The Way the World is


 expand section1  Ethnographic and Theoretical Introduction
 expand section2  Akher Zamani  Mombasa Swahili History and Contemporary Society
 expand section3  The Brotherhood of Coconuts  Unity, Conflict, and Narrowing Loyalties
 expand section4  He Who Eats with You  Kinship, Family, and Neighborhood
 collapse section5  Understanding is Like Hair  Limited Cultural Sharing and the Inappropriateness of "All by All" and "Some by Some" Models for Swahili Culture
 Measuring Cultural Sharing
 The Limits in the Amount of Family Culture Shared by Family Members and Community Members from Different Families
 Are the Swahili a "Homogeneous Society"?
 Extent of Sharing within the Family Versus Extent of Total Group Sharing
 Less Sharing Among Members of the Same Named Statuses than Among Fellow Family Members with Different Family Statuses
 "Family Member" as a Status
 Status Membership and the Sharing of Status Culture
 Relationships: Do Participants Share Their Culture More?
 Neither "All by All" Nor, without Modification, "Some by Some"
 Dealing with the Fact of Diversity
 expand section6  Close One of Your Eyes  Concealing Differences Between the Generations and the Uses of "Tokens"
 expand section7  Liking Only Those in Your Eye  Relationship Terms, Statuses, and Cultural Models
 expand section8  Tongues are Spears  Shame and Differentiated Conformity
 expand section9  Leaning on the Cow's Fat Hump  Medical Choices, Unshared Culture, and General Expectations
 expand section10  A Wife is Clothes  Family Politics, Cultural Organization, and Social Structure
 expand section11  The Dynamics of Swahili Culture  A Status-Centered View

 expand sectionNotes
 expand sectionIndex

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