Preferred Citation: Swartz, Marc J. The Way the World Is: Cultural Processes and Social Relations among the Mombasa Swahili. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1991 1991.



Railroad, 39 , 77

Radhi. See Parents and children

Reciprocity, 163

Reisman, P., 138 , 140 -141


both types depend on evaluations, 274 -275;

cultural sharing in, 118 -122;

cultural transmission and, 306 -307;

differs according to status types, 149 -152;

essential to cultural functioning and dependent on status agreement, 275 ;

intrinsic merit and connection with other, 307 -308;

judged by nonparticipants as well as participants, 293 ;

predictability essential to, 278 ;

type of expectations differs in multiplex and simplex, 273 ;

uncertainties about standards in, 292 .

See also Evaluation; Expectations; Multiplex statuses; Simplex statuses; Status

Relationship terms:

conformity encouraged by, 161 -165;

cultural elements in, 156 -157;

as cultural models, 175 -176, 284 -287;

emotion and value laden, 158 ;

failure to meet expectations and, 171 ;

shared understandings and, 156 -157;

similar to other symbols as models, 314 n;

study of, 157 ;

twenty-nine examined, 157 -175

Religion. See Islam

Residence, 53 , 54 -55, 83


decline in performance, 41 -42, 57 ,


58 ;

expense of, 42 , 57 ;

men's dance competitions, 46 -47, 51 -52;

source of tokens, 245 , 328 n;

women's dance competitions, 47 -48, 316 n;

women's pride in, 42 .

See also Two-section community; Women

Roberts, J., 104 , 274


defined, 17 -18, 314 n;

and explanation for limited cultural sharing in statuses, 294 ;

greatest pressures for conformity in, 294 ;

and status, 146 -147, 305 ;

variety of in every status, 292 .

See also Interaction


Preferred Citation: Swartz, Marc J. The Way the World Is: Cultural Processes and Social Relations among the Mombasa Swahili. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1991 1991.