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Adams, Henry, 88

Adams, John Quincy, 138

Agassiz, Louis, 233 , 234

Alcoff, Linda, 23 , 119

Allen, Gay Wilson, 232

Allen, Paula Gunn, 38 -39, 41

American Indian Ethnohistoric Conference, 4

American School of ethnology, 233

Antiphrasis, 86 , 87 , 98 , 144

Anzaldúa, Gloria, 119 , 125 -126

Apes, Rev. William, 220 -229;

Eulogy on King Philip , 221 , 227 -229;

"The Experience of the Missionary," 221 , 225 -227;

Indian Nullification . . . , 221 , 227 ;

on prejudice/racism, 223 -227;

A Son of the Forest , 221 , 222 , 223 , 227

Aporia, 86 -87, 88 , 89 , 98 , 99 -100, 144

Applebee, Arthur, 235

Ardener, Edwin, 71

Aristotle, 20

Asad, Talal, 173 , 177 , 185 , 186 , 193 ;

on translation, 194 , 195 , 197 , 199

Austin, Mary, 194 , 195


Apes's, 221 -229;

Boas on, 69 ;

de Man on, 210 -211;

ethnographers write, 68 -69;

how to read, 210 -212;

as metaphorical, 212 -213;

as metonymic, 212 , 216 , 217 -219, 231 ;

Native American, 68 -69, 201 -231;

as oral/public performance, 216 -217;

post-contact, 219 -220;

Rousseau's, 217 -218;

as synecdochic, 216 -217, 220 , 225 , 228 , 229 , 230 -231;

Western, 216 , 217 -219, 231 ;

of women, 231

Axtell, James, 4


Bahr, Donald, 20 , 153 , 173 ;

on Native American oratory, 192 -193;

on translation, 194 -195

Bakhtin, Mikhail, 18 -19, 237

Bandelier, Adolph, 69 , 70 , 71 , 72

Barnouw, Victor, 174 -175

Barth, Fredrik, 15 , 240 , 245 n. 5

Barthes, Roland, 51 -52

Baudrillard, Jean, 6

Beckett, Samuel, 95 , 213

Bell's Interconnectedness Theorem, 75

Benedict, Ruth, 72 -73, 84 n. 2

Benjamin, Walter, 187 , 195 , 196 , 197 , 237

Berkhofer, Robert, 133 , 138 , 144 , 146

Berman, Judith, 96 , 181

Bernstein, R. J., 27

Bevis, William, 114 , 182

Bieder, Robert, 64

Biolsi, Thomas, 14 -15

Black Elk, 216 -217

Blanchot, Maurice, 195 , 196 -197

Bloom, Allan, 35

Boas, Franz, 81 -100, 181 ;

antiphrasis in work of, 98 ;

aporia in work of, 98 ;

on autobiography, 69 ;

catachresis in work of, 99 ;

distinguished between natural and social science, 91 -92;

hostility to theory/laws of, 89 -90;

influence/students of, 65 -66, 67 -68, 70 -74, 82 , 83 , 84 n. 2, 178 ;

influences on, 86 ;

irony in work of,


Boas, Franz (continued )

88 -89, 94 , 97 , 98 -99;

linguistics of, 178 ;

made anthropology a science, 84 , 89 , 90 , 92 -93;

on need for historical data, 97 ;

as precursor to postmodernism, 99 ;

Race, Language, and Culture , 93 -96, 97 -98, 129 -130;

relativism in work of, 89

Bohannon, Laura, 179

Boudinot, Elias, 150

Bradford, William, 223

Brightman, Robert, 195

Brodbeck, May, 58

Brumble, David, 210

Bullock, Alan, 85

Burnett, John G., 129


Carroll, David, 10 , 12 , 13

Cass, Lewis, 175

Castro, Michael, 30

Catachresis, 8 , 9 , 86 , 87 ;

in Boas's work, 99 ;

in Indian Removal Bill, 144 ;

in modernism, 88 ;

in postmodernism, 88 , 99

Cheney, Lynne, 234

Cherokee Indians:

cosmic counternarrative of, 160 -161;

constitution of, 150 ;

