12 California to the End of the Century
1. Frona Eunice Wait, Wines and Vines of California (1889; reprint, Berkeley, 1973), p. 180. [BACK]
2. L.J. Rose, Jr., L.J. Rose of Sunny Slope, 1827-1889 (San Marino, Calif., 1959), pp. 132-33; 162-64. [BACK]
3. Report of the California State Board of Agriculture, 1911 (Sacramento, 1912), p. 197. [BACK]
4. Leon Adams, The Wines of America , 3d ed. (New York, 1985), p. 399. [BACK]
5. Carey Stanton, An Island Memoir (Los Angeles, 1984), p. 16; Helen Caire, "A Brief History of Santa Cruz Island from 1869 to 1937," Ventura Count, Historical Society Quarterly 27 (Summer 1982): 7; Clifford McElrath, On Santa Cruz island (Los Angeles, 1967), pp. 6, 98, 120. [BACK]
6. San Francisco Merchant , 28 December 1883. [BACK]
7. Guido Rossati, Relazione di un viaggio d'istruzione negli Stati Uniti d'America (Rome, 1900), p. 285. [BACK]
8. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Yearbook, 1902 (Washington, D.C., 1902), p. 413. [BACK]
9. Charles Kohler, "Wine Production in California," pp. 9, 11(MS, Bancroft Library). [BACK]
10. Overland Monthly 7 (May 1872): 398. [BACK]
11. Writing of a trip made in 1896, the Italian observer Guido Rossati described the winery of William Wehner at Evergreen, Santa Clara County, as typical of California: brick-built, of three floors, it backed up against a hillside; grapes were conveyed to the top floor, where they were crushed; they then descended through chutes to the fermentation vats on the second floor; storage was on the ground floor ( Relazione , pp. 226-27). An extremely interesting collection of photographs of (mostly) nineteenth-century winery buildings is Irene W. Haynes, Ghost Wineries of Napa Valley (San Francisco, 1980). [BACK]
12. The use of redwood for wine cooperage was one of the innovations for which Haraszthy claimed credit: see Alta California , 21 September 1863, and Agoston Haraszthy, "Wine-Making in California," Harper's 29 (June 1864): 28. [BACK]
13. Ernest P. Peninou and Sidney S. Greenleaf, Winemaking in California: III. The California Wine Association ([San Francisco?] 1954), 27. [BACK]
14. California Board of State Viticultural Commissioners, Directory of the Grape Growers, Wine Makers and Distillers of California (Sacramento, 1891). [BACK]
15. History of San Luis Obispo County, California (Oakland, 1883), p. 230. [BACK]
16. The Diaries of Louis Pasqual Dallidet, 1882-1884 , ed. Patrick and Eleanor Brown (San Luis Obispo, Calif., n.d.). [BACK]
17. Alexander D. Bell, Firesno, California (San Francisco, 1884), p. 4.
18. Ibid.
19. Ibid., pp. 16-17; Wait, Wines and Vines of California , p. 188. [BACK]
17. Alexander D. Bell, Firesno, California (San Francisco, 1884), p. 4.
18. Ibid.
19. Ibid., pp. 16-17; Wait, Wines and Vines of California , p. 188. [BACK]
17. Alexander D. Bell, Firesno, California (San Francisco, 1884), p. 4.
18. Ibid.
19. Ibid., pp. 16-17; Wait, Wines and Vines of California , p. 188. [BACK]
20. Bell, Fresno, p . 17. [BACK]
21. Wait, Wines and Fines of California , p. 185. [BACK]
22. Bell, Fresno , pp. 9-10; Rossati, Relazione , p. 265; California Wine Association, undated brochure, c. 1910? (Huntington Library). [BACK]
23. Wait, Wines and Vines of California , p. 185; Bell, Fresno , p. 19. [BACK]
24. Wait, Wines and Vines of California , pp. 185-87; Rossati, Relazione , p. 260. [BACK]
25. Rossati, Relazione , p. 265; American Wine Press and Mineral Water News , 5 May 1897, p. 5; California Wine Review , June 1934, pp. 32-33. [BACK]
26. Wait, Wines and Fines of California , p. 187.
27. Ibid., pp. 189-90; San Francisco Merchant , 14 March 1884. [BACK]
26. Wait, Wines and Fines of California , p. 187.
27. Ibid., pp. 189-90; San Francisco Merchant , 14 March 1884. [BACK]
28. U.S. Immigration Commission, Report , 24 (Washington, D.C., 1911): 570. [BACK]
29. David Joseph Gibson, "The Development of the Livermore Valley Wine District" (M.A. thesis, University of California, Davis, 1969), p. 39.
30. Ibid., pp. 40, 47-49. [BACK]
29. David Joseph Gibson, "The Development of the Livermore Valley Wine District" (M.A. thesis, University of California, Davis, 1969), p. 39.
