OObelia, 306 reproduction, 320
Ocean currents, ecological relations of:
animals, 858–869 plants, 782–792
Oceanic environmental province, 275, 278 animals, 821, 827 plants, 763
Oceanographic vessels, 331–333 Oceans:
areas, 13, 15 boundaries of subdivisions, 12 mean depths, 13, 15 volumes, 13, 15
Oikopleura: feeding mechanism, 888 systematic position, 312
Okhotsk Sea, 733 Oozes, ecological importance of, 278 Organic constituents in Sediments, 949–951, 983–986 Organic environment, 879 Organic matter:
dissolved, utilization of, 911–913 in sediments, 951 chemical composition, 1010 decrease with depth in deposit, 1016 distribution, 1013–1017 factors determining amounts, 1012–1013 quantity, 1008–1010 sources, 951, 1011
Organic production in the sea, 925–926 commercial, 936–937 cycle of organic matter in the sea, 926 in different regions, 937–944 phytoplankton, 927–934 zooplankton, 934–936
Osmotic pressure, function of salinity and temperature, 66, 67 Osmotic relationships of body fluids:
fresh-water animals, 269 marine animals, 269, 271, 839
― 1071 ― Oxidation-reduction potential, 211, 212 importance to accumulation of iron in sediments, 1032 importance to accumulation of manganese in sediments, 1031 in sediments, 995–997
as an environmental factor, 869–873, 903, 913, 917 in organic matter in sediments, 1011 production and consumption of, as index of organic production, 933–934 production by plants, 767, 777, 933
Oxygen, dissolved:
depletion in interstitial water, 995 depletion in relation to nutrient content, 237 determination, 187 relation to pH distribution, 209 solubility, 189–191
Oxygen consumption, bacterial, as a measure of organic carbon, 250 Oxygen content (see under specific geographic regions):
oceanic deep-water, 746, 748, 752–754
Oxygen distribution (see under specific geographic regions):
conditions for stationary, 161, 162 related to deep-water circulation, 754
Oyashio, 721, 733 meeting Kuroshio Extension, 722
Oysters, reproduction of, 316, 324, 846–847, 857