Preferred Citation: Gibbons, Mary Weitzel. Giambologna: Narrator of the Catholic Reformation. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1995 1995.


Appendix 2—
Soccorso Chapel Contract and Addendum

ASF, Conventi Soppressi. 119 ( Annunziata di Firenze), 66 (Contratti, 1550–99), no pagination.

[in margin ] Capella della Vergine del Soccorso

In Dei nomine amen. Anno Dominice Incarnationis 1594, inditione octava, die vero quarta mensis Decembris, Clemente octavo summo Pontifice et Domino Ferdinando Medices Etrurie magno Duce dominante. Cum sit prout infrascripte partes asseruerunt, quod Magnificus dominus Ioannes Bononia, alterius quondam Ioannis Bononie, Belgius sculptor famosissimus, Florentie degens, habens in animum aliquod egregium opus facere pro augumento divini cultus et zelo devotionis, modo tamen infrascripto, quod pluries requisierit Rev.mum Patrem Generalem totius ordinis Servorum ac Rev.dos Priorem et fratres conventus dive Annuntiate de Florentia, dicti ordinis, de concedendo sibi Altare seu Aram sub titulo et immagine sacratissime Virginis Marie Succursus, sic denominatam, et retro Altare maius et chorum dicte Ecclesie existentem, et se sponte obtulerit Altare predictum ad honorem Virginis Marie de suis propriis pecuniis decorandi et in alium statum meliorem reducendi et alia in predictis necessaria faciendi prout similis pia actio requirit. Et cum dicti Rev.di Prior et fratues dicti conventus fuerint et sint contenti, accedente tamen consensu dicti Rev.mi Patris Generalis prout infra exprimetur, concessionem dict Altaris in forma valida eidem domino Ioanni Bononie facere, consensu etiam et licentia infrascripti Michaelis Angeli Mathei de Martinis, civis Florentini, heredis quondam Dominici Mar[ci] de Dulcibus, qui modo et forma infrascriptis consentire intendit. Hinc est quod hodie, hac presenti suprascripta die, convocati congregati et insimul capitulariter coadunati dicti et infrascripti


Rev.di Prior et fratres capituli et conventus beate Marie Annunciate, ordinis Servorum, de Florentia, ad sonum campanule capitularis ac alias, servatis servandis ut eorum moris est, et de mandato et ad requisitionem Rev.di Patris Magistri Arcangeli florentini, moderni Prioris dicti conventus, quorum quidem fratrum sic, ut supra, congregatorum nomina in fine presentis instrumenti describentur, omnes fratres professi dicti ordinis et in capitulo dicti conventus vocem habentes, asserentes esse ultra duas tertias partes omnium fratrum professorum et vocem in capitulo dicti conventus habentes, et in eis sic congregatis consistere et residere omnem vim et potestatem cuncta pro dicto conventu utiliter faciendi. Affirmantes de et super premissis et infrascriptis matura colloquia inter se habuisse et pluries pertractasse et tandem resolutionem accepisse dictam et infrascriptam Altaris concessionem dicto domino Ioanni Bononie faciendi, consensu tamen et licentia dicti Michaelis Angeli de Martinis, heredis dicti quondam Dominici de Dulcibus. Eapropter facientes omnia et singula infrascripta in presentia et cum consensu, verbo et licentia dicti Michaelis Angeli Mathei de Martinis, heredis dicti quondam Dominici Marci de Dulcibus ibidem presentis et consentientis et eius, dicto nomine consensum pariter et assensum in predictis prestantis etc. Ac etiam accedente consensu et beneplacito in omnibus et singulis infrascriptis Rev.mi Patris Generalis eorum ordinis infra duos menses proxime futuros expensis omnibus dictorum fratrum impetrantium et obtinentium, quem impetrare promiserunt et dictis nominibus sponte etc., animo deliberato, per se et suos in dicto conventu successores etc., viva voce, nullo eorum penitus discrepante etc., et alias omni meliori modo etc., dederunt et libere concesserunt etc. dicto Magnifico domino Ioanni Bononie, ibidem presenti etc. et pro se et suis heredibus etc. recipienti et acceptanti etc. dictum Altare et Aram beate Marie Virginis Succursus, et situm et locum Altaris et Are predicte, retro Altare maius et chlorum dicte eorum Ecclesie existente, cum facultate et potestate quatenus ei videatur dictum Altare et Cappellaniam intus, foris et circum circa, amovendi et in aliam formam etiam ampliorem versus conventum et monasterium dictorum fratrum eius arbitrio reducendi, cum figuris eneis, marmoreis et sculptis in forma tamen licita, eamdemque Aram et Cappellaniam circum circa, intus et foris ornandi et decorandi nunc et in futurum et quandocunque eidem domino Ioanni Bononie videbitur et placebit, eiusdem domini Ioannis Bononie sumptibus et expensis, et etiam apponendi arma et insignia dicti domini Ioannis Bononie, cum inscriptione nominis et aliis licitis et honestis. Cum pacto, solemni stipulatione vallato, quod casu quo dictus dominus Ioannes Bononia moreretur (quod Deus avertat) inchoato sed nondum perfecto hedificio, tali casu voluit et obligavit eius heredes et successores eorumque bona mobilia et immobilia ad perficiendum quam primum et infra annum hedificium inceptum, arbitrio tamen periti sculptoris, alias voluit et licentiam dedit dictis venerabilibus Priori et fratri, presentibus etc., elapso dicto anno et non perfecto hedificio, habeant