30. Ibid., pp. 40, 47-49. [BACK]
31. Adolf Eberhart to Benjamin Wilson, 27 May 1863 (Wilson Papers, Huntington Library). [BACK]
32. Norman E. Tutorow, Leland Stanford: Man of Many Careers (Menlo Park, Calif., 1971), p. 186. [BACK]
33. Joseph A. McConnell, Jr., "The Stanford Vina Ranch" (M.A. thesis, Stanford University, 1961), PP. 5-17.
34. Ibid., pp. 18, 43-49; Tutorow, Leland Stanford , p. 187. [BACK]
33. Joseph A. McConnell, Jr., "The Stanford Vina Ranch" (M.A. thesis, Stanford University, 1961), PP. 5-17.
34. Ibid., pp. 18, 43-49; Tutorow, Leland Stanford , p. 187. [BACK]
35. McConnell, "Stanford Vina Ranch," pp. 29-31, 40, 42, 45-46.
36. Ibid., p. 38; Rose, L.J. Rose , p. 105. [BACK]
35. McConnell, "Stanford Vina Ranch," pp. 29-31, 40, 42, 45-46.
36. Ibid., p. 38; Rose, L.J. Rose , p. 105. [BACK]
37. McConnell, "Stanford Vina Ranch," pp. 38-39.
38. Ibid., pp. 50-51. The Vina Ranch production was 10 percent of the entire California wine crop in that year. [BACK]
37. McConnell, "Stanford Vina Ranch," pp. 38-39.
38. Ibid., pp. 50-51. The Vina Ranch production was 10 percent of the entire California wine crop in that year. [BACK]
39. George Coes Howell, The Case of Whiskey (Altadena, Calif., 1928), p. 120. [BACK]
40. McConnell, "Stanford Vina Ranch," p. 53. [BACK]
41. Dorothy E Regnery, An Enduring Heritage: Historic Buildings of tile San Francisco Peninsula (Stanford, Calif., 1976), p. 73. [BACK]
42. McConnell, "Stanford Vina Ranch," p. 33; Elizabeth Gregg, "The History of the Famous Stanford Ranch," Overland Monthly 52 (October 1908): 338. [BACK]
43. Gregg, "History of the Famous Stanford Ranch," p. 338. [BACK]
44. McConnell, "Stanford Vina Ranch," pp. 56-57; Tutorow, Leland Stanford p. 194. [BACK]
45. McConnell, "Stanford Vina Ranch," p. 67; F. T. Robson, "The Stanford Vina Ranch," in The Fine in Early California ([San Francisco] 1955), no pagination. [BACK]
46. Irving McKee, "Three Wine-Growing Senators," California 37 (September 1947): 15, 28-29. [BACK]
47. Ruth Teiser and Catherine Harroun, Winemaking in California (New York, 1983), p. 85. [BACK]
48. Wait, Wines and Vines of California , pp. 156-57; article on Julius Paul Smith in Cyclopaedia of Armerian Biography, 25 . [BACK]
49. Budyard Kipling, From Sea to Sea (London, 1899), 1: 496. [BACK]
50. Wait, Wines and Vines of California , p. 157; Irving McKee, "Historic Alameda County Wine Growers," California 43 (September 1953): 22. [BACK]
51. Teiser and Harroun, Winemaking in California , pp. 114, 119; Maynard Amerine, "Hilgard and California Viticulture," Hilgardia 33 (July 1962): 4. [BACK]
52. Ben C. Truman, Semi-Tropical California (San Francisco, 1874), pp. 121-22; Teiser and Harroun, Winemaking in California , p. 140; Esther Boulton Black, Rancho Cucamonga and Doña Merced (Redlands, Calif., 1975), p. 260. [BACK]
53. George Husmann, Grape Culture and Wine-Making in California (San Francisco, 1888), p. 226; Bascom A. Stephens, ed., Resources of Los Angeles County, California (Los Angeles, 1887), pp. 91-95. [BACK]
54. Husmann, Grape Culture and Wine-Making in California , pp. 236-37.
55. Ibid., p. 237. [BACK]
54. Husmann, Grape Culture and Wine-Making in California , pp. 236-37.
55. Ibid., p. 237. [BACK]
56. Pacific Wine and Spirit Review , 23 April 1896, p. 9. [BACK]
57. Eliot Lord et al., The Italian in America (New York, 1906), p. 143.
58. Ibid., pp. 136-37; Italian Swiss Colony, Italian Swiss Colony, Growers and Producers of Choice California Wines (undated pamphlet [San Francisco? c. 1910?]), pp. 12-14.
