previous section
no next



Accustomed, love compared to, 79 , 318 n.

See also Love

Adoption, 85 -87

African and Arab contributions to Swahili, 29

Aibu. See Shame

Aida, seclusion of widows, 257 .

See also Death; Marriage

Akida, H. et al., 163 , 182

Akong'a, Joshua, xii

"All by all" cultural sharing. See Cultural sharing

Allen, J., 314 n, 315 n

Amity, 171 -172

Arab administration, 44


identity, 43 -45;

Swahili relations with, 2 , 9 -10, 36 , 37 .

See also Omani; Swahili; Swahili Arabs; Zanzibari Arabs

Arbiters, 16 -18, 189 -190, 197 -201, 328 n;

defined, 190 ;

fearing, 197 -201, 290 -291;

judging, 203 , 292 .

See also Cultural change; Sanctioners; Shame

Arens, W., 313 n

Aronoff, Myron, xiii

Azzan, Rashid, xii


Balance pattern, 214 -216, 220 -221, 224 , 302 -303, 324 n;

in body functioning, 223 ;

in social relations, 221 -223

Baraza, 317 n

Bena, 180 , 317 , 324 n, 327 n

Benedict, R., 302

Berg, F., 29 , 31 , 34 , 35 , 36 -37, 54 , 315 n

Berg, F. and B. Walters, 30 , 36

Berg, Sheila, xiii

Berlin, B. and P. Kay, 102

Body functioning and bodily elements, 213 -217.

See also Balance pattern; Medical treatment; Patterns of culture

Bott, E., 243 , 269

Bride wealth, 93


alienation of Swahili land, 39 -40;

different classification for Swahili and Arabs, 45 -46;

Imperial British East Africa Company, 37 -38;

influence on Omani sultan, 37 ;

slaves and, 37 -39;

views of Swahili and Arabs, 38.

See also Mazrui

Busaidi rulers, 35 -37, 42 -43

Bwaan Dumila, xii

Bwiti cult, 138 -139


Census, 83 -85

Charter, 263


adopted versus "natural," 86 .

See also Parents and children

Christianity, 9

Cicourel, A., 274

Clans, 53 -54

Coefficient of cultural sharing:

calculating, 103 -104;

defined, 103

Cohen, Ronald, xiii

Cooper, F., 30 , 36 , 315 n

Costume of Swahili, 126 -127, 141

Cultural change:

arbiters and, 203 -204;

women and, 266 -267

Cultural conformity:

conflicting standards and, 293 ;

cultural models and, 148 ;



ferentiated called for by variety of status anyone occupies, 292 ;

double status dependency and, 291 -292;

effective inducements for, 294 ;

relationship terms and, 170 -171;

statuses and, 278 -280;

unshared culture and, 292 -293.

See also Expectations; Status

Cultural development, 4

Cultural distribution, 7 ;

and cultural organization, 325 n;

and limited cultural sharing, 269 ;

shame and, 190 -191, 202 -205, 272 -273;

and social structure, 21 ;

statuses as means for, 117 -118, 273 .

See also Cultural organization; Cultural sharing

Cultural models:

and action, 328 n;

and advertising, 324 n;

as behavioral guides and promoting conformity, 175 -176;

conformity and, 148 ;

general expectations and, 13 -14;

language and, 147 ;

as paradigms, 285 ;

political use of, 328 n;

schemata and, 148 ;

status, role and, 147 .

See also Cultural conformity; Cultural organization; General expectations

Cultural organization:

contrast between intrinsic and extrinsic, 235 -237;

defined, 22 , 209 -210;

general expectations and, 236 -237, 300 -302;

individual and, 210 , 235 -241;

of medical understandings and social morality, 220 -224;

statuses as base for, 21 -22, 278 -279, 325 n.

See also Cultural conformity; Cultural distribution

Cultural products:

emotionality for men is, in spouse relationship, 266 ;

and "material culture," 329 ;

social as, 308 .