Declaration of Independence used by, 156 -157, 158 -159;

as equal to Euroamericans, 157 -158, 159 -160, 162 ;

Georgia v., 138 , 139 -140, 144 -145, 150 , 151 ;

identity of, 162 -163;

as independent nation, 138 -139;

irony used by, 160 -161, 162 ;

language of, 149 , 178 ;

literacy of, 149 -150;

metaphors used by, 159 -160, 161 ;

oratorical practices of, 153 -154, 155 -156, 192 ;

response to removal bill of, 29 -30, 141 -142, 149 -163, 192 ;

Trail of Tears of, 139 , 145

Cherokee Memorial to Congress (1830), 141 , 142 , 149 -163, 192

The Cherokee Phoenix , 150

Cheyfitz, Eric, 6 , 131 , 156 , 191 ;

on translation, 197 -198, 199

Clausen, Christopher, 234 -235, 236

Clifford, James, 18 , 53 , 61 , 101 -126, 236 ;

on comic v. tragic narrative, 110 -112, 117 , 120 , 122 , 135 ;

on cultural invention, 110 ;

as ethnographic conjuncturalist, 112 , 121 , 122 -123;

on ethnographic writing, 119 -120, 121 ;

on Euroamerican identity, 116 , 117 -118, 135 ;

irony in work of, 111 -112, 121 -122;

on metanarrative, 111 -112;

on Native American identity, 116 -118;

The Predicament of Culture , 101 , 102 , 116 -117, 120 ;

on W. C. Williams, 102 -105, 106 -110

Clifton, James, 5 , 15 , 17

Codere, Helen, 96

Colden, Cadwallader, 63

Collier, John, 148


Euroamerican/Western narrative as, 112 -113, 117 , 135 ;

v. tragedy, 110 -112, 117 , 120 , 122 , 135 , 161

Conjuncturalism, ethnographic, 102 , 112 , 121 , 122 -123, 124

Conrad, Joseph, 85

Cosmopolitanism, 3 -4, 147 -148, 239 -245;

critical, 243 -244;

v. cultural pluralism, 242 ;

liberal, 240 -242, 244 ;

for minorities, 246

Coulter, E. Merton, 129

Crane, Stephen, 85 -86

Criticism, literary, 120 , 173 ;

of Native American literature, 174 , 175 , 178 -179, 187 -191;

by Native Americans, 187 -188;

translation as, 193 -200;

trickster, 7 , 14 , 118 , 183 , 184 , 191 , 230

Cushing, Frank Hamilton, 64 , 178

Cushman, Dick, 51 , 53 , 54


Darnell, Regna, 64

Dauenhauer, Richard and Nora, 192

Dawes Act (General Allotment Act of 1887), 145 -147


Declaration of Independence, 156 -157, 158 -159

Deloria, Ella Cara, 72

Deloria, Vine, Jr., 47

DeMallie, Raymond, 72

de Man, Paul, 210 -211, 213

Derrida, Jacques, 36 -37, 52 , 130

de Tocqueville, Alexis, 134 , 141 n. 5 , 143 -144, 152

Devereux, George, 207 , 208

Dippie, Brian, 138 , 146 , 233

Diversity, 238 -240, 242 -243.

