Preferred Citation: . The Oceans, Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology. New York:  Prentice-Hall,  c1942 1942.



  1. Geochemistry:

    1. importance of sediments to, 947

    2. of the ocean waters, 219–222

  2. Geopotential, 403

    1. anomaly, 409

    2. topography, 404

      1. illustrated, 454, 726

      2. of isobaric surfaces, 412–413

  3. Glacier ice (see Icebergs)

  4. Glauconite, 1035, 1036

    1. factors important to formation, 997

    2. frequency of occurrence, 987

  5. Globigerina ooze (see Pelagic sediments), 305

  6. Gradient, 156

  7. Grazers of the sea, 884–886, 901–903

  8. Grazing as a control of diatoms, 901–902

  9. Gulf of California, 730–732

    1. lamination in sediments, 1040

  10. Gulf of Mexico:

    1. bottom topography, 35

    2. currents, 642

    3. oxygen content, 641

    4. water masses, 639–642

  11. Gulf Stream, 672, 675–680

  12. Gulf Stream System, 672

  13. Gulfweed (see Sargassum)



Preferred Citation: . The Oceans, Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology. New York:  Prentice-Hall,  c1942 1942.