See also Culture

Cultural sharing:

"all by all" sharing, 4 , 122 -123, 283 -284;

comparing Swahili sharing to other societies, 108 -109, 319 n;

continuing use of complete for explanations, 4 , 100 ;

cultural distribution and, 117 ;

culture works despite limits in, 3 -6;

does not by itself explain behavior, 272 ;

experts' sharing as base for pattern, 223 -224;

limited, 3 -4, 105 -107;

limited among members of same status, 3 , 14 , 110 -118;

limited even in nuclear family, 98 ;

limited in multiplex relations, 156 ;

measuring, 102 -105;

predictability and, 191 ;

sample for measuring, 104 -105;

of tokens providing poor predictability by itself, 273 ;

users' belief in, 273 ;

within family, 108 -110.

See also Relationships; Social structure; Status; Swahili; Unshared culture


definition, 7 , 326 n;

delivery required for usefulness, 277 -278;

difference between and behavior, 5 -6;

effects on nonsharers, 126 , 305 -307, 310 ;

general expectations essential to effectiveness of, 296 -297;

as information economy, 274 ;

meaning and, 5 ;

moral force of contingent, 275 ;

sharing, 7 , 18 -20.

See also Cultural development; Cultural distribution; Cultural models; Cultural organization; Cultural products; Social structure; Status and culture; Unshared culture

"Culture loaded" language, 140 , 147 , 314 n


D'Andrade, R., 7 , 147 , 148 , 209 , 227

Death, different effects of spouse loss on women and men, 257 -258.

See also Husbands; Wives

DeBlij, H., 25 , 193

Divorce, 93 -94, 255 -258, 326 n.

See also Husbands; Marriage; Wives

Double contingency, 155 , 175 , 282 -283

Douglas, M., 220

Drunkenness, 257

Durkheim, E., 100 , 275


allied with Three Tribes, 34 .

See also Mijikenda


Eastman, C., xiii , 140 , 173 , 313 n

Epstein, A., 177 , 207

Equivalence structure, 122 , 156 , 282

Ethnic statuses and community membership, 50 -52

Ethnocentrism, 148 -149

Ethnographic overview, 2 -3

Evaluation, 150 -152, 180 , 188 , 326 n;

and cultural dynamics, 284 , 287 ;

and cultural models, 175 -176, 285 -287;

different weights and transitivity of, 286 -287;

differing concern within different communities, 288 -289, 329 n;

embedded in statuses, 274 ;

part of different types of understandings in, 276 ;

relationships and effects of, 287 ;

as source of continuing socialization, 287 -288;

status agreement vital for, in relationships, 275 -280;

without sharing relevant values, 276 .

See also Expectations; Shame; Status; Unshared culture

Evans-Pritchard, E., 220 , 239

Evil eye, 174 -175, 322 n, 323 n-324n

Eyes of the grown people, 197 -198, 322 n

Expectations, 11 -12, 101 ;

cultural functioning and, 12 , 284 -287;

and cultural transmission, 305 -307;

defined, 8 ;

differences in simplex and multiplex relations, 273 , 296 ;

of evaluation, 151 -152, 328 n;

general, 11 -12;

general and kin, 72 ;

general and unshared culture, 18 -20;

interconnected, 151 -152;

meeting in relationships, 156 ;

in relationships involving men, 265 -266;

roles and variety of judgments, 292 ;

specific, 11 ;

status effectiveness derives


from, 279 ;

transmission in relationships, 23 ;

understandings may be limited in, 307 ;

wives' power and expectations involving men, 266 .

See also Evaluation; Shame; Status

Extrinsic organization of schemata, 235 -241


Fakhri. See Honor

Fathers, 65 -69, 252 -254;

and daughters, 127 ;

expectations of, 72 -73;

and sons, 128 -129.

See also Gender differences; Husbands; Parents and children

Fadhla. See Reciprocity

Fernandez, J., 20 , 125 , 138 -139, 140 , 239


location and purposes, 1 ;

privacy/secrecy as influence on, x -xi, 193 -194, 324 n;

when done, 25 , 323 n

Fortes, M., 313 n

Frake, C., 7

Freeman-Granville, G., 29 , 33

Friendship, 163 -164


Galla, 33 , 314 n, 315 n

Gallenic doctors:

treatment by, 217 -220.