auctoritatem et baliam, absque decreto alicuius iudicis, capiendi tot ex eius bonis mobilibus et immobilibus, pecuniis et semoventibus, quod sufficiant ad perficiendum opus inceptum. Et obligavit eius heredes et successores ad tacendum et nullo modo contradicendum, sub pena privationis eius hereditatis. Promictentes dicti Prior et fratres ut supra congregati, sub hypoteca omnium et singulorum bonorum presentium et futurorum, ipsum dominum Ioannem Bononiam eius heredes et successores, nullo unquam tempore molestare neo aliquo modo inquietare in faciendo, reficiendo, decorando et adaptando dictum Altare et Cappellaniam, nec etiam in refectis, adaptatis et redecoratis, et [non] contrafaciendi modo aliquo vel sub aliquo quesito colore, directe vel indirecte, promiserunt sub obligatione iam dicta, dictum dominum Ioannem Bononiam presentem, eius heredes et successores conservare indemnes et penitus sine danno, et restituere precium et valorem refectionis, adornationis et redecorationis, ad beneplacitum ipsius domini Ioannis Bononie et eius successorum. Et insuper, attenta bona voluntate dicti domini Ioannis Bononie erga dictam eorum Ecclesiam et conventum, libere eidem concesserunt ad eius beneplacitum et voluntatem faciendi, construendi et hedificandi ad pedes Altaris et Cappellanie prefate vel ibi circum circa, dummodo non deturbetur Cappella contra formam Sacri Concilii Tridentini, unum sepulcrum pro se ipso et suis successoribus et ad eorum usum, eo modo et forma prout sibi placuerit etc. Promictentes prefati Rev.di Prior et fratres, ut supra capitulariter congregati, omnia et singula onera sibi et dicto eorum conventui relicta per dictum olim Dominicum Marci de Dulcibus occasione dicte Cappellanie Succursus, exequi et facere prout tenentur omni meliori modo etc. Et hec omnia fecerunt dicte partes cum expressa declaratione quod dictus dominus Ioannes Bononia non intendit aut vult quicquid predictorum aggredi aut aliquod opus inchoare nisi prius amoveantur e dicta cappella arma et insignia dicti olim Dominici de Dulcibus, iuxta licentiam obtentam a Domino Ferdinando Medices, Etrurie magno Duce, de qua in filza supplicationum 54 Magnificorum dominorum Capitaneorum Partis, n.o 192. Et in super volentes dicti R.di Prior et fratres sese gratos reddere dicto Michaeli Angelo de Martinis, sponte etc. per se et suos in dicto conventu successores etc. et alias omni meliori modo etc. dederunt concesserunt etc. dicto Michaeli Angelo Mathei de Martinis, ibidem presenti etc., pro se et suis heredibus etc. recipienti et acceptanti etc., cappellaniam sub titulo Pietatis, que est in anditu dicte eorum ecclesie inter sacristiam et campanile, cum facultate murandi removendi et alterandi et alias, prout eidem Michaeli Angelo videbitur conveniente, insimul per pactum solemni stipulatione vallatum, quod dicti Rev.di Prior et fratres teneantur omnibus eorumdem fratrum sumptibus et expensis infra duos annos proxime futuros mittere in dicto altari suprascripte cappelle Pietatis unam tabulam pictam, similem quoad altitudinem et ornamentum tabule illorum de Macinghis que reperitur in Capitulo dictorum fratrum. Et infra dictum tempus duorum annorum, expensis omnibus dictorum fratrum fieri debeant sepulcrum pro usu dicti Michaeli Angeli et suis


