Voting at the Political Fault Line


 collapse section1. Introduction and Background
 expand section1. California's Blanket Primary Experiment
 expand section2. Crossover Voting before the Blanket
 expand section3. Political Reform via the Initiative Process
 collapse section4. Context and Setting

 collapse section2. Crossover Voting
 expand section5. The Causes and Consequences of Crossover Voting in the 1998 California Elections
 expand section6. Should I Stay or Should I Go?
 expand section7. Peeking Under the Blanket

 collapse section3. Effects of the Blanket Primary
 expand section8. Crossing Over When It Counts
 expand section9. Candidates, Donors, and Voters in California's Blanket Primary Elections
 expand section10. Strategic Voting and Candidate Policy Positions
 expand section11. Openness Begets Opportunity
 expand section12. Thinner Ranks
 expand section13. Targets of Opportunity
 expand section14. Candidate Strategy, Voter Response,  and Party Cohesion

 collapse section4. Conclusions and Implications
 expand section15. The Blanket Primary in the Courts
 expand section16. Strategies and Rules
 expand section17. Conclusion


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