See also Herbal doctors

Garro, L., 237

Gearing, F., 3 , 327 n

Geertz, C., 224

Gender differences: 194 ;

in closeness to others, 249 -250;

in marriage and divorce, 255 -258;

quality of social relations, 250 -254;

shame, honor, and, 194 -196.

See also Death; Divorce; Husbands; Marriage; Men; Status; Wives; Women

General expectations:

advice effective because of, 300 ;

cultural organization and, 300 -301;

explained, 12 -13;

few required, 273 ;

judgments based on, 73 -74, 296 , 329 n;

kin relationships and, 74 ;

and legitimacy, 321n;

in medical treatment, 18 -20, 211 , 231 -234, 236 -239;

multiplex relationships and, 297 ;

and operation of cultural patterns, 304 ;

relationship terms and, 163 ;

similarity to legitimacy, 321 n;

vague reference of, 74 , 75 .

See also Kinship; Multiplex statuses; Nia ; Unshared culture

Generation gap:

cultural sharing and, 134 -135;

measuring, 130 -133;

two types of data, 132 -134.

See also Guides; Tokens; and Tokens and guides


respect for senior, 65 ;

stages of life, 65

Gluckman, M.:

conflict and unity, 50 -52, 316 n;

types of relationships, 149 -150

Gluckman, M., J. Mitchell, J. Barnes, 50 , 328 n

Goodenough, W., 5 -6, 8 , 9 , 14 , 117 , 314 n

Guides, 13 ;

culture must provide, 281 -282;

defined, 126 , 142 .

See Tokens; Tokens and guides

Guilt, 179 -180, 288



live in Swahili section, 77 ;

from part of Yemen, 29 ;

recent immigrants, 40

Hallowell, A., 275

Haya. See Modesty and consideration of others

Herbal doctors, xii , 212 -213.

See also Gallenic doctors

Hierarchy as value, 168 -169

History of Swahili:

British and Busaidi period, 35 -40;

contemporary, 25 -28;

early period, 28 -30, 314 n;

ivory trade, 38 ;

Portuguese period, 30 -35.

See also Slaves; Swahili

Holland, D., 3 , 64 , 100 , 117 , 154 , 269 , 294 -295, 325 n

Holland, D. and D. Skinner, 147

Holy, L. and M. Stuchlik, 328 n

Honor, 158 -162;

insults and, 173 -175;

shame and, 182

Horney, K., 136

Horton, M., 28


composition, 61 , 62 -63;

criteria for inclusion in cultural sharing, 103 ;

fundamental group, 61 .

See also Nuclear family

Husbands, 72 -73;

power of, 259 -261,

relations with wives, 245 -246, 261 -262.

See also Death; Divorce; Marriage; Men; Women

Hutchins, E., 274


Ideal understandings, 188

Identifying understandings, 8 -9, 14 , 15 -16, 101 , 152 -155;

general sharing of, 175 ;

multiplex relationships and, 298 , 329 n.

See also Expectations; Salience understandings; Status

Illness, 18 ;

some causes of, 322 n, 323 n, 324 n.

See also Medical treatment

Imperial British East Africa Company. See British

Importation of understandings, 238 -239, 298 -300

Indians, 27

Insults, 172 -175.

See also Honor

Intentions. See Nia


limited sharing, 143 ;

predictability and, 143 -144;

roles as basis for, 146 -147.

See also Predictability; Role; Tokens; Unshared culture


Islam, 316n, 320n;

attendance at mosques, 57 -58;

Ibathi canon of, 43 ;

religious courts, 55 -56, 65 ;

religious schools, 56 ;

Shafi canon of, 29 ;

Swahili affiliation, 8 -9, 29 .

See also Parents and children, parental blessing; Separation of women and men


Jobs, as goal for men, 87

Johnson, F., 163 , 182

Judgment, 191 -193.

