| Your request for similar items found 20 book(s). | Modify Search | Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 book(s) |
1. | | Title: Rhetorics of self-making Author: Battaglia, Debbora Published: University of California Press, 1995 Subjects: Anthropology | Cultural Anthropology | PsychologyPublisher's Description: Departing from an essentialist concept of the self, this highly original volume advances the cross-cultural study of selfhood with three contributions to the literature: First, it approaches the self as an ideological process, arguing that selfhood is culturally situated and emergent in social pract . . . [more]Similar Items | 2. | | Title: The Social importance of self-esteem Author: Mecca, Andrew Published: University of California Press, 1989 Subjects: Sociology | PsychiatryPublisher's Description: Is the well-being of a society dependent on the well-being of its citizenry? Does individual self-esteem play a causal role in chronic social problems such as child abuse, school drop-out rates, teenage pregnancy, alcohol and drug abuse, welfare dependency?In an attempt to answer these questions, th . . . [more]Similar Items | 3. | | Title: A'aisa's gifts: a study of magic and the selfAuthor: Stephen, Michele Published: University of California Press, 1995 Subjects: Anthropology | Cultural Anthropology | Folklore and Mythology | Indigenous Religions | PsychologyPublisher's Description: Filled with insight, provocative in its conclusions, A'aisa's Gifts is a groundbreaking ethnography of the Mekeo of Papua New Guinea and a valuable contribution to anthropological theory. Based on twenty years' fieldwork, this richly detailed study of Mekeo esoteric knowledge, cosmology, and self-co . . . [more]Similar Items | 4. | | Title: The disenchanted self: representing the subject in the Canterbury tales Author: Leicester, H. Marshall (Henry Marshall) 1942- Published: University of California Press, 1990 Subjects: Literature | Literary Theory and Criticism | Medieval StudiesPublisher's Description: The question of the "dramatic principle" in the Canterbury Tales , of whether and how the individual tales relate to the pilgrims who are supposed to tell them, has long been a central issue in the interpretation of Chaucer's work. Drawing on ideas from deconstruction, psychoanalysis, and social the . . . [more]Similar Items | 5. | | Title: Domestic individualism: imagining self in nineteenth-century AmericaAuthor: Brown, Gillian Published: University of California Press, 1992 Subjects: Literature | Literary Theory and Criticism | American Literature | Gender Studies | United States History | American StudiesPublisher's Description: Gillian Brown's book probes the key relationship between domestic ideology and formulations of the self in nineteenth-century America. Arguing that domesticity institutes gender, class, and racial distinctions that govern masculine as well as feminine identity, Brown brilliantly alters, for literary . . . [more]Similar Items | 6. | | Title: The sacred self: a cultural phenomenology of charismatic healingAuthor: Csordas, Thomas J Published: University of California Press, 1997 Subjects: Anthropology | Religion | PhilosophyPublisher's Description: How does religious healing work, if indeed it does? In this study of the contemporary North American movement known as the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Thomas Csordas investigates the healing practices of a modern religious movement to provide a rich cultural analysis of the healing experience. Thi . . . [more]Similar Items | 7. | | Title: Images and ideologies: self-definition in the Hellenistic world Author: Bulloch, A. W Published: University of California Press, 1994 Subjects: Classics | Philosophy | Classical Philosophy | Ancient History | Art HistoryPublisher's Description: This volume captures the individuality, the national and personal identity, the cultural exchange, and the self-consciousness that have long been sensed as peculiarly potent in the Hellenistic world. The fields of history, literature, art, philosophy, and religion are each presented using the format . . . [more]Similar Items | 8. | | Title: Earthly bodies, magical selves: contemporary pagans and the search for communityAuthor: Pike, Sarah M 1959- Published: University of California Press, 2001 Subjects: Religion | AnthropologyPublisher's Description: Recent decades have seen a revival of paganism, and every summer people gather across the United States to celebrate this increasingly popular religion. Sarah Pike's engrossing ethnography is the outcome of five years attending neo-pagan festivals, interviewing participants, and sometimes taking par . . . [more]Similar Items | 9. | | Title: Many Rāmāyaṇas: the diversity of a narrative tradition in South Asia Author: Richman, Paula Published: University of California Press, 1991 Subjects: Religion | Hinduism | Cultural Anthropology | South AsiaPublisher's Description: Throughout Indian history, many authors and performers have produced, and many patrons have supported, diverse tellings of the story of the exiled prince Rama, who rescues his abducted wife by battling the demon king who has imprisoned her. The contributors to this volume focus on these "many" Ramay . . . [more]Similar Items | 10. | | Title: The color of gender: reimaging democracy Author: Eisenstein, Zillah R Published: University of California Press, 1994 Subjects: Gender Studies | European Literature | Literary Theory and Criticism | Women's StudiesPublisher's Description: In this provocative volume, Zillah Eisenstein uncovers the hidden sexual and racial politics of the past decade. Beginning where she left off in her award-winning book The Female Body and the Law , Eisenstein takes the reader on a feminist-inspired road trip, traveling from the thicket of recent abo . . . [more]Similar Items | 11. | | Title: Body work: beauty and self-image in