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Galla, 33 , 314 n, 315 n

Gallenic doctors:

treatment by, 217 -220.

See also Herbal doctors

Garro, L., 237

Gearing, F., 3 , 327 n

Geertz, C., 224

Gender differences: 194 ;

in closeness to others, 249 -250;

in marriage and divorce, 255 -258;

quality of social relations, 250 -254;

shame, honor, and, 194 -196.

See also Death; Divorce; Husbands; Marriage; Men; Status; Wives; Women

General expectations:

advice effective because of, 300 ;

cultural organization and, 300 -301;

explained, 12 -13;

few required, 273 ;

judgments based on, 73 -74, 296 , 329 n;

kin relationships and, 74 ;

and legitimacy, 321n;

in medical treatment, 18 -20, 211 , 231 -234, 236 -239;

multiplex relationships and, 297 ;

and operation of cultural patterns, 304 ;

relationship terms and, 163 ;

similarity to legitimacy, 321 n;

vague reference of, 74 , 75 .

See also Kinship; Multiplex statuses; Nia ; Unshared culture

Generation gap:

cultural sharing and, 134 -135;

measuring, 130 -133;

two types of data, 132 -134.

See also Guides; Tokens; and Tokens and guides


respect for senior, 65 ;

stages of life, 65

Gluckman, M.:

conflict and unity, 50 -52, 316 n;

types of relationships, 149 -150

Gluckman, M., J. Mitchell, J. Barnes, 50 , 328 n

Goodenough, W., 5 -6, 8 , 9 , 14 , 117 , 314 n

Guides, 13 ;

culture must provide, 281 -282;

defined, 126 , 142 .

See Tokens; Tokens and guides

Guilt, 179 -180, 288

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