heredibus et successoribus, cum onere etiam dictis fratribus iniuncto, ponendi arma dicti Michaeli Angeli de Martinis in dicto sepulcro et ornamentis dicte tabule, et etiam ponendi arma et insignia dicti quondam Dominici de Dulcibus, que nunc reperiuntur marmorea in dicta cappella Virginis Marie Succursus, in dicta Cappella Pietatis. Et ulterius dicti Rev.di Prior et fratres, ut supra capitulariter congregati, promiserunt etc. attendere etc. sub pena dupli etc. que etc. qua etc., pro quibus etc. obligaverunt etc. Renuntiantes etc. Quibus per guarantigiam etc. Rogantes etc.

Nomina vero dictorum fratrum, qui interfuerunt sunt hec, videlicet [list omitted]. Actum Florentie, in dicto conventu Servorum, loco eorum soliti capituli, praesentibus ibidem nultum et exc.ti Ioanne quondam Francisci de Venturis, iuris utriusque doctori ac cive et advocato florentino, et Benedicto quondam Bartolomei de Gondis, cive florentino, testibus etc.

[1594/5 FEBRUARY 8]

In Dei nomine amen. Anno dominice Incarnationis 1594, inditione octava, die vero tertia mensis februarii, Clemente octavo summo Pontifice et Ferdinando Medices Etrurie magno Duce dominante. Rev.mus Pater magister Lelius Ballionus, sacre pagine professor et ad presens totius ordinis Servorum Prior Generalis, asserens habuisse et habere notitiam qualiter usque sub die quarta mensis Decembris proxime preteriti 1594 Rev.di Patres Provincialis, Prior et alii magistri sui conventus dive Annuntiate ordinis Servorum de Florentia, capitulariter congregati et alias servatis servandis, ut eorum moris, in presentia et cum consensu, verbo et licentia Michaelis Angeli Mathei de Martinis, civis florentini, uti heredis quondam Dominici Marci de Dulcibus, dederunt et concesserunt domino Ioanni Bononie alterius quondam Ioannis Bononie, Belgio, sculptori famosissimo, Florentie degenti, ibidem presenti etc. Altare et Aram beate Virginis Marie Succursus. . . . Rathificavit approbavit emologavit et omnium et singulorum in dicto instrumento contentorum observantiam promisit. . . .

Actum Florentie, in dicto conventu dive Annuntiate et in mansionibus dicti Rev.mi Patris Generalis, presentibus [etc.].

Ego Paulus quondam Francisci de Paulinis, civis et notarius florentinus, de predictis duobus concessionis et rathificationis respective instrumentis rogatus in fidem subscripsi.

Collationtum per me Iacobum Bindium ex ministris Archivi publici florentini die 29 Martii 1659.

In the name of God, amen. In the year of the Lord's Incarnation 1594, the eighth indiction, on the fourth day of the month of December, Clement VIII


the Supreme Pontiff, Serene Lord Ferdinando de' Medici, grand duke of Etruria, ruling. Be it provided, as the parties written below have asserted, that the magnificent Lord Giovanni Bologna, son of another Giovanni Bologna, most celebrated Belgian sculptor residing at Florence, intending to do some work for the increase of divine worship and out of the zeal of his devotion, in the manner written below, has frequently asked the Most Reverend Father General of the whole order of Servites and the Reverend Prior and brothers of the convent of the Virgin of the Annunciation of Florence to concede to him the high altar or the altar beneath the inscription and likeness of the most sacred Virgin Mary of Succor, as it is named, and behind the larger high altar and the existing choir of said church; and he has himself voluntarily offered to decorate the aforesaid high altar to the glory of the Virgin Mary from his own monies and to restore it to another, better, state and to do other necessary things in the aforementioned place just as pious action requires. And since the said Reverend Prior and the brothers of the convent were and are content, with the added agreement of said Reverend Father General as will be printed below, to concede said high altar in valid form to the same Lord Giovanni Bologna, and also by agreement and consent of the subscribing Michele Angelo Matteo de' Martini, a Florentine citizen, heir of the late Dominicus Marcus of Dulces, who intends to agree in manner and form to the things written below. Hence it is that on this present day as written above, called together, congregated, and at the same time united by chapters, the said and subscribing Reverend Prior and the chapter brothers and convent of Blessed Mary of the Annunciation of the order of Servites of Florence, at the sound of the chapter bell and otherwise, the things to be observed having been observed as is their custom, according to the mandate and request of the Reverend Father Master Archangelo Florentine, the present prior of said convent, the names of those brothers as above congregated shall be written down at the end of the present document.