See also Status


Kahn, Kamal, xii

Keesing, R., 6 , 7 , 8 , 14 , 64 , 117 , 147 , 227 , 239 , 285 , 313 n, 314 n

Kibokoni, 27 , 82

Kilindini Tribe, 31 , 34 , 315 n.

See also Three Tribes

Kimvita. See Swahili , dialect of Mombasa community

Kindy, H., 38 , 44 , 45 , 315 n


cannot be denied, 59 ;

expectations, 72 -73, 75 ;

factor in marriage, 88 , 89 -90;

nature of relations in, 252 -254;

parents' siblings, 69 -70;

siblings and cousins, 70 -71;

terms, 64 , 71 -72, 91 .

See also Expectations; Fathers; General expectations; Mothers; Neighbors; Parents and children; Patrilineal descent lines

Kinship terms. See Kinship

Knappert, J., 34

Krapf, L., 163 , 182

Kufu. See Marriage, equal standing of partners' families

Kuze, 10 , 82


Lakoff, G. and M. Johnson, 284 -285

Lambert, H., 33

Language, 140 , 147

Linton, R., 101 , 117


basis of successful marriages, 93 ;

contrasted with "accustomed," 79 ;

differently manifested to wives and sons, 74 ;

significance of husband's for wife's prestige, 244 -246;

in spouse relationship, 266 .

See also Kinship; Sons; Wives


Malindi, 30

Malinowski, B., 137 -138, 263 , 265


among kin, 88 , 318 n;

arranged, 87 -90, 319 n;

equal standing of partners' families, 91 ;

feelings and funds in, 254 -255;

as goal for women, 87 ;

mainly endogamous, 52 , 88 ;

polygynous, 52 , 322 n;

proposals of accepted and rejected, 91 -92;

secret, 190 , 276 ;

sex in, 326 n-327n;

significance for men and women, 255 -258.

See also Divorce; Husbands; Love; Wives

Martin, E., 26

Mathew, G., 28

Mazrui, 33 , 34 -35;

and rebellion against British, 38

Mazrui, Kasim el, 65

Mazrui, Mohammed Suleman, xii

Matabibu. See Gallenic doctors; Herbal doctors

Medical treatment:

choosing with limited understandings, 228 -236;

cost of and government provision, 323 n;

culture guidance in getting, 18 -19;

diagnosis and treatment, 217 -220;

experts' understandings about, 213 -217, 324 n, 325 n;

religiously derived, 324 n;

traditional Swahili, 19 , 217 -220, 323 n;

types available, 229 -231, 324 n;

unshared understandings about, 210 -211, 225 -228, 324 n.

See also Body functioning; General expectations


activities of, 95 -97;

concern about shame, 194 ;

emotional restrictions of, 252 -254, 258 -259, 309 -310;

jobs for, 97 ;

less openly competitive than women, 248 ;

social relations of, 97 -98, 243 -245, 249 -250, 309 -310;

social structure and, 265 -267, 309 ;

views of women, 245 , 251 .

See also Gender differences; Parents and children; Wives; Women

Mijikenda, 34 , 318 n.

See also Nyika

Mitchell, J., 314 n

Mjua Kale, 27 , 82 -83

Mkanyegeni, 27 , 82

Modesty and consideration of others, 167 -168

Mombasa, 314 n;

description, 27 -28, 193.

See also History of Swahili

Mothers, 65 -69, 72 -73, 252 -254, 329 n.

See also Gender differences; Parents and children; Wives; Women

Multiplex statuses and relationships, 149 -152, 290 ;

accepting advice within, 231 -234, 303 ;

cultural organization and, 303 -304;

defined, 149 -150;

difficulty in name, 321 n;

evaluation in, 290 ;

flexibility of expectations, 155 ;

general expectations vital to, 296 -297;

hypothesis concerning central role of, 306 -307;

interpretation vital to judgments in, 296 ;

judgments in, affect behavior most, 295 -296;

role of in plans of action, 235 -241, 295 ;

role of in social structure, 304 ;

role of in unshared culture's influence, 211 .

