Preferred Citation: . The Oceans, Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology. New York:  Prentice-Hall,  c1942 1942.



  1. Earth, size of, 9

  2. Earthquake waves (see also Tsunamis), 543, 544

  3. Earth's rotation:

    1. angular velocity, 433

    2. deflecting force, 390, 433–438

  4. East Greenland Current, 659, 660

  5. East Indian Archipelago, basins and water of 736–739

  6. Echinodermata:

    1. reproduction, 324, 325, 326

    2. synopsis, 311–312

  7. Echo sounding (see also Sonic soundings), 76

  8. Ecological groups of animals (see Animal population)

  9. Eddy conductivity, 92

    1. computation from temperature observations, 135–137

  10. Eddy conductivity of the air, 114

  11. Eddy diffusion:

    1. importance to transportation of sediments along bottom, 962–966

    2. lateral, dispersal of suspended material by, 959

  12. Eddy diffusivity, 93

    1. effect of stability on, 476, 477

    2. importance to tongue-like distributions, 504, 507

    3. lateral, 92, 93

      1. importance to sedimentation, 959

      2. importance to tongue-like distributions, 506–507

      3. numerical values, 483, 485

    4. numerical values, 481, 483, 484

  13. Eddy viscosity, 91, 473, 474

    1. influence of stability on, 476

    2. numerical values, 481, 482

    3. related to lateral mixing, 474, 475

      1. Antarctic Circumpolar Current, 621

      2. Equatorial Countercurrent, 634

      3. numerical values, 485

  14. Eel grass:

    1. as primary producer, 303, 893, 936–937

    2. structure and reproduction, 302–303

  15. Eels:

    1. dispersal of larvae, 861–862

    2. homoiosmotic condition, 271

    3. migrations, 811

  16. Ekman current meter, 367, 368

  17. Ekman spiral, 493

  18. Ekman water bottle, 354

  19. Elasmobranchs, 312

    1. osmotic pressure of body fluids, 271

  20. Electric conductivity, 71, 72

  21. Elements derived from earth's crust, 219–222

  22. Elements present in marine organisms, 228, 229

    1. concentration of, 233

  23. Elements present in sea water, 174

    1. table, 176, 177

  24. El Niño, 704, 705

    1. effect on fauna, 274

  25. Emerita:

    1. dispersal of larvae, 859–860

    2. feeding habits, 895

  26. Endemic populations, maintenance of, 863–865

  27. Energy equation, 441, 486

  28. Environment, marine:

    1. antiquity, 281–284

    2. characteristics, 268

    3. classification, 275–280

    4. extent, 274

  29. Environmental factors (see Light, Currents, Oxygen, Salinity, and Temperature)

  30. Equatorial Countercurrent:

    1. Atlantic, 633–637

    2. Indian Ocean, 696

    3. Pacific, 709–712

  31. Equatorial currents (see North and South Equatorial Currents)

  32. 1067
  33. Equiscalar curves, 155

  34. Equiscalar surfaces, 154, 155

  35. Equivalent diameters of sedimentary debris, 958

    1. compared to true dimensions, 982

    2. statistical terms derived from, 970, 971

    3. used for classifying sediments, 957, 974

  36. Eroding velocity of ocean currents, 961

  37. Erosion by currents, 41, 960–962

  38. Euphausiids:

    1. as food of whales, 904, 906–907

    2. reproduction, 323

    3. synopsis, 310

  39. Euphotic zone, 774

  40. Eurybathic animals, 806–807

  41. Evaporation:

    1. annual variation, 122

    2. average annual, 120

    3. computation of, 119, 120

    4. diurnal variation, 122, 124

    5. from the Black Sea, 650

    6. from the Mediterranean Sea, 647

    7. in different latitudes, 120, 121

      1. table, 123

    8. latent heat of, 62

    9. observations of, 119

    10. process of, 115–119

  42. Extraterrestrial material in sediments, 952


Preferred Citation: . The Oceans, Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology. New York:  Prentice-Hall,  c1942 1942.