Radiation therapy, pericarditis and, 157 , 158
Radiography, 33 , 33 -34
angiocardiography, 43
Regurgitation, 126 -127
Regurgitation, aortic, 131 , 143 -145, 193
causes, 143 -144
complications, 145
diagnosis, 144
prognosis, 144 -145
Regurgitation, mitral, 118 , 130 -131, 140 , 143 , 191
causes, 140 -141
in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 154
infective endocarditis and, 143
ischemic, 142 -143
rheumatic, 141
Regurgitation, pulmonary, 145
Rheumatic fever, 127 -128
aortic regurgitation and, 144
epidemiology, 127 , 137
mitral stenosis and, 133 -134
cardiac, 90 , 118
of chordae tendineae, 142
of ventricular septum, 118