See also Cultural organization; Expectations; Unshared culture

Murphy, Michael, xiii

Muslim. See Islam

Muungwana , 47 .

See also Nobles

Muyaka (poet), 34


Mvita Tribe, 31 , 32 .

See also Nine Tribes

Mwenye Karama, xii


Neighborhoods, 10 , 79 -83, 267 .

See also Kibokoni; Kuze; Mjua Kale; Mkanyageni

Neighbors, 76 -77;

general expectations and, 74 -75;

and kin, 78 ;

relations with non-Swahili, 77 -78.

See also General expectations; Status

Nia (Intentions), 74 , 297 -298.

See also General expectations; Kinship; Marriage

Nine Tribes, 27 , 316 n;

early history, 31 -34, 315 n;

list of member tribes, 32 .

See also History of Swahili; Old Town; Three Tribes; Twelve Tribes

Nobles, 47 , 51 , 90 -91, 158 -159

Nuclear family, 52 ;

center of members' lives, 97 -98, 99 ;

cultural sharing within, 62 , 63 , 100 ;

increased importance of, 242 -243;

joint activities, 94 -97;

relation to household group and community as whole, 61 -62.

See also Fathers; Kinship; Marriage; Mothers; Parents and children

Nurse, D. and T. Spear, 28 , 314 n

Nyika, 44 .

See also Mijikenda


Obeyesekere, G., 177 , 288

Old Town, 27 ;

description, 28 ;

increased crime in 1980s, 57


ancient immigration of, 29 ;

families in Twelve Tribes, 36 ;

identifying traits, 43 , 44 ;

rulers, 29 , 32 , 36 ;

Swahili resentment of, 46 .

See also Arabs

Oliver, R. and G. Mathew, 315 n

Opler, M., 224

Organization of diversity, 272 , 319 n


Parents and children, 252 -254, 318 n;

parental blessing (radhi ), 69 , 318 n;

relations between, 65 -69, 127 -128, 326 n;

relations between adoptive, 320 n.

See also Kinship; Men; Women

Parsons, T., 142 , 155 , 282 , 283 , 307 , 314 n

Pate Island, 29

Patrilinear descent lines:

foreigners belong to wives, 32 ;

general ignorance of membership in, 64 ;

partial base for tribes, 31 -32, 53 -54;

ritual functions of, 317 n

Patterns of culture:

common element, 239 , 301 -303;

defined, 210 -211;

extrinsic organization of medical, 235 -241;

influences of on those not sharing, 211 , 224 ;

intrinsic organization of balance pattern, 211 -212;

processes based on, 240 -241.

See also Cultural organization; Unshared culture

Pelto, J. and G. Pelto, 64 , 125

Phatic communion, 137 -138

Piers, G. and M. Singer, 179 , 288

Pitt-Rivers, J., 307

Poetry, Swahili, 29 -30

Political offices:

during colonial period, 321 n;

sheikh and Wazee , 32 ;

Tamim , 32 , 35 ;

non-Swahili offices, 34 , 35

Politics of nuclear family, 243 -244, 318 n

Pollnac, R., 125

Poole, Fitz, xiii

Portuguese, 30 , 314 -315n.

See also History of Swahili

Pouwells, R., 30 , 33 , 37 , 64 , 315 n


different basis in simplex and multiplex relationships, 273 ;

incomplete sharing and, 142 -144, 191 ;

necessary but not sufficient for relationships, 322 n;

to-kens and, 143 , 328 n.