American cultureAuthor: Gimlin, Debra L 1967- Published: University of California Press, 2002 Subjects: Sociology | Gender Studies | American StudiesPublisher's Description: Today women are lifting weights to build muscle, wrapping their bodies in seaweed to reduce unwanted water retention, attending weigh-ins at diet centers, and devoting themselves to many other types of "body work." Filled with the voices of real women, this book unravels the complicated emotional an . . . [more]Similar Items | 12. | | Title: A Chinese bestiary: strange creatures from the guideways through mountains and seas = [Shan hai jing]Author: Strassberg, Richard E Published: University of California Press, 2003 Subjects: Art | Asian Literature | China | Folklore and Mythology | Asian HistoryPublisher's Description: A Chinese Bestiary presents a fascinating pageant of mythical creatures from a unique and enduring cosmography written in ancient China. The Guideways through Mountains and Seas, compiled between the fourth and first centuries b.c.e., contains descriptions of hundreds of fantastic denizens of mounta . . . [more]Similar Items | 13. | | Title: Rugged justice: the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the American West, 1891-1941 Author: Frederick, David C Published: University of California Press, 1994 Subjects: History | History | United States History | Californian and Western History | California and the West | LawPublisher's Description: Few chapters in American judicial history have enjoyed as colorful a past as has the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Created in 1891, its jurisdiction now encompasses California, Oregon, Nevada, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Arizona, Hawaii, and Alaska. David Frederick has mined archival . . . [more]Similar Items | 14. | | Title: Interpreting the self: autobiography in the Arabic literary tradition Author: Reynolds, Dwight Fletcher 1956- Published: University of California Press, 2001 Subjects: Middle Eastern Studies | Literature in Translation | Comparative Literature | Middle Eastern HistoryPublisher's Description: Autobiography is a literary genre which Western scholarship has ascribed mostly to Europe and the West. Countering this assessment and presenting many little-known texts, this comprehensive work demonstrates the existence of a flourishing tradition in Arabic autobiography. Interpreting the Self disc . . . [more]Similar Items | 15. | | Title: The Society of Six: California coloristsAuthor: Boas, Nancy 1934- Published: University of California Press, 1997 Subjects: Art | Art History | California and the West | Californian and Western HistoryPublisher's Description: Six plein-air painters in Oakland, California, joined together in 1917 to form an association that lasted nearly fifteen years. The Society of Six - Selden Connor Gile, Maurice Logan, William H. Clapp, August F. Gay, Bernard von Eichman, and Louis Siegriest - created a color-centered modernist idiom . . . [more]Similar Items | 16. | | Title: Passions of the tongue: language devotion in Tamil India, 1891-1970 Author: Ramaswamy, Sumathi Published: University of California Press, 1997 Subjects: Asian Studies | History | South Asia | Language and Linguistics | Asian History | Asian LiteraturePublisher's Description: Why would love for their language lead several men in southern India to burn themselves alive in its name? Passions of the Tongue analyzes the discourses of love, labor, and life that transformed Tamil into an object of such passionate attachment, producing in the process one of modern India's most . . . [more]Similar Items | 17. | | Title: The color bind: California's battle to end affirmative action Author: Chavez, Lydia 1951- Published: University of California Press, 1998 Subjects: Politics | American Studies | Public Policy | California and the WestPublisher's Description: The Color Bind tells the story of how Glynn Custred and Thomas Wood, two unknown academics, decided to write Proposition 209 in 1992 and thereby set in motion a series of events, far beyond their control, destined to transform the legal, political, and everyday meaning of civil rights for the next g . . . [more]Similar Items | 18. | | Title: The private worlds of Marcel Duchamp: desire, liberation, and the self in modern culture Author: Seigel, Jerrold Published: University of California Press, 1997 Subjects: Art | History | Popular CulturePublisher's Description: Marcel Duchamp is a founding figure of twentieth-century art and culture, the common source to which many contemporary movements trace their roots. His career has often been celebrated for its contradictions and discontinuities, its disparate parts unified only by their assault on the traditions of . . . [more]Similar Items | 19. | | Title: Encounters with aging: mythologies of menopause in Japan and North AmericaAuthor: Lock, Margaret M Published: University of California Press, 1994 Subjects: Anthropology | Medical Anthropology | Women's Studies | JapanPublisher's Description: Margaret Lock explicitly compares Japanese and North American medical and political accounts of female middle age to challenge Western assumptions about menopause. She uses ethnography, interviews, statistics, historical and popular culture materials, and medical publications to produce a richly det . . . [more]Similar Items | 20. | | Title: Haiti, history, and the godsAuthor: Dayan, Joan 1949- Published: University of California Press, 1996 Subjects: Literature | History | Folklore and Mythology | Cultural AnthropologyPublisher's Description: In Haiti, History, and the Gods Joan Dayan charts the cultural imagination of Haiti not only by reconstructing the island's history but by highlighting ambiguities and complexities that have been ignored. She investigates the confrontational space in which Haiti is created and recreated in fiction a . . . [more]Similar Items |