All professed brothers of said order in the chapter of said convent who have a voice declare that they are two-thirds part of all professed brothers having a voice in the chapter of said convent, and that in them, thus congregated, consists and resides all force and power of doing everything useful for said convent. And they affirm that concerning the things premised and subscribed they have had timely conferences among themselves and frequently have considered and at last have accepted the said and subscribed resolution conceding the high altar to said Giovanni Bologna, with the agreement and consent of said Michele Angelo de' Martini, heir of said late Dominico de' Dulces. Therefore, they do all things and the items written below in the presence and with the agreement, word, and consent of said Michele Angelo Matteo de' Martini, heir of said late Dominico Marco de' Dulces, in the same place with those present and with the agreement and assent of him of said name in the aforementioned presence,


etc. And also with the forthcoming consent and agreement, in each and every thing written herein, of the Most Reverend Father General of their order, within the next two months, with all expenses of the said brothers accompanying and obtaining, that which they promised to fulfill with said names of their own free will, etc., and with their spirit resolved through themselves and their successors and said convent, with no living voice opposed, etc., and otherwise in every better way, etc., they gave and fully conceded, etc., to said magnificent Lord Giovanni Bologna, present in the same place, etc., and for himself and his heirs, etc., receiving and accepting, etc., said high altar and altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Succor and the site and place of the high altar and aforementioned altar, behind the larger high altar and choir of their said existing church, with the faculty and power, as far as to him should seem best, to remove and restore more amply, said high altar and little chapel facing the convent and monastery of said brothers within, without, and round about, by his own judgment, with bronze figures, and marble sculpted in the legitimate form, and to embellish and decorate the same altar and little chapel round about, within and without now and in future and whenever it will seem to please the same Giovanni Bologna, and of the same Giovanni Bologna the outlays and expenses both for adding the coat of arms and insignia of said Lord Giovanni Bologna, with the name and other legitimate and proper inscriptions.

With the contract and solemn stipulation fortified, in case the said Lord Giovanni Bologna should die (which may God avert), the building having been begun but not yet finished, in such case the same Giovanni Bologna wished and obligated his heirs and successors, and their movable and immovable goods, to finish, as soon as possible and within a year, at the judgment of a skilled sculptor, the building that is begun; otherwise he wished and gave license to said venerable Prior and brother, present, etc., that said year having elapsed and the building not having been finished, they may have authority and power, without the decree of any judge, for taking so much from his movable and immovable goods and setting aside monies that may suffice for finishing the work begun. And he obligated his heirs and successors to keep silent and in no way be contradictory, under penalty of privation of his legacy. The said Prior and brothers in congregation, as mentioned above, promise under the pledge of each and every item of their present and future property, never at any time to molest Lord Giambologna and his heirs and successors, nor in any manner to disquiet them in making, restoring, decorating, and adapting the said altar and chapel, nor in regard to these restorations, adaptations, and redecorations to do anything contrary in any way or under any pretext, direct or indirect. They have promised, under the already mentioned obligation, to preserve the said and present Lord Giambologna and his heirs and successors uncharged and completely without loss, and to restore the price


and value of the restoration, adornment, and redecoration, in accordance with the goodwill of this same Lord Giambologna and his successors. Moreover, having retained the goodwill of said Lord Giovanni Bologna toward their church and convent, they have freely conceded to the same to construct and build as he pleases and decides at the foot of the high altar and aforementioned little chapel or thereabouts, so long as the chapel will not be pulled down contrary to the rules of the Sacred Tridentine Council, one tomb for himself and his successors, and for their use, in a way and fashion that will be pleasing to him, etc. The aforesaid Most Reverend Prior and brothers in the chapter congregation, as mentioned above, promise to execute and perform, just as they are held, in every best manner, each and every burden left to themselves and to their said convent by the once-mentioned Domenico Marco de' Dulces on the occasion of the shaking [earthquake?] of the said chapel, etc.