See also Expectations; Interaction; Unshared culture

Prins, A., 29 , 52 , 54 , 57 , 314 n, 315 n

Procedural understandings, 284

Proverbs, ix , xi , 41 , 59 , 60 , 61 , 69 , 77 , 124 , 125 , 145 , 157 , 158 , 160 , 165 , 166 , 168 , 177 , 183 -184, 185 , 209 , 222 , 237 , 242 , 248 , 311 ;

collecting and interpreting, 315 n-316n, 327 n


Queen Mwana Mkisi, 29


Railroad, 39 , 77

Radhi. See Parents and children

Reciprocity, 163

Reisman, P., 138 , 140 -141


both types depend on evaluations, 274 -275;

cultural sharing in, 118 -122;

cultural transmission and, 306 -307;

differs according to status types, 149 -152;

essential to cultural functioning and dependent on status agreement, 275 ;

intrinsic merit and connection with other, 307 -308;

judged by nonparticipants as well as participants, 293 ;

predictability essential to, 278 ;

type of expectations differs in multiplex and simplex, 273 ;

uncertainties about standards in, 292 .

See also Evaluation; Expectations; Multiplex statuses; Simplex statuses; Status

Relationship terms:

conformity encouraged by, 161 -165;

cultural elements in, 156 -157;

as cultural models, 175 -176, 284 -287;

emotion and value laden, 158 ;

failure to meet expectations and, 171 ;

shared understandings and, 156 -157;

similar to other symbols as models, 314 n;

study of, 157 ;

twenty-nine examined, 157 -175

Religion. See Islam

Residence, 53 , 54 -55, 83


decline in performance, 41 -42, 57 ,


58 ;

expense of, 42 , 57 ;

men's dance competitions, 46 -47, 51 -52;

source of tokens, 245 , 328 n;

women's dance competitions, 47 -48, 316 n;

women's pride in, 42 .

See also Two-section community; Women

Roberts, J., 104 , 274


defined, 17 -18, 314 n;

and explanation for limited cultural sharing in statuses, 294 ;

greatest pressures for conformity in, 294 ;

and status, 146 -147, 305 ;

variety of in every status, 292 .

See also Interaction


Salience understandings, 10 -11, 102 , 196 , 304 , 314 n;

defined, 8

Salim, A., 28 , 33 , 35 , 37 , 39 , 40 , 45 , 56 , 313 n

Sanctioners, 17 -18, 189 -190, 191 -193, 195 -196, 201 , 291 -292, 309 -310;

defined, 189 -190.

See also Arbiters; Shame

Sanday, P., 125

Sankoff, G., 125

Schema, 19 ;

cultural rather than idiosyncratic, 235 -239;

extrinsic and intrinsic, 211 , 235 -237, 239 -241, 300 -301;

provided by evaluation, 288

Scheven, A., 61 , 316 n

Schwartz, T., 125 , 148 , 269 , 271

Secrecy, 317 n;

conflicting judgments and, 293 ;

culturally constituted means of limiting shame, 202 , 290 -291;

honor and, 182

Separation of women and men, 65 , 127 ;

role in wives' power, 243 -246

Shame, 185 -187, 188 , 288 , 322 n;

cultural diversity and, 207 -208;

defined, 180 -181;

diversity of standards for, 194 -197, 204 -205;

double status relativity, 178 , 289 -292;

guilt and, 179 -180, 288 ;

influence on men's social relations, 258 ;

overview, 16 -17;

secrecy and avoidance of, 193 -194, 201 -202;

status and limited sharing, 177 -178;

status-centered view of, 185 , 192 -196;

two types of, 289 -290;

uniform judgment, 178 -179.

See also Arbiters; Gender differences; Sanctioners

Shaming agents, 178 .

See also Arbiters; Sanctioners

Shared beliefs and values:

neither necessary nor sufficient to explain behavior, 272 -273;

uncritical invocation to explain culture's effectiveness, 3 , 268 -271

Sharifs, 30

Shirazi, 29 , 32 , 34 , 314 n

Shungmwaya, 315 n

Simplex statuses and relationships, 149 -152, 290 ;

as connected to multiplex, 277 ;

defined, 149 -150;

difficulty in name, 321 n;

transmit understandings in, 303 -304.

See also Cultural sharing; Evaluation;

Expectations; Multiplex statuses; Status

Sister, 74

Slaves, 37 , 38 , 39 , 318 n;

end of, for Swahili, 39 ;

term for co-, 318 n.

