The Way the World is |
Preface |
1 Ethnographic and Theoretical Introduction |
2 Akher Zamani Mombasa Swahili History and Contemporary Society |
3 The Brotherhood of Coconuts Unity, Conflict, and Narrowing Loyalties |
4 He Who Eats with You Kinship, Family, and Neighborhood |
5 Understanding is Like Hair Limited Cultural Sharing and the Inappropriateness of "All by All" and "Some by Some" Models for Swahili Culture |
6 Close One of Your Eyes Concealing Differences Between the Generations and the Uses of "Tokens" |
7 Liking Only Those in Your Eye Relationship Terms, Statuses, and Cultural Models |
8 Tongues are Spears Shame and Differentiated Conformity |
9 Leaning on the Cow's Fat Hump Medical Choices, Unshared Culture, and General Expectations |
10 A Wife is Clothes Family Politics, Cultural Organization, and Social Structure |
11 The Dynamics of Swahili Culture A Status-Centered View |
Notes |
References |
Index |