . . [more]Similar Items | 19. |  | Title: Natural history of the White-Inyo Range, eastern California Author: Hall, Clarence A Published: University of California Press, 1991 Subjects: Environmental Studies | Ecology | Earth Sciences | California and the West | Natural HistoryPublisher's Description: The White-Inyo Range - rising sharply from the eastern edge of Owens Valley - is one of the most extraordinary landscapes in the world. High, dry, and amazingly diverse, it boasts an expansive alpine tundra and features the oldest living species on earth - the 4,000-year-old Bristlecone Pines. This . . . [more]Similar Items | 20. |  | Title: California rivers and streams: the conflict between fluvial process and land useAuthor: Mount, Jeffrey F 1954- Published: University of California Press, 1995 Subjects: Environmental Studies | California and the West | Ecology | GeographyPublisher's Description: California Rivers and Streams provides a clear and informative overview of the physical and biological processes that shape California's rivers and watersheds. Jeffrey Mount introduces relevant basic principles of hydrology and geomorphology and applies them to an understanding of the differences in . . . [more]Similar Items |