HHalosphaera, 301, 302 Heat:
conducted through ocean bottom, 110 exchange, ocean-atmosphere, 114, 115 off Norwegian coast, 656
specific, 61, 62 transformed from kinetic energy, 110 transported by ocean currents, 99
Helium, 189 Herring, numbers correlated with copepods, 892, 906, 907 Histogram, 970, 980 Holoplankton:
characteristic types of, 816, 817 dispersal of, 862–863 numbers of species of, 868
Hydrogen-ion (seepH):
related to organisms, 268, 770
Hydrogen sulphide, 187 amounts in sea water, 189 at bottom of basins, 1028 exclusion of animals by, 871, 872 importance to precipitation of iron, 952, 1032 in Black Sea, 651, 917 in sediments, 995
Hydrometers, 53 Hypoplankton, 814 Hypsographic curve, 19