and cultural organization, 325 n;
descriptive and evaluative defined, 275 ;
effects of different types of, 275 -276;
expectations and, 307 ;
many are implicit, 328 n;
need not agree with or share, to be judged by, 292 , 303 ;
not only guide for behavior, 310 ;
shared are culture's elements, 5 -6, 269 ;
similarity to orientations, 283 ;
three types are basis of statuses and social structure, 273 -274.
See also Cultural distribution; Status
Unshared culture:
connected to conformity, 278 ;
cultural diversity promoted by shame, 207 ;
difficulties posed by for most anthropological explanations, 268 -269;
effects on nonsharing group members, 269 , 271 -273, 275 -283;
functions of, 272 ;
general expectations and, 18 -20;
influence on the nonsharers, 228 -241;
between medical experts and patients, 224 -229, 237 , 241 ;
not a bar to accepting advice, 234 -235;
not indicative of Swahil decline, 269 ;
predictability and, 143 ;
shame and role in lessening effects of, 207 -208;
social structure and, 21 -22, 265 -267.
See also Cultural sharing; Interaction; Tokens
Utenzi. See Poetry