See also Multiculturalism

Dollar, Clyde D., 16 -17, 44

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 213

Drinnon, Richard, 146

Dumont, Louis, 223

Durham, Jimmie, 247 -248

Durkheim, Emile, 20 , 206


Eastman, Charles Alexander, 230

Einstein, Albert, 65 , 85

Eliot, T. S., 30 , 71 , 100 , 213

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 232 -234, 236

Erdoes, Richard, 39

Ethnic, cognitive, 3

Ethnocentrism, 5

Ethnohistory, 4 -5

Ethnology, 233

Eurocentrism, 234 -235

Evolutionism, 62


Fajans, Jane, 210

Fanon, Frantz, 14 , 19 , 173

Fiction, ethnographic, 60 -62, 70 -74

Fischer, Michael, 53 , 54 , 72 , 207

Fish, Stanley, 33 -36

Ford, Ford Madox, 85

Formalists, Russian, 53 -54, 72

Foster, Michael, 192

Foucault, Michel, 24 , 37 , 60

Frazer, Sir James, 71 , 99

Freud, Sigmund, 85

Frye, Northrop, 56 , 57 , 131 , 135


Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., 235

Geertz, Clifford, 57 -58, 60 , 75 , 101 , 110 , 112 , 130 ;

on ethnography, 51 , 53

Genette, Gerard, 214 , 215

George III of England, 158

Georgia, v. Cherokee, 138 , 139 -140, 144 -145, 150 , 151

Georgia Cession of 1802, 139 -140

Gill, Sam, 40 , 41

Gingerich, Willard, 114 -115

Goldman, Irving, 90 n. 6

Gómez-Peña, Guillermo, 3 , 119

Goodman, Paul, 11

Graff, Gerald, 32

Guess, George (Sequoyah), 149


Habermas, Jurgen, 23 , 78 n. 16

Hakluyt, Richard, 61

Hale, Horatio, 178

Hallowell, A. I., 15

Hardy, Thomas, 85

Harlem Renaissance, 73

Harris, Marvin, 77 , 84

Hartsock, Nancy, 22 , 23 , 24 -25, 79 , 119 , 125

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 35 -36

Heelas, Paul, 201

Heisenberg, Werner, 75 , 85

Hemenway, Robert, 74

Henson, Lance, 47

Heterogeneity, 3

Hirsch, E. D., 56

Hogan, Linda, xi

Hollinger, David, 239 -243, 244

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 233

Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 205 -206

Hopkins, Sarah Winnemucca, 229

Hurston, Zora Neale, 73 -74

Hymes, Dell, 177 , 178

Hypotragedy, 183 -184


Imperialism, 5 ;

anthropology and, 60 ;

ethnocriticism as, 5 -7

Indiana University conference on linguistics, 55

Indian Civil Rights Act (1968), 146 , 148


Indian Removal Act of 1830, 132 -145, 151 -152;

antiphrasis in, 144 ;

aporia in, 144 ;

catachresis in, 144 ;

Cherokee response to, 29 -30, 141 -142, 149 -163, 192 ;

de Tocqueville on, 141 n. 5, 143 -144;

image of Indian in, 144 ;

irony in, 141 , 142 , 143 , 160 ;

oxymoron in, 144 ;

paradoxes in, 137 -138, 139 , 140 -141;

as paternalistic, 142 -143;

as tragedy, 140 -141, 161 -162

Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, 145 -146, 148

Indian Self-Determination Act of 1975, 146 , 148

Interdisciplinarity, 32 -34, 35 , 36

Interminacy principle (Heisenberg), 75 , 85

Irony, 9 , 131 , 136 , 214 ;

aporitic, 99 -100;

Boas used, 88 -89, 94 , 97 , 98 -99;

in Cherokee discourse, 160 -161, 162 ;

Clifford used, 111 -112, 121 -122;

in ethnographic conjuncturalism, 112 ;

figures/troops of (see Antiphrasis;

