1. | | Title: Expectations of modernity: myths and meanings of urban life on the Zambian CopperbeltAuthor: Ferguson, James 1959- Published: University of California Press, 1999 Subjects: Anthropology | African Studies | Cultural Anthropology | African History | Postcolonial Studies | Social ProblemsPublisher's Description: Once lauded as the wave of the African future, Zambia's economic boom in the 1960s and early 1970s was fueled by the export of copper and other primary materials. Since the mid-1970s, however, the urban economy has rapidly deteriorated, leaving workers scrambling to get by. Expectations of Modernity . . . [more]Similar Items |
2. | | Title: State capitalism and working-class radicalism in the French aircraft industry Author: Chapman, Herrick Published: University of California Press, 1990 Subjects: History | European History | Politics | Technology and Society | French StudiesPublisher's Description: In the 1950s and 1960s France experienced an economic miracle. As the state's role expanded with efforts to create a more modern economy, however, labor relations remained more volatile and workers more radical than elsewhere in western Europe. Herrick Chapman argues in this important new book that . . . [more]Similar Items |
3. | | Title: Making sweatshops: the globalization of the U.S. apparel industryAuthor: Rosen, Ellen Israel Published: University of California Press, 2002 Subjects: American Studies | Sociology | Anthropology | Politics | Labor StudiesPublisher's Description: The only comprehensive historical analysis of the globalization of the U.S. apparel industry, this book focuses on the reemergence of sweatshops in the United States and the growth of new ones abroad. Ellen Israel Rosen, who has spent more than a decade investigating the problems of America's domest . . . [more]Similar Items |
4. | | Title: The Bug Creek problem and the Cretaceous-Tertiary transition at McGuire Creek, Montana Author: Lofgren, Donald L 1950- Published: University of California Press, 1995 Subjects: Science | PaleontologyPublisher's Description: Bug Creek assemblages from Montana, transitional in composition between typical Cretaceous and Paleocene vertebrate faunas, are critical to K-T extinction debates because they have been used to support both gradual and catastrophic K-T extinction scenarios. Geological and palynological data from McG . . . [more]Similar Items |
5. | | Title: Dark side of fortune: triumph and scandal in the life of oil tycoon Edward L. DohenyAuthor: Davis, Margaret L Published: University of California Press, 1998 Subjects: History | California and the West | American Studies | Cultural Anthropology | Autobiographies and BiographiesPublisher's Description: Dark Side of Fortune contains all the elements of a Hollywood thriller. Filling in one of the most important gaps in the history of the American West, Margaret Leslie Davis's riveting biography follows Edward L. Doheny's fascinating story from his days as an itinerant prospector in the dangerous jun . . . [more]Similar Items |
6. | | Title: Big business and industrial conflict in nineteenth-century France: a social history of the Parisian Gas Company Author: Berlanstein, Lenard R Published: University of California Press, 1991 Subjects: History | European History | French Studies | Economics and Business | Technology and SocietyPublisher's Description: Founded in 1855, the Parisian Gas Company (PGC) quickly developed into one of France's greatest industrial enterprises, an exemplar of the new industrial capitalism that was beginning to transform the French economy. The PGC supplied at least half the coal gas consumed in France through the 1870s an . . . [more]Similar Items |
7. | | Title: The Antislavery debate: capitalism and abolitionism as a problem in historical interpretationAuthor: Bender, Thomas Published: University of California Press, 1992 Subjects: History | United States History | American StudiesPublisher's Description: This volume brings together one of the most provocative debates among historians in recent years. The center of controversy is the emergence of the antislavery movement in the United States and Britain and the relation of capitalism to this development.The essays delve beyond these issues, however, . . . [more]Similar Items |
8. | | Title: Moral communities: the culture of class relations in the Russian printing industry, 1867-1907 Author: Steinberg, Mark Published: University of California Press, 1992 Subjects: History | European History | Russian and Eastern European StudiesPublisher's Description: This valuable study offers a rare perspective on the social and political crisis in late Imperial Russia. Mark D. Steinberg focuses on employers, supervisors, and workers in the printing industry as it evolved from a state-dependent handicraft to a capitalist industry. He explores class relations an . . . [more]Similar Items |
9. | | Title: Capitalism from within: economy, society, and the state in a Japanese fishery Author: Howell, David Luke Published: University of California Press, 1995 Subjects: History | Asian History | Japan | Economics and BusinessPublisher's Description: Japan's stunning metamorphosis from an isolated feudal regime to a major industrial power over the course of the nineteeth and early twentieth centuries has long fascinated and vexed historians. In this study, David L. Howell looks beyond the institutional and technological changes that followed Jap . . . [more]Similar Items |
