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Underworld: commercial abortion in, 52 -53, 57 , 99 , 106 , 149 ;

in popular press, 167 ;

sexual, 50

United Auto Workers (UAW), 332 n33

United Charities, 236

United States: abortion statutes in, 10 ;

Constitution, 317 n33;

nature of state in, 3

University of Chicago Settlement House, 291 n61

University of Virginia Hospital, 179

University of Wisconsin in Madison, 196

Unmarried mothers. See Mothers, unmarried

U.S. Children's Bureau. See Children's Bureau

U.S. Supreme Court: abortion cases before, 16 , 216 , 235 , 244 -45, 323 n111;

in Doe v. Scott , 240 ;

on economic discrimination, 244 -45;

on "potential life," 252 ;

on right to privacy, 237 , 244 ;

on search and seizure, 166

Uterine perforation, 79 , plate 2

Uterine sounds, 72 , 282 n89;

use by midwives, 75

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