And said parties did all these things with the express declaration that said Lord Giovanni Bologna does not plan or wish to approach any of the aforesaid or to include any work unless the coat of arms and insignia of said former Lord Dominico de' Dulces are removed from said chapel, after authority has been obtained from the Serene Lord Ferdinando de' Medici, grand duke of Etruria, concerning which authority is in the file of supplications [numbered] 54 of the magnificent Lord Captains Party number 192. Moreover, said Reverend Prior and brothers wishing to render themselves gracious to said Michele Angelo de' Martini, of their own accord, etc., and otherwise in every way, etc., they gave and conceded, etc., to said Michele Angelo Matteo de' Martini, present in the same place, etc., for himself and his heirs, etc., to receive and accept, etc., the little chapel under the inscription of Piety that is located in said church between the sacristy and bell tower, with the power to furnish it with walls, removing and altering and doing otherwise as seems convenient to Michele Angelo; at the same time, by means of the contract fortified by a solemn stipulation, let the said Most Reverend Prior and brothers be required, at their own expense and cost, to send within the next two years to the said altar of the above-written Chapel of Piety a painted piece, similar in height and ornamentation to the piece of Macinghi that is found in the chapter of the said brothers. And within the said time of two years of all the outlays of said brothers they are obliged to make a sepulcher for the use of said Michele Angelo and his heirs and successors, with the burden also charged to said brothers of placing the coat of arms, etc., of said Michele Angelo de' Martini in said sepulcher and the ornaments of said tablet, and also of placing the coat of arms and insignia of the said late Domenico de' Dulces, the marble ones that are now found in said Chapel of the Virgin Mary of Succor, and in said Chapel of Piety. And further, said Reverend Prior and brothers congregated by chapters as above promised, etc., to attend, etc., under double penalty, etc., which, etc., by which, etc., for whom, etc., they obligated, etc., renouncing, etc., to whom


by means of guarantee, etc., asking, etc. The names of said brothers who were present are the following [list omitted]. Enacted at Florence, in said convent of Servites in the place of their accustomed chapter, with those witnesses present there, —— magnificent and excellent Lord Giovanni, son of Francesco de' Ventura, doctor of laws, both citizen and advocate, (and) magnificent Lord Benedetto, son of Bartolomeo Gondi, Florentine citizen, etc.

In the name of God, amen. In the year of the Lord's Incarnation 1594, the eighth indiction, on the third day of February, Clement VIII Supreme Pontiff, in the rule of the Serene Lord Ferdinando de' Medici, grand duke of Etruria. The Most Reverend Father Lelio Balliono, professor of the Sacred Page and at present the prior general of the whole order of Servites, asserting that he had and has notice of how at about the fourth day of the month of December of the past year 1594, the reverend fathers, provincial prior, and other masters/officers of the convent of the Virgin of the Annunciation of the order of Servites of Florence, congregated by chapters and otherwise all things to be observed having been observed, as is their custom, in the presence of and with the consensus, word, and license of Michele Angelo Matteo de' Martini, a Florentine citizen, as heir of the late Dominico Marco de' Dulces, gave and conceded to the magnificent Lord Giovanni Bologna, son of another late Giovanni Bologna, of Belgium, most famous sculptor residing at Florence, present there, etc., the high altar and altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Succor. . . . He ratified, approved, swore, and promised to perform each and every thing contained in said document. . . .

Enacted at Florence, in said convent of the Virgin of the Annunciation and in the quarters of said Most Reverend Father General with those present. . . . I, Paolo, son of Franceso de' Paolina, a Florentine citizen and notary, having been asked, subscribe to the two aforementioned documents of concession and ratification.

Collated by me, Jacopo Bindio, from the ministries of the public Archives of Florence, on 29 March 1659.



Preferred Citation: Gibbons, Mary Weitzel. Giambologna: Narrator of the Catholic Reformation. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1995 1995.