See also British; History of Swahili

Social pool:

definition, 75 ;

of men, women, 76

Social relationships. See Relationships

Social structure:

based in, but has separate effects, 265 -267, 304 -309;

as a cultural product, 308 , 314 n;

defined, 304 ;

role in wives' power, 263 , 265 -267, 308 -309;

shame and, 185 ;

statuses and, 305 -308;

transmission of culture and, 236 -239, 306 -308

Sons: showing love for, 74

Spear, T., 314 n, 315 n

Specific expectations, 75 ;

relationship terms and, 165 ;

require little interpretation, 296 ;

transmission of understandings in, 303 ;

widely shared by those in simplex relationships, 273 .

See also Expectations; General expectations; Simplex statuses

Spiro, M., xiii , 7 , 179 , 271 , 327 n


action arm of culture, 145 -146;

agreement on standards and, 192 , 275 ;

assignment to, 152 -155, 283 , 289 -290;

as basis for judging in shame, 16 -17, 190 -197, 276 -280, 289 -290;

components distribute cultural elements, 273 ;

components of, 8 -12;

and cultural organization, 301 , 325 n;

and culture, 6 -12, 145 -147, 274 ;

defined, 7 -8, 101 -102, 314 n;

as delivery system for other cultural elements, 273 -274, 277 -278;

essential for cultural guidance, 273 ;

establish situations, 327 n-328n;

four kinds of, 149 -151;

functions of, 150 -156;

gender based, 247 -249;

interdependence of, 278 -279;

judgment and, 191 -193, 291 -292;

may not be named, 111 -112, 320 -321n;

multiple occupancy, 10 -11, 267 , 313 -314n;

multiple occupancy and evaluation, 328 n;

one "spilling into" others, 203 , 305 -306;

relation to behavior, 6 , 7 -8, 279 , 305 -308;

sharing culture within, 110 -118, 123 -124, 294 ;

in social structure, 265 -266.

See also Cultural sharing; Evaluation; Expectations; Identifying understandings; Role; Social structure

Stroebel, M., 45 -46, 52 , 57 , 316 n, 325 n

Suleiman, Thabit and Miriam, xii

Sunni. See Islam

Swahili, ix , x , 320 n;

continuing effectiveness of culture of, 268 -270, 293 ;

criteria for being a member of group, 8 -9, 26 -27;

decline, 24 -25, 38 -40;

dialect of Mombasa


community, 321 n, 325 n;

economic condition following World War I, 56 -57;

medical treatment, 18 , 213 -231;

Mombasa community only, 313 n;

other Mombasans' view of, 82 ;

thanks to, 311 ;

traditional but not homogeneous, 108 .

See also Cultural sharing; History of Swahili

Swahili Arabs:

claimed identity with Omani Arabs, 44 ;

defined, 42 ;

identifying traits, 43 -44;

status of in Swahili community, 52 .

See also Arabs; Two-section community; Zanzibari Arabs

Swartz, Audrey, xii

Swartz, M., 29 , 35 , 58 , 101 , 104 , 118 , 120 , 127 , 157 , 269 , 288 , 301 , 313 n, 317 n, 319 n, 321 n, 327 n

Swartz, M. and D. Jordan, 275 , 306 , 307 , 313 n

Swartz, M., V. Turner, A. Tudin, 321 n


Tangana Tribe, 32 .

See also Three Tribes

Thoden van Velzen, H. U. E., xiii

Theneshara Taifa.

See also Twelve Tribes

Three Tribes, 316 n;

conflict with Swahili Arabs, 45 ;

early history, 31 -34, 315 n;

help overthrow Mazrui, 35 ;

list of member tribes, 32 .

See also History of Swahili; Nine Tribes; Old Town; Twelve Tribes


basis for predictability, 143 -144;

can be guides as well, 141 ;

dangers of, 280 -282;

defined, 126 , 142 ;

limited usefulness of, 281 -282;

mistaken for guides, 320 n;

need not be conscious, 141 ;

smooth social relations, 271 ;

statuses and, 279 -280;

use between Swahili generations, 139 -140;

use in Fang society, 139 .

