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comic v. tragic, 110 -112, 117 , 120 , 122 , 135 , 161 ;

counter-, 132 , 160 ;

Euroamerican/Western, 110 -112, 117 , 135 ;

identity validated through, 116 -118, 135 ;

image of Native American in, 134 -135, 146 -149;

imposed by law, 132 , 146 -149;

Native American, 118 , 149 -163, 179 .

See also Metanarrative

National Endowment for the Humanities, 234

Native American Renaissance, 186 -187

New York Times , 234 -235

New York Tribune , 234

Nez Percé Indians, 181

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 85 , 86 , 88 , 98

Norman, Howard, 195

Norris, Christopher, 8 , 23

Novel, v. romance, 71

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