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UC Press E-Books Collection, 1982-2004
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Your search for anthropology in keywords found 1092 book(s).
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Title: An anthropology of the subject: holographic worldview in New Guinea and its meaning and significance for the world of anthropology
Author: Wagner, Roy
Published: University of California Press,  2001
Subjects: Anthropology | Pacific Rim Studies | Geography | Cultural Anthropology | Folklore and Mythology
Publisher's Description: An Anthropology of the Subject rounds out the theoretical-philosophical cosmos of one of the twentieth century's most intellectually adventurous anthropologists. Roy Wagner, having turned "culture" and "symbols" inside out (in The Invention of Culture and Symbols That Stand for Themselves, respectiv . . . [more]
Matches in book (64):
...An Anthropology of the Subject... New Guinea and Its Meaning and Significance for the World of Anthropology...
...riches) that needs, as he put it, “no external enemy. ” Nor does anthropology....
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Title: Writing at the margin: discourse between anthropology and medicine
Author: Kleinman, Arthur
Published: University of California Press,  1997
Subjects: Anthropology | Medical Anthropology | Sociology | Medicine | Asian Studies | Social Problems
Publisher's Description: One of the most influential and creative scholars in medical anthropology takes stock of his recent intellectual odysseys in this collection of essays. Arthur Kleinman, an anthropologist and psychiatrist who has studied in Taiwan, China, and North America since 1968, draws upon his bicultural, multi . . . [more]
Matches in book (198):
...Discourse between Anthropology and Medicine...
...3 Anthropology of Bioethics...
...At the Margin of Medical Anthropology...
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Title: From savage to Negro: anthropology and the construction of race, 1896-1954
Author: Baker, Lee D 1966-
Published: University of California Press,  1998
Subjects: Anthropology | Cultural Anthropology | Ethnic Studies | African American Studies | United States History | Sociology
Publisher's Description: Lee D. Baker explores what racial categories mean to the American public and how these meanings are reinforced by anthropology, popular culture, and the law. Focusing on the period between two landmark Supreme Court decisions - Plessy v. Ferguson (the so-called "separate but equal" doctrine establis . . . [more]
Matches in book (420):
...Anthropology and the Construction of Race, 1896–1954...
...The "American School" of Anthropology...
...Anthropology and Professional- School Desegregation...
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Title: Pathways of power: building an anthropology of the modern world
Author: Wolf, Eric R 1923-
Published: University of California Press,  2001
Subjects: Anthropology | Cultural Anthropology | Sociology
Publisher's Description: This collection of twenty-eight essays by renowned anthropologist Eric R. Wolf is a legacy of some of his most original work, with an insightful foreword by Aram Yengoyan. Of the essays, six have never been published and two have not appeared in English until now. Shortly before his death, Wolf prep . . . [more]
Matches in book (350):
...Building an Anthropology of the Modern World...
...Anthropology among the Powers...
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Title: History, power, ideology: central issues in Marxism and anthropology
Author: Donham, Donald L. (Donald Lewis)
Published: University of California Press,  1999
Subjects: Anthropology | Social Theory | African Studies
Publisher's Description: Is Marxism a reflection of the conceptual system it fights against, rather than a truly comprehensive approach to human history? Drawing on recent work in anthropology, history, and philosophy, Donald Donham confronts this problem in analyzing a radically different social order: the former Maale kin . . . [more]
Matches in book (193):
...Central Issues in Marxism and Anthropology...
...WOLF Distinguished Professor, Anthropology Herbert Lehman College and Graduate...
...Hierarchy in Its Place." Cultural Anthropology 3 (1988): 36-49. Asad, Talal, ed....
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Title: Media worlds: anthropology on new terrain
Author: Ginsburg, Faye D
Published: University of California Press,  2002
Subjects: Anthropology | Media Studies | Cultural Anthropology | Electronic Media | Postcolonial Studies | Ethnic Studies | Gender Studies | Sociology | Sociology | Sociology
Publisher's Description: This groundbreaking volume showcases the exciting work emerging from the ethnography of media, a burgeoning new area in anthropology that expands both social theory and ethnographic fieldwork to examine the way media - film, television, video - are used in societies around the globe, often in places . . . [more]
Matches in book (213):
...Anthropology on New Terrain...
...or a Plebian Public Sphere ? Visual Anthropology Review 10 ( 1 ): 47–60 ....
...1998 . The Politicization of ‘Culture’ . Anthropology Today 14 ( 1 ): 7–15 ....