See also Guides; Ritual; Tokens and guides

Tokens and guides:

distinction between, 141 -142;

functions of, 12 -13;

sharing and, 12 -13

Trusts, 65

Turner, V., 314 n

Tuzin, D., xiii , 280 -281, 329 n

Twelve Tribes, 27 , 314 n;

Arab identity and membership in, 45 ;

decline of community, 41 ;

does not refer to "tribes," 315 n;

early history, 315 n.

See also Nine Tribes; Three Tribes; Two-section community

Two-section community:

beginning of, 30 -35;

conflicts and reconciliations, 34 -35, 316 n;

current state of, 49 -50;

dance competitions, 46 -48, 316 n;

decline of both conflict and solidarity, 34 ;

membership in, and ethnic status, 52 -53;

no vernacular term for, 55 ;

unity through opposition, 42 , 48 -49.

See also British; Ethnic statuses; Rituals; Swahili Arabs; Zanzibari Arabs



and cultural organization, 325 n;

descriptive and evaluative defined, 275 ;

effects of different types of, 275 -276;

expectations and, 307 ;

many are implicit, 328 n;

need not agree with or share, to be judged by, 292 , 303 ;

not only guide for behavior, 310 ;

shared are culture's elements, 5 -6, 269 ;

similarity to orientations, 283 ;

three types are basis of statuses and social structure, 273 -274.

See also Cultural distribution; Status

Unshared culture:

connected to conformity, 278 ;

cultural diversity promoted by shame, 207 ;

difficulties posed by for most anthropological explanations, 268 -269;

effects on nonsharing group members, 269 , 271 -273, 275 -283;

functions of, 272 ;

general expectations and, 18 -20;

influence on the nonsharers, 228 -241;

between medical experts and patients, 224 -229, 237 , 241 ;

not a bar to accepting advice, 234 -235;

not indicative of Swahil decline, 269 ;

predictability and, 143 ;

shame and role in lessening effects of, 207 -208;

social structure and, 21 -22, 265 -267.

See also Cultural sharing; Interaction; Tokens

Utenzi. See Poetry


Values. See Ideal understandings


Wakfs. See Trusts

Wallace, A., 120 , 156 , 272 , 282 , 283 , 319 -320n

Wamiji (older women of standing), 47

Waungwana. See Nobles

Wealth: factor in arranging marriage, 91

Weber, M., 220 , 243

Weddings, 250 , 261 , 317 n

Wikans, U., 182 , 195

Willis, R., 227

Wives, 72 ;

control of money, 245 ;

emotional relations with husbands and others, 259 -260;

happiness of, 262 ;

hypothesis explaining power of, 242 , 262 -267, 308 -311;

importance of expectations in husband-wife role, 266 ;

independence from husbands, 266 -267;

satisfying expectations of, 74 , 245 ;

secret, 190 , 316 n-317n, 327 n;

significance for husbands, 98 , 265 -266.

See also Husbands; Love; Mothers; Women


ascribed nonrationality as a basis for power, 266 ;

changes in statuses of, 305 ;

consulted regarding own marriage, 90 ;

elderly, 318n;

emotional freedom of, 194 , 250 -254, 262 -263, 325 n-326n;

number interviewed, 319 n;

others using possessions of, 164 ;

separation from males, 95 -97,


127 , 322 n;

social relations of, 97 , 244 -246, 249 -250, 252 -254, 326 n;

sources of prestige for, 244 -246;

understandings about, 261 -262, 263 -265, 321 n;

views of men, 263 ;

virginity of, 319 n.

See also Divorce; Husbands; Marriage; Men; Mothers; Parents and children; Wives


Yahya Ali Omar, xii , 132 , 315 n

Yarubi rulers, 32 -34

Yemen. See Hadhrami


Zanzibari Arabs, defined, 42 .

See also Arabs; Swahili Arabs

Zimba, 30 , 33


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