Aporia; Catachresis; Oxymoron);

in Indian Removal Act, 141 , 142 , 143 , 160 ;

in science, 86 ;

in sense of self, 212 -213;

scepticism expressed by, 86 ;

as trope of modernism, 86 -87, 88

Iroquois, 41


Jackson, Andrew, 133 , 138 -139, 141 , 143 , 150 , 151 , 157 , 159 -160, 161

Jakobson, Roman, 55 , 215

James, Henry, 71 , 85 , 88 , 100 , 147

Jay, Nancy, 20

Jefferson, Thomas, 63 , 133 , 138 , 177

Jennings, Francis, 106

Johnson, Mark, 214

Joyce, James, 71 , 88 , 95


Kafka, Franz, 95 , 213

Kaiser, Rudolf, 41

Kant, Immanuel, 32

Keats, John, 75 -76

Kerber, Linda, 238 -240, 242 -243

King Philip's War, 227 -228

Kristeva, Julia, 118

Kroeber, Alfred, 70 , 71 , 72 , 84 n. 2, 97

Kroeber, Karl, 180 -181


Lacan, Jacques, 52

LaCapra, Dominick, 19

Lakoff, George, 214

Lame Deer, 39

Lawrence, D. H., 100

Lee, Dorothy, 207 , 208 -209

Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 55 , 56 , 57 , 180 -181

Lincoln, Kenneth, 186 , 187


in anthropology, 177 -178;

structuralist, 55 -57

Lovejoy, Arthur O., 38

Lukes, Stephen, 206 , 207

Lumpkin, Wilson, 140 , 144

Lutz, Harmut, 39 -40

Lyotard, Jean-François, 6 -7, 8 , 10 , 12 , 13 , 22 , 24 , 99

Lytle, Donovan, 192


Macquet, Jacques, 77

Malinowski, Bronislaw, 71

Manichean reasoning, 14 , 19 , 20 -21, 22 , 26

Manifest destiny, 135

Marcus, George, 51 , 53 , 54 , 72 , 102 , 207

Marshall, John, 140

Martin, Calvin, 6 , 7 , 14

Mashpee Indians, 116 -117

Matthews, F. H., 108 -109

Matthews, Washington, 178

Mattina, Anthony, 192

Mauss, Marcel, 204 -205, 206 , 222 -223

Mead, George Herbert, 206

Mead, Margaret, 67 , 84 n. 2

Melting pot theory, 34 -35, 147

Melville, Herman, 212 -213

Metahistory, 52 , 53


Metanarratives, 111 -112;

as basis of scientific discourse, 22 ;

challenged, 10 -13;

postmodernism on, 8

Metaphor, 214 ;

in autobiography, 212 -213;

Cherokee, 159 -160, 161 ;

on Native American, as opposition, 38 -45, 157 ;

in self-concept, 212 -213

Metaphysics, 23

Metonymy, 214 ;

in autobiography, 212 , 216 , 217 -219, 231 ;

in sense of self, 212 , 213 ;

v. synecdoche, 215 -216

Milton, John, 137

Modernism, 72 ;

in anthropology, 71 , 82 , 84 ;

aporia in, 88 ;

catacheresis as trope of, 88 ;

in literature, 84 ;

in sense of self, 212 -213

Momaday, N. Scott, 231

Monoculturalism, 147 , 238

Monroe, James, 133 , 138

Montaigne, Michel de, 62 , 198 , 199

Mooney, James, 64

Morgan, Lewis Henry, 63 -64

Multiculturalism, 234 -248;

defined, 3 , 236 -237;

literature taught via, 237 -238;

v. monoculturalism, 238

Murra, John, 64

Murray, David, 64

Musil, Robert, 213



comic v. tragic, 110 -112, 117 , 120 , 122 , 135 , 161 ;

counter-, 132 , 160 ;

Euroamerican/Western, 110 -112, 117 , 135 ;

identity validated through, 116 -118, 135 ;

image of Native American in, 134 -135, 146 -149;

imposed by law, 132 , 146 -149;

Native American, 118 , 149 -163, 179 .

