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Tachycardia, 58 , 71

ectopic, 73

paroxysmal atrial, 80 , 83 , 95

supraventricular, 80 , 83 , 95

treatment, 58 , 80

ventricular, 82 -83, 88 , 95

See also Arrhythmias

Tetralogy of Fallot, 170 -171

Thallium perfusion imaging, 38 -39, 39 .

See also Isotopic perfusion imaging

Therapy. See Treatment

Thrombosis, 188 -189

coronary, 98

mitral stenosis and, 135

preventive treatment, 100

Transplantation, cardiac, 61 , 70 , 125 , 153

Treadmill stress test, 32 , 102 -103

Treatment, 47

balloon valvuloplasty, 54 -55

cardioversion, 58

coronary angioplasty, 54 -55, 55

electric defibrillation, 57

exercise, 49

of heart failure, 68 -70

interventional therapy, 53 -54

intraaortic balloon pumping, 56 , 57

pacing overdrive, 58

patient life-style, 48 -49, 122

risk-benefit relationship, 47 -48, 84

surgical therapies, 59 -61

Tricuspid valve, 5 , 6

Ebstein's anomaly, 173 -174

regurgitation, 145 -146

stenosis, 145

Triglycerides, as predictors of coronary-artery disease, 99

Tumors, cardiac, 143

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