Preferred Citation: Swartz, Marc J. The Way the World Is: Cultural Processes and Social Relations among the Mombasa Swahili. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1991 1991.



Salience understandings, 10 -11, 102 , 196 , 304 , 314 n;

defined, 8

Salim, A., 28 , 33 , 35 , 37 , 39 , 40 , 45 , 56 , 313 n

Sanctioners, 17 -18, 189 -190, 191 -193, 195 -196, 201 , 291 -292, 309 -310;

defined, 189 -190.

See also Arbiters; Shame

Sanday, P., 125

Sankoff, G., 125

Schema, 19 ;

cultural rather than idiosyncratic, 235 -239;

extrinsic and intrinsic, 211 , 235 -237, 239 -241, 300 -301;

provided by evaluation, 288

Scheven, A., 61 , 316 n

Schwartz, T., 125 , 148 , 269 , 271

Secrecy, 317 n;

conflicting judgments and, 293 ;

culturally constituted means of limiting shame, 202 , 290 -291;

honor and, 182

Separation of women and men, 65 , 127 ;

role in wives' power, 243 -246

Shame, 185 -187, 188 , 288 , 322 n;

cultural diversity and, 207 -208;

defined, 180 -181;

diversity of standards for, 194 -197, 204 -205;

double status relativity, 178 , 289 -292;

guilt and, 179 -180, 288 ;

influence on men's social relations, 258 ;

overview, 16 -17;

secrecy and avoidance of, 193 -194, 201 -202;

status and limited sharing, 177 -178;

status-centered view of, 185 , 192 -196;

two types of, 289 -290;

uniform judgment, 178 -179.

See also Arbiters; Gender differences; Sanctioners

Shaming agents, 178 .

See also Arbiters; Sanctioners

Shared beliefs and values:

neither necessary nor sufficient to explain behavior, 272 -273;

uncritical invocation to explain culture's effectiveness, 3 , 268 -271

Sharifs, 30

Shirazi, 29 , 32 , 34 , 314 n

Shungmwaya, 315 n

Simplex statuses and relationships, 149 -152, 290 ;

as connected to multiplex, 277 ;

defined, 149 -150;

difficulty in name, 321 n;

transmit understandings in, 303 -304.

See also Cultural sharing; Evaluation;

Expectations; Multiplex statuses; Status

Sister, 74

Slaves, 37 , 38 , 39 , 318 n;

end of, for Swahili, 39 ;

term for co-, 318 n.

See also British; History of Swahili

Social pool:

definition, 75 ;

of men, women, 76

Social relationships. See Relationships

Social structure:

based in, but has separate effects, 265 -267, 304 -309;

as a cultural product, 308 , 314 n;

defined, 304 ;

role in wives' power, 263 , 265 -267, 308 -309;

shame and, 185 ;

statuses and, 305 -308;

transmission of culture and, 236 -239, 306 -308

Sons: showing love for, 74

Spear, T., 314 n, 315 n

Specific expectations, 75 ;

relationship terms and, 165 ;

require little interpretation, 296 ;

transmission of understandings in, 303 ;

widely shared by those in simplex relationships, 273 .

See also Expectations; General expectations; Simplex statuses

Spiro, M., xiii , 7 , 179 , 271 , 327 n


action arm of culture, 145 -146;

agreement on standards and, 192 , 275 ;

assignment to, 152 -155, 283 , 289 -290;

as basis for judging in shame, 16 -17, 190 -197, 276 -280, 289 -290;

components distribute cultural elements, 273 ;

components of, 8 -12;

and cultural organization, 301 , 325 n;

and culture, 6 -12, 145 -147, 274 ;

defined, 7 -8, 101 -102, 314 n;

as delivery system for other cultural elements, 273 -274, 277 -278;

essential for cultural guidance, 273 ;

establish situations, 327 n-328n;

four kinds of, 149 -151;

functions of, 150 -156;

gender based, 247 -249;

interdependence of, 278 -279;

judgment and, 191 -193, 291 -292;

may not be named, 111 -112, 320 -321n;

multiple occupancy, 10 -11, 267 , 313 -314n;

multiple occupancy and evaluation, 328 n;

one "spilling into" others, 203 , 305 -306;

relation to behavior, 6 , 7 -8, 279 , 305 -308;

sharing culture within, 110 -118, 123 -124, 294 ;

in social structure, 265 -266.

See also Cultural sharing; Evaluation; Expectations; Identifying understandings; Role; Social structure

Stroebel, M., 45 -46, 52 , 57 , 316 n, 325 n

Suleiman, Thabit and Miriam, xii

Sunni. See Islam

Swahili, ix , x , 320 n;

continuing effectiveness of culture of, 268 -270, 293 ;

criteria for being a member of group, 8 -9, 26 -27;

decline, 24 -25, 38 -40;

dialect of Mombasa


community, 321 n, 325 n;

economic condition following World War I, 56 -57;

medical treatment, 18 , 213 -231;

Mombasa community only, 313 n;

other Mombasans' view of, 82 ;

thanks to, 311 ;

traditional but not homogeneous, 108 .

See also Cultural sharing; History of Swahili

Swahili Arabs:

claimed identity with Omani Arabs, 44 ;

defined, 42 ;

identifying traits, 43 -44;

status of in Swahili community, 52 .

See also Arabs; Two-section community; Zanzibari Arabs

Swartz, Audrey, xii

Swartz, M., 29 , 35 , 58 , 101 , 104 , 118 , 120 , 127 , 157 , 269 , 288 , 301 , 313 n, 317 n, 319 n, 321 n, 327 n

Swartz, M. and D. Jordan, 275 , 306 , 307 , 313 n

Swartz, M., V. Turner, A. Tudin, 321 n


Preferred Citation: Swartz, Marc J. The Way the World Is: Cultural Processes and Social Relations among the Mombasa Swahili. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1991 1991.