See also Metanarrative

National Endowment for the Humanities, 234

Native American Renaissance, 186 -187

New York Times , 234 -235

New York Tribune , 234

Nez Percé Indians, 181

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 85 , 86 , 88 , 98

Norman, Howard, 195

Norris, Christopher, 8 , 23

Novel, v. romance, 71


Oratory/oral performances, 30 , 154 , 155 , 156 , 176 , 187 , 190 , 191 -193;

autobiography as, 216 -217

Ortiz, Fernando, 15

Ortiz, Simon, 114

Ortner, Sherry, 15

Ostranenie , 54

Oxymoron, 29 , 86 , 87 , 144 , 146 -147


Pannwitz, Rudolf, 195 , 197 , 198 , 237

Paradox, 147 ;

in Indian Removal Act, 137 -138, 139 , 140 -141;

in tragedy, 138 , 140 -141

Parsons, Elsie Clews, 70 , 71

Peacham, Henry, 87

Pearce, Roy Harvey, 134 -135, 149 , 236

Pequot Indians, 221 -229

Philosophy, 8 -9, 60

Phinney, Archie, 181

Pima Indians, 192 -193

Pluralism, cultural, 18 -20, 147 -148, 237 , 242 ;

in language, 18 -19, 237

Porush, David, 54 , 81 ;

on postmodernism, 49 , 50 -51, 75 , 76 , 78 -79

Positionality, 23 -24

Positivism, cultural, 62

Postmodernism, 72 , 76 , 79 ;

alternative to, 8 -12, 101 ;

catachresis marks, 88 , 99 ;

in criticism, 7 , 191 ;

ethnography in, 53 -54, 75 , 184 -185;

ethnography and literature converge in, 75 , 130 -131;

on literature, 49 , 51 , 182 -184;

meaning in, 49 , 50 ;

on metanarrative, 8 ;

on Native Americans, 182 -184;

on philosophy, 8 -9;

precursors of, 99 ;

as science meeting literature, 49 , 51 ;

on scientific discourse, 22

Powell, John Wesley, 65


Pratt, Mary Louise, 61

Purchas, Rev. Samuel, 61


Quintana, Leroy, 114


Rabinow, Paul, 243 -245

Radin, Paul, 68 -69

Ramsey, Jarold, 181

Relativism, 84 ;

of Boas, 89 ;

cultural, 62 , 89 ;

Einsteinian, 65 , 85

Revard, Carter, 40 , 208 , 210

Rhetoric, 131 ;

figures of (see Trope)

Ridge, John, 149 , 155

Ridington, Robin, 6

Riggs, Bishop, 178

Robinson, Harry, 188 -190

Rogin, Michael, 133 , 146 , 154

Rohner, Ronald, 97

Romance, 71 , 132

Rorty, Amélie, 201 -202

Rorty, Richard, 7 , 10 , 12 , 22 , 24 , 35 , 50 , 99

Rose, Wendy, 247

Ross, Lewis, 155

Rothenberg, Jerome, 194 , 195 -196, 198 -200

Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 217 -218

Ryle, Gilbert, 57


Said, Edward, 34 , 120 , 132 , 136

Sale, Kirkpatrick, 115

Sangren, P. Steven, 78 n. 16

Sapir, Edward, 72 , 73

Satire. See Irony

Saussure, Ferdinand de, 85

Savage, Native Americans as, 106 , 134 -135, 144 , 224 , 236

Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 63


anthropology as, 58 , 63 , 64 -65, 82 , 84 , 89 , 90 , 92 -93;

discourse in, 22 ;

ethnography as, 64 -65;

and literature converge, 49 , 51

Scott, Winfield, 145

Self, 201 -231;

in autobiography, 199 , 215 ;

culture defines, 203 -204;

ethnography of, 202 -203;

ironic sense of, 212 -213;

metaphoric, 212 -213;

metonymic, 212 , 213 ;

modernist sense of, 212 -213;

Native American sense of, 201 , 204 -210;

in opposition to society, 209 ;

v. personhood, 202 n. 1;

social theory of, 206 ;

v. subject, 201 -202, 203 ;

synecdochic model of, 212 , 213 , 216 , 217 n. 18;

tropes of, 214 -215;