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Title: History and tradition in Melanesian anthropology online access is available to everyone
Author: Carrier, James G
Published: University of California Press,  1992
Subjects: Anthropology | East Asia Other
Publisher's Description: Melanesian societies, like village societies in many parts of the world, are frequently portrayed as existing in a timeless, traditional present. These seven original essays offer an alternative view, one showing that historical evidence can and must inform our understanding of contemporary cultures . . . [more]
Matches in book (237):
...History and Tradition in Melanesian Anthropology...
...Critique of Anthropology...
...Reconceptualizing Anthropology's Problematic...
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Title: Annihilating difference: the anthropology of genocide
Author: Hinton, Alexander Laban
Published: University of California Press,  2002
Subjects: Anthropology | African Studies | Asian Studies | Ethnic Studies | Gender Studies | History | Sociology | Media Studies | Religion | Religion
Publisher's Description: Genocide is one of the most pressing issues that confronts us today. Its death toll is staggering: over one hundred million dead. Because of their intimate experience in the communities where genocide takes place, anthropologists are uniquely positioned to explain how and why this mass annihilation . . . [more]
Matches in book (235):
...The Anthropology of Genocide...
...Anthropology and Genocide...
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Title: Genetic nature/culture: anthropology and science beyond the two-culture divide
Author: Goodman, Alan H
Published: University of California Press,  2003
Subjects: Anthropology | Biology | Sociology
Publisher's Description: The so-called science wars pit science against culture, and nowhere is the struggle more contentious - or more fraught with paradox - than in the burgeoning realm of genetics. A constructive response, and a welcome intervention, this volume brings together biological and cultural anthropologists to . . . [more]
Matches in book (160):
...Anthropology and Science beyond the Two-Culture Divide...
...Introduction Anthropology in an Age of Genetics...
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Title: The life of the law: anthropological projects
Author: Nader, Laura
Published: University of California Press,  2002
Subjects: Anthropology | Law
Publisher's Description: Laura Nader, an instrumental figure in the development of the field of legal anthropology, investigates an issue of vital importance for our time: the role of the law in the struggle for social and economic justice. In this book she gives an overview of the history of legal anthropology and at the s . . . [more]
Matches in book (102):
...Palau, and the Contribution of Anthropology. In Anthropological Contributions to...
...Nader, L. , and A. Sursock. 1986 . Anthropology and Justice. In Justice: Views...
...the past was linked to their legal anthropologies as well as to their visions of...
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Title: Women writing culture
Author: Behar, Ruth 1956-
Published: University of California Press,  1996
Subjects: Gender Studies | Gender Studies | Women's Studies | Sociology
Publisher's Description: In this collection of new reflections on the sexual politics, racial history, and moral predicaments of anthropology, feminist scholars explore a wide range of visions of identity and difference. How are feminists redefining the poetics and politics of ethnography? What are the contradictions of wom . . . [more]
Matches in book (725):
...Maleness, Travel, and Anthropology...
...Alice Walker as Anthropology's Interlocutor...
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Title: The myth of the noble savage
Author: Ellingson, Terry Jay
Published: University of California Press,  2001
Subjects: Anthropology | Cultural Anthropology | Intellectual History | European History | American Studies | European Studies | Postcolonial Studies
Publisher's Description: In this important and original study, the myth of the Noble Savage is an altogether different myth from the one defended or debunked by others over the years. That the concept of the Noble Savage was first invented by Rousseau in the mid-eighteenth century in order to glorify the "natural" life is e . . . [more]
Matches in book (146):
...Hunt's Racist Anthropology...
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Title: What it means to be 98% chimpanzee: apes, people, and their genes
Author: Marks, Jonathan (Jonathan M.) 1955-
Published: University of California Press,  2002
Subjects: EcologyEvolutionEnvironment | Evolution | Physical Anthropology | Sociology | Medicine | Mammalogy
Publisher's Description: The overwhelming similarity of human and ape genes is one of the best-known facts of modern genetic sciencenm. But what does this similarity mean? Does it, as many have suggested, have profound implications for understanding human nature? Well-known molecular anthropologist Jonathan Marks uses the h . . . [more]
Matches in book (142):
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Title: Envisioning power: ideologies of dominance and crisis
Author: Wolf, Eric R 1923-
Published: University of California Press,  1999
Subjects: Anthropology | Social Theory | Social and Political Thought | Political Theory | Intellectual History
Publisher's Description: With the originality and energy that have marked his earlier works, Eric Wolf now explores the historical relationship of ideas, power, and culture. Responding to anthropology's long reliance on a concept of culture that takes little account of power, Wolf argues that power is crucial in shaping the . . . [more]
Matches in book (120):
...Pragmatism in Anthropology...
