Preferred Citation: . The Oceans, Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology. New York:  Prentice-Hall,  c1942 1942.



  1. Magnesium, 175

  2. Mammalia:

    1. reproduction, 326

    2. synopsis, 313

  3. Manganese, 184

    1. in red clay, 1029, 1030

    2. nodules and concretions, 952, 1028

  4. Mechanical analysis of sediments, 958, 970

  5. Mediterranean Sea:

    1. bottom topography, 34

    2. currents, 647, 648

    3. formation of bottom water, 645

    4. oxygen content, 648–650

    5. plant nutrients, 245

    6. water masses, 643–646

  6. Mediterranean Water, spreading of, 670, 685, 686, 745

  7. Medusae:

    1. biological studies on, 320, 820

    2. reproduction, 320

    3. synopsis, 306

  8. Meroplankton (see Zooplankton, temporary)

  9. Messengers, 354

  10. Meter wheel, 338

  11. Micro-plants, significance of, 883–884

  12. Migrations:

    1. eel, 811, 861–862

    2. from land to sea, 283, 302

    3. from sea to land, 284

    4. salmon, 811

    5. vertical, 835–839

    6. whales, 811, 905

  13. Mixing length, 472

    1. near a boundary surface, 479

  14. Mollusca:

    1. reproduction of, 324

    2. synopsis of, 310–311

  15. Momentum, transport of, 472, 473

  16. Mucus feeding, 889, 894

  17. Mud flows, 960


Preferred Citation: . The Oceans, Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology. New York:  Prentice-Hall,  c1942 1942.