Western sense of, 204 -207, 209 , 231 ;

women's model of, 217 n. 18

Sequoya, Jana, 185 , 186 , 190 , 193 , 200

Sequoyah (George Guess), 149

Shakespeare, William, 62 , 234 , 235

Shakur, Assata, 231

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 75

Silko, Leslie Marmon, 6 , 186 , 230

Sioux, Brulé, 16 , 17 , 44 -45

Smith, Barbara Herrnstein, 32

Smith, M. Brewster, 214

Smith, Marion, 90 n. 6

Smith, Paul, 203

Sollors, Werner, 110 n. 3, 246

Sontag, Susan, 57

Spivak, Gayatri, 8 , 19 , 28 , 29 , 188

Stein, Gertrude, 219

Stocking, George, 65

Storrs, Henry, 143

Strachey, William, 174

Strathern, Marilyn, 99

Strickland, Rennard, 150 , 155

Structuralism, 55 -57, 58


in autobiography, 216 -217, 220 , 225 , 228 , 229 , 230 -231;

metonymy compared to, 215 -216;

in Native American literature, 217 -218, 220 , 224 -225, 227 -228, 229 , 230 -231;

as part-to-whole relationship, 216 , 217 ;

self described via, 212 , 213 , 216 , 217 n. 18;

Western women use, 217 n. 18, 231


Tacitus, 59 -60

Tedlock, Dennis, 199

Thoreau, Henry, 218 -219


Timberlake, Lt. Henry, 176 -177, 193

Todorov, Tzvetan, 20 -21, 22 , 23 , 24 -25

Tragedy, 131 ;

v. comedy, 110 -112, 117 , 120 , 122 , 135 , 161 ;

hypo-, 183 -184;

in Indian Removal Act, 140 -141, 161 -162;

Native American image as, 134 -135, 136 , 140 -141, 161 -162;

paradox in, 138 , 140 -141

Trail of Tears, 139 , 145

Transculturalization, 15

Translation, as ethnocriticism, 193 -200;

good v. bad, 194 -197;

of Native American literature, 176 -177, 178 , 193 -200

Treaty of New Echota, 145

Trickster criticism, 7 , 14 , 118 , 183 , 184 , 191 , 230

Trope, 131 , 214 -215.

See also Antiphrasis; Aporia; Catachresis; Irony; Metaphor; Metonymy; Synecdoche

Turner, Frederick Jackson, 4 -5

Turner, Victor, 28 , 57

Tyler, Stephen, 6 , 7 , 58 , 99 , 183 , 215 -216;

postmodern ethnography of, 54 , 184 -185


Underhill, Ruth, 72


Vizenor, Gerald, 6 , 119 , 182 -185;

trickster criticism of, 7 , 14 , 118 , 183 , 184 , 191 , 230

Voth, H. R., 178


Walker, Alice, 234 , 235

Washington, George, 177

Wheeler-Howard Act of 1934, 145 -146, 148

White, Allon, 124

White, Hayden, 77 -78, 89 , 111 , 131 -132, 136 ;

on metahistory, 52 , 53

White, Leslie, 84

Whiteley, Peter, 15 , 205

Wickwire, Wendy, 188 -190

Wilden, Anthony, xi, 26 , 79

Williams, Raymond, 23 , 58 , 78 , 101

Williams, Robert A., Jr., 39 , 40 -41

Williams, William Carlos, 116 , 122 ;

on American Indian, 106 -107;

In the American Grain , 106 , 109 ;

"To Elsie," 102 -105, 106 -110

Wissler, Clark, 65

Wolf, Eric, 155

Woolf, Virginia, 88 , 213

Worcester, Rev. Samuel, 150 , 178

Worcester v. Georgia, 136 -137 n. 4, 140

Wordsworth, William, 174


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