10. | | Title: Farewell to the factory: auto workers in the late twentieth centuryAuthor: Milkman, Ruth 1954- Published: University of California Press, 1997 Subjects: Sociology | PoliticsPublisher's Description: This study exposes the human side of the decline of the U.S. auto industry, tracing the experiences of two key groups of General Motors workers: those who took a cash buyout and left the factory, and those who remained and felt the effects of new technology and other workplace changes. Milkman's ext . . . [more]Similar Items |
11. | | Title: Behind the label: inequality in the Los Angeles apparel industryAuthor: Bonacich, Edna Published: University of California Press, 2000 Subjects: Sociology | Social Problems | California and the West | Labor Studies | Economics and Business | Urban Studies | American Studies | Ethnic StudiesPublisher's Description: In a study crucial to our understanding of American social inequality, Edna Bonacich and Richard Appelbaum investigate the return of sweatshops to the apparel industry, especially in Los Angeles. The "new" sweatshops, they say, need to be understood in terms of the decline in the American welfare st . . . [more]Similar Items |
12. | | Title: Technopolis: high-technology industry and regional development in southern California Author: Scott, Allen John Published: University of California Press, 1994 Subjects: Urban Studies | Geography | PoliticsPublisher's Description: Technopolis is a timely theoretical and empirical investigation of the world's largest high-technology industrial complex - Southern California. Allen Scott provides a new conceptual framework for understanding urban and regional growth processes based on a combination of inter-industrial, labor mar . . . [more]Similar Items |
13. | | Title: Oil and revolution in Mexico Author: Brown, Jonathan C. (Jonathan Charles) 1942- Published: University of California Press, 1993 Subjects: History | Latin American History | Latin American Studies | Economics and BusinessPublisher's Description: Anyone contemplating the consequences of foreign investment in Latin America will profit from reading this book. As Jonathan Brown shows, the dynamic growth of the Mexican oil industry resulted from both the domination of foreign capital and Mexico's own economic restructuring, conditions similar to . . . [more]Similar Items |
14. | | Title: Consuming the romantic utopia: love and the cultural contradictions of capitalismAuthor: Illouz, Eva 1961- Published: University of California Press, 1997 Subjects: Gender Studies | Cultural Anthropology | SociologyPublisher's Description: To what extent are our most romantic moments determined by the portrayal of love in film and on TV? Is a walk on a moonlit beach a moment of perfect romance or simply a simulation of the familiar ideal seen again and again on billboards and movie screens? In her unique study of American love in the . . . [more]Similar Items |
15. | | Title: A golden state: mining and economic development in gold rush California Author: Rawls, James J Published: University of California Press, 1999 Subjects: California and the West | American Studies | Natural History | Geography | Californian and Western History | United States HistoryPublisher's Description: California's storied Gold Rush triggered momentous changes not only for the state, but also for the nation and the world. The economic impact of that epoch-making event is the focus of the second volume of the California History Sesquicentennial Series. The chapter contributors offer a range of pers . . . [more]Similar Items |
16. | | Title: Alliance capitalism: the social organization of Japanese business Author: Gerlach, Michael L Published: University of California Press, 1997 Subjects: Economics and Business | Sociology | JapanPublisher's Description: Business practices in Japan inspire fierce and even acrimonious debate, especially when they are compared to American practices. This book attempts to explain the remarkable economic success of Japan in the postwar period - a success it is crucial for us to understand in a time marked by controversi . . . [more]Similar Items |
17. | | Title: Assembled in Japan: electrical goods and the making of the Japanese consumerAuthor: Partner, Simon Published: University of California Press, 2000 Subjects: History | Japan | Media Studies | Technology and Society | ConsumerismPublisher's Description: Assembled in Japan investigates one of the great success stories of the twentieth century: the rise of the Japanese electronics industry. Contrary to mainstream interpretation, Simon Partner discovers that behind the meteoric rise of Sony, Matsushita, Toshiba, and other electrical goods companies wa . . . [more]Similar Items |
18. | | Title: The cigarette papers Author: Glantz, Stanton A Published: University of California Press, 1998 Subjects: Politics | Medicine | Public Policy | Law | United States HistoryPublisher's Description: Around-the-clock tobacco talks, multibillion-dollar lawsuits against the major cigarette companies, and legislative wrangling over how much to tax a pack of cigarettes - these are some of the most recent episodes in the war against the tobacco companies. The Cigarette Papers shows what started it al . . . [more]Similar Items |
19. | | Title: Oil age Eskimos Author: Jorgensen, Joseph G 1934- Published: University of California Press, 1990 Subjects: Anthropology | Ecology | Economics and BusinessPublisher's Description: In a book made especially timely by the disastrous Exxon Valdez oil spill in March 1989, Joseph Jorgensen analyzes the impact of Alaskan oil extraction on Eskimo society. The author investigated three communities representing three environments: Gambell (St. Lawrence Island, Bering Sea), Wainwright . . . [more]Similar Items |
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