...1979. The Man-Eating Myth: Anthropology and Anthropophagy. Oxford: Oxford...
...have had too little attention in anthropology since the advent of functionalism...
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Title: Childbirth and authoritative knowledge: cross-cultural perspectives
Author: Davis-Floyd, Robbie
Published: University of California Press,  1997
Subjects: Anthropology | Women's Studies | Medicine
Publisher's Description: This benchmark collection of cross-cultural essays on reproduction and childbirth extends and enriches the work of Brigitte Jordan, who helped generate and define the field of the anthropology of birth. The authors' focus on authoritative knowledge - the knowledge that counts, on the basis of which . . . [more]
Matches in book (193):
...INTRODUCTION The Anthropology Of Birth...
...The Anthropology of Western Childbirth...
...INTRODUCTION The Anthropology Of Birth...
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Title: Venus on wheels: two decades of dialogue on disability, biography, and being female in America
Author: Frank, Gelya 1948-
Published: University of California Press,  2000
Subjects: Anthropology | Gender Studies | Sociology
Publisher's Description: In 1976 Gelya Frank began writing about the life of Diane DeVries, a woman born with all the physical and mental equipment she would need to live in our society--except arms and legs. Frank was 28 years old, DeVries 26. This remarkable book--by turns moving, funny, and revelatory--records the relati . . . [more]
Matches in book (154):
...are suggested by Knauft, “Pushing Anthropology Past the Posts,” 1994 .... stories are discussed in Frank, “Anthropology and Individual Lives,” 1995 ,...
...31, B4. Gough, Kathleen . 1968 . Anthropology: Child of Imperialism . Monthly...
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Title: The death of authentic primitive art and other tales of progress
Author: Errington, Shelly 1944-
Published: University of California Press,  1998
Subjects: Anthropology | Cultural Anthropology | Art History | Architectural History | Art Theory
Publisher's Description: In this lucid, witty, and forceful book, Shelly Errington argues that Primitive Art was invented as a new type of art object at the beginning of the twentieth century but that now, at the century's end, it has died a double but contradictory death. Authenticity and primitivism, both attacked by cult . . . [more]
Matches in book (62):
...Los Angeles: Center for Visual Anthropology, University of Southern California,...
...Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology), Leiden. Fig. 82: Drawing by Magü....
...Benedict, Burton. 1983. The Anthropology of World's Fairs: San Francisco's...
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Title: Paths to Asian medical knowledge
Author: Leslie, Charles M 1923-
Published: University of California Press,  1992
Subjects: Anthropology | Medical Anthropology | Asian Studies
Publisher's Description: Like its classic predecessor, Asian Medical Systems , Paths to Asian Medical Knowledge significantly expands the study of Asian medicine. These essays ask how patients and practitioners know what they know - what evidence of disease or health they consider convincing and what cultural traditions and . . . [more]
Matches in book (51): Medicine and the Department of Anthropology, McGill University, Montreal.... a Director of Studies in South Asian Anthropology and the History of Science,...
...who helped to create medical anthropology through her foresight in establishing...
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Title: The heart of the pearl shell: the mythological dimension of Foi sociality online access is available to everyone
Author: Weiner, James F
Published: University of California Press,  1988
Subjects: Anthropology
Publisher's Description: For the Foi people who live on the edge of the central highlands of Papua New Guinea, the flow of pearl shells is the "heart" of their social life. The pearl shell is the exchange item that mediates the creation of their most important sexual and social roles. The Heart of the Pearl Shell analyzes a . . . [more]
Matches in book (27):
...NJ: Prentice-Hall. Godelier, M. 1977. Perspectives in Marxist Anthropology . (...
...Cambridge Studies in Social Anthropology No. 18. ) Cambridge: Cambridge...
...Account." Southwest Journal of Anthropology , 28(3):230-254. Vicedom, G. F....
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Title: Standing ground: Yurok Indian spirituality, 1850-1990
Author: Buckley, Thomas C. T
Published: University of California Press,  2002
Subjects: American Studies | Anthropology | Native American Ethnicity
Publisher's Description: This colorful, richly textured account of spiritual training and practice within an American Indian social network emphasizes narrative over analysis. Thomas Buckley's foregrounding of Yurok narratives creates one major level of dialogue in an innovative ethnography that features dialogue as its cen . . . [more]
Matches in book (74):
...Perspectives on the History of Anthropology , edited by Sydel Silverman . New...
...three, all graduate students in anthropology at Berkeley in the mid-1960s, was...
...against culture . In Recapturing Anthropology: Working in the Present , edited...
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