Preferred Citation: Swartz, Marc J. The Way the World Is: Cultural Processes and Social Relations among the Mombasa Swahili. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1991 1991.



Census, 83 -85

Charter, 263


adopted versus "natural," 86 .

See also Parents and children

Christianity, 9

Cicourel, A., 274

Clans, 53 -54

Coefficient of cultural sharing:

calculating, 103 -104;

defined, 103

Cohen, Ronald, xiii

Cooper, F., 30 , 36 , 315 n

Costume of Swahili, 126 -127, 141

Cultural change:

arbiters and, 203 -204;

women and, 266 -267

Cultural conformity:

conflicting standards and, 293 ;

cultural models and, 148 ;



ferentiated called for by variety of status anyone occupies, 292 ;

double status dependency and, 291 -292;

effective inducements for, 294 ;

relationship terms and, 170 -171;

statuses and, 278 -280;

unshared culture and, 292 -293.

See also Expectations; Status

Cultural development, 4

Cultural distribution, 7 ;

and cultural organization, 325 n;

and limited cultural sharing, 269 ;

shame and, 190 -191, 202 -205, 272 -273;

and social structure, 21 ;

statuses as means for, 117 -118, 273 .

See also Cultural organization; Cultural sharing

Cultural models:

and action, 328 n;

and advertising, 324 n;

as behavioral guides and promoting conformity, 175 -176;

conformity and, 148 ;

general expectations and, 13 -14;

language and, 147 ;

as paradigms, 285 ;

political use of, 328 n;

schemata and, 148 ;

status, role and, 147 .

See also Cultural conformity; Cultural organization; General expectations

Cultural organization:

contrast between intrinsic and extrinsic, 235 -237;

defined, 22 , 209 -210;

general expectations and, 236 -237, 300 -302;

individual and, 210 , 235 -241;

of medical understandings and social morality, 220 -224;

statuses as base for, 21 -22, 278 -279, 325 n.

See also Cultural conformity; Cultural distribution

Cultural products:

emotionality for men is, in spouse relationship, 266 ;

and "material culture," 329 ;

social as, 308 .

See also Culture

Cultural sharing:

"all by all" sharing, 4 , 122 -123, 283 -284;

comparing Swahili sharing to other societies, 108 -109, 319 n;

continuing use of complete for explanations, 4 , 100 ;

cultural distribution and, 117 ;

culture works despite limits in, 3 -6;

does not by itself explain behavior, 272 ;

experts' sharing as base for pattern, 223 -224;

limited, 3 -4, 105 -107;

limited among members of same status, 3 , 14 , 110 -118;

limited even in nuclear family, 98 ;

limited in multiplex relations, 156 ;

measuring, 102 -105;

predictability and, 191 ;

sample for measuring, 104 -105;

of tokens providing poor predictability by itself, 273 ;

users' belief in, 273 ;

within family, 108 -110.

See also Relationships; Social structure; Status; Swahili; Unshared culture


definition, 7 , 326 n;

delivery required for usefulness, 277 -278;

difference between and behavior, 5 -6;

effects on nonsharers, 126 , 305 -307, 310 ;

general expectations essential to effectiveness of, 296 -297;

as information economy, 274 ;

meaning and, 5 ;

moral force of contingent, 275 ;

sharing, 7 , 18 -20.

See also Cultural development; Cultural distribution; Cultural models; Cultural organization; Cultural products; Social structure; Status and culture; Unshared culture

"Culture loaded" language, 140 , 147 , 314 n


Preferred Citation: Swartz, Marc J. The Way the World Is: Cultural Processes and Social Relations among the Mombasa Swahili. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1991 1991.