59. Ibid., p. 14.
60. Ibid., pp. 14-16.
61. Ibid., pp. 6, 14-16. See also Italian Swiss Colony, Sixth Annual Report, 1887 (San Francisco, [1887]). [BACK]
57. Eliot Lord et al., The Italian in America (New York, 1906), p. 143.
58. Ibid., pp. 136-37; Italian Swiss Colony, Italian Swiss Colony, Growers and Producers of Choice California Wines (undated pamphlet [San Francisco? c. 1910?]), pp. 12-14.
59. Ibid., p. 14.
60. Ibid., pp. 14-16.
61. Ibid., pp. 6, 14-16. See also Italian Swiss Colony, Sixth Annual Report, 1887 (San Francisco, [1887]). [BACK]
57. Eliot Lord et al., The Italian in America (New York, 1906), p. 143.
58. Ibid., pp. 136-37; Italian Swiss Colony, Italian Swiss Colony, Growers and Producers of Choice California Wines (undated pamphlet [San Francisco? c. 1910?]), pp. 12-14.
59. Ibid., p. 14.
60. Ibid., pp. 14-16.
61. Ibid., pp. 6, 14-16. See also Italian Swiss Colony, Sixth Annual Report, 1887 (San Francisco, [1887]). [BACK]
57. Eliot Lord et al., The Italian in America (New York, 1906), p. 143.
58. Ibid., pp. 136-37; Italian Swiss Colony, Italian Swiss Colony, Growers and Producers of Choice California Wines (undated pamphlet [San Francisco? c. 1910?]), pp. 12-14.
59. Ibid., p. 14.
60. Ibid., pp. 14-16.
61. Ibid., pp. 6, 14-16. See also Italian Swiss Colony, Sixth Annual Report, 1887 (San Francisco, [1887]). [BACK]
57. Eliot Lord et al., The Italian in America (New York, 1906), p. 143.
58. Ibid., pp. 136-37; Italian Swiss Colony, Italian Swiss Colony, Growers and Producers of Choice California Wines (undated pamphlet [San Francisco? c. 1910?]), pp. 12-14.
59. Ibid., p. 14.
60. Ibid., pp. 14-16.
61. Ibid., pp. 6, 14-16. See also Italian Swiss Colony, Sixth Annual Report, 1887 (San Francisco, [1887]). [BACK]
62. Italian Swiss Colony , pp. 40, 42, 52-53. [BACK]
63. Teiser and Harroun, Winemaking in California , p. 151. [BACK]
64. Italian Sides Colony , pp. 28, 42, 55.
65. Ibid., p. 30; Lord et al., Italian in America , p. 138. [BACK]
64. Italian Sides Colony , pp. 28, 42, 55.
65. Ibid., p. 30; Lord et al., Italian in America , p. 138. [BACK]
66. A start has been made by William F. Heintz, ''The Role of Chinese Labor in Viticulture and Wine-Making in 19th Century California" (M.A. thesis, Sonoma State University, 1977). See also Sucheng Chan, This Bittersweet Soil: The Chinese in California Agriculture, 1860-1910 (Berkeley, 1986). [BACK]
67. Transactions of the California State Agricultural Society, 1860 (Sacramento, 1861), p. 78. [BACK]
68. Rose, L.J. Rose , p. 81. [BACK]
69. Harper's Weekly 22 ( October 1878): 792-93. In 1883 the prominent Santa Rosa wine producer Isaac De Turk, stated that the Chinese are "the principal help in Sonoma County" (De Turk, "Sonoma Wines" [MS, Bancroft Library], 8 September 1883, p. 21). [BACK]
70. Ernest P. Peninou and Sidney S. Greenleaf, A Directory of California Wine Growers and Wine Makers in 1860 (Berkeley, 1967), pp. 3, 44. [BACK]
71. Irving McKee, "The Oldest Names in California Winegrowing," California 41 (September 1951): 17. [BACK]
72. Bob Stuart Barlow, "Historical and Regional Analysis of the Italian Role in California Viticulture and Enology" (M.A. thesis, University of California at Los Angeles, 1964); Adams, Wines of America , 3d ed., p. 399. [BACK]
73. Adams, Wines of America , 3d ed., p. 447; Irving McKee, "Historic Fresno County Wine Growers," California 42 (September 1952): 13. [BACK]
74. Irving McKee, "Oldest Names in California Winegrowing," p. 17; C. A. Menefee, Historical and Descriptive Sketch Book of Napa, Sonoma, Lake and Mendocino (Napa, Calif., 1873), p. 213. [BACK]
75. For example, Idwal Jones, The Vineyard (New York, 1942); Sidney Howard, They Knew What They Wanted (New York, 1924); John Fante, Dago Red (New York, 1940); Anita Kornfeld, Vintage (New York, 1980); Michael Legat, Mario's Vineyard (London, 1980); Jack Bickham, The >Wihemakers (New York, 1977). [BACK]
76. San Francisco Mechanics' Institute, Report of the Fifteenth Industrial Exhibition, 1880 (San Francisco, 1880), p. 99. [BACK]
77. The standard account of Thomas Lake Harris's life and work is Herbert W. Schneider and George Lawton, A Prophet and a Pilgrim (New York, 1942).
