The Oceans Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology


  I. Introduction
 expand sectionII. The Earth and the Ocean Basins
 collapse sectionIII. Physical Properties of Sea Water
 Salinity and Chlorinity
 Units of Temperature, Salinity, and Pressure, and Their Ranges in the Sea
 Density of Sea Water
 Thermal Properties of Sea Water
 Colligative and Other Properties of Sea Water
 Properties of Sea Ice
 Transmission of Sound
 Absorption of Radiation
 Eddy Conductivity, Diffusivity, and Viscosity
 expand sectionIV. General Distribution of Temperature, Salinity, and Density
 expand sectionV. Theory of Distribution of Variables in the Sea
 expand sectionVI. Chemistry of Sea Water
 expand sectionVII. Organisms and the Composition of Sea Water
 expand sectionVIII. The Sea as a Biological Environment
 expand sectionIX. Populations of the Sea
 expand sectionX. Observations and Collections at Sea
  XI. General Character of Ocean Currents
 expand sectionXII. Statics and Kinematics
 expand sectionXIII. Dynamics of Ocean Currents
 expand sectionXIV. Waves and Tides
 expand sectionXV. The Water Masses and Currents of the Oceans
 expand sectionXVI. Phytoplankton in Relation to Physical-Chemical Properties of the Environment
 expand sectionXVII. Animals in Relation to Physical-Chemical Properties of the Environment
 expand sectionXVIII. Interrelations of Marine Organisms
 expand sectionXIX. Organic Production in the Sea
 expand sectionXX. Marine Sedimentation

 expand sectionTables for Computing Geopotential Distances between Isobaric Surfaces
 expand sectionSubject Index
 expand sectionIndex of Names

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