78. Ibid., p. 160. [BACK]
77. The standard account of Thomas Lake Harris's life and work is Herbert W. Schneider and George Lawton, A Prophet and a Pilgrim (New York, 1942).
78. Ibid., p. 160. [BACK]
79. Harris called his new settlement "Salem-on-Erie" in order to promote the Salem name, but he was soon compelled to accept the original address of Brocton (Ibid., p. 147).
80. Ibid., pp. 149, 160. [BACK]
79. Harris called his new settlement "Salem-on-Erie" in order to promote the Salem name, but he was soon compelled to accept the original address of Brocton (Ibid., p. 147).
80. Ibid., pp. 149, 160. [BACK]
81. William Chazanof, Welch's Grape Juice (Syracuse, N.Y., 1977), p. 44. [BACK]
82. Adams, Wines of America , 3d ed., p. 152. [BACK]
83. Schneider and Lawton, A Prophet and a Pilgrim , pp. 279-80. [BACK]
84. Illustrated History of Sonoma County (Chicago, 1889), p. 366. [BACK]
85. Schneider and Lawton, A Prophet and a Pilgrim , pp. 223n., 473. I have not found a file of the Fountain Grove Wine Press . It would be curious to examine. [BACK]
86. Illustrated History of Sonoma County , p. 367. The Manor House, as it was called, was demolished in 1970. See the excellent photographs in Paul Kagan, New World Utopias (New York, 1975). [BACK]
87. Schneider and Lawton, At Prophet and a Pilgrim , pp. 467-68.
88. Ibid., p. 488. [BACK]
87. Schneider and Lawton, At Prophet and a Pilgrim , pp. 467-68.
88. Ibid., p. 488. [BACK]
89. Richard Paul Hinkle, "The Wines and the Mystics of Fantastic Fountaingrove," Redwood Rancher , July 1979, pp. 20-24. [BACK]
90. Robert V. Hine, California's Utopian Colonies (New Haven, 1966), pp. 63, 72-73.
91. Ibid., pp. 59-61.
92. Ibid., pp. 58, 67-68, 71-72; Kagan, New World Utopias , p. 42. [BACK]
90. Robert V. Hine, California's Utopian Colonies (New Haven, 1966), pp. 63, 72-73.
91. Ibid., pp. 59-61.
92. Ibid., pp. 58, 67-68, 71-72; Kagan, New World Utopias , p. 42. [BACK]
90. Robert V. Hine, California's Utopian Colonies (New Haven, 1966), pp. 63, 72-73.
91. Ibid., pp. 59-61.
92. Ibid., pp. 58, 67-68, 71-72; Kagan, New World Utopias , p. 42. [BACK]
93. Hine, California's Utopian Colonies , pp. 74-75. [BACK]
94. Husmann, Grape Culture and Wine-Making in California , p. iii. [BACK]
95. Wait, Wines and Vines of California , p. 147; De Turk, "Sonoma Wines." [BACK]
96. J. De Barth Shorb, for example: see F. W. Wood to Shorb, 1 March 1886 (Shorb Papers). [BACK]
97. Illustrated History of Sonoma County , pp. 430, 433, 699.
98. Ibid., p. 430; Wait, Wines and Vines of California , pp. 139, 142. [BACK]
97. Illustrated History of Sonoma County , pp. 430, 433, 699.
98. Ibid., p. 430; Wait, Wines and Vines of California , pp. 139, 142. [BACK]
99. Illustrated History of Sonoma County , p. 499; Wait, Wines and Fines of California , pp. 136-37.
100. Illustrated History of Sonoma County , p. 402. [BACK]
101. Ibid., pp. 509, 541, 565. [BACK]
100. Illustrated History of Sonoma County , p. 402.
101. Ibid., pp. 509, 541, 565. [BACK]
102. Wait, Wines and Vines of California , p. 134. [BACK]
103. Illustrated History of Sonoma Count , pp. 587-88, 525-26, 516-17, 551-52.
104. Ibid., pp. 409, 569-70, 714, 732, 427-28, 443-44, 501-2, 538-40, 594-95, 630-32, 665, 452-53. [BACK]
103. Illustrated History of Sonoma Count , pp. 587-88, 525-26, 516-17, 551-52.
104. Ibid., pp. 409, 569-70, 714, 732, 427-28, 443-44, 501-2, 538-40, 594-95, 630-32, 665, 452-53. [BACK]
105. The 118 winemakers produced 1,756,000 gallons in 1891, an average of 14,881 gallons apiece; the 22,863 acres of vineyard in Sonoma County were divided among 728 proprietors, an average of 31 1/3 acres. [BACK]