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Tampa, Fla., 198

Taussig, Dr. Frederick J.: on frequency of abortion, 23 , 134 , 139 ;

on infection, 285 n113;

organization of lectures, 84 ;

reform proposals of, 142 -44, 145 , 179 ;

on tuberculosis, 146

Teachers, 158

Technology, medical, 247 ;

and liberalization of abortion, 216

Teenagers: abortions by, 312 n96;

reproductive rights of, 248 , 253

Temperance movements, 12 , 264 n39

Test cases: in abortion law, 181 , 189 , 190 , 191 , 237 , 335 n67, 336 n70;

in birth control movement, 189 , 323 n111. See also Doe v. Scott

Texas, 336 n70

Thalidomide, 203


Therapeutic abortion: under ALI model law, 233 ;

Catholic Church on, 7 ;

during Depression, 14 -35 for economic reasons, 146 , 181 ;

effect of McCarthy-ism on, 180 ;

effect of police raids on, 161 -62;

in England, 141 ;

ethnicity in, 207 , 327 n42;

for eugenic reasons, 64 -65, 203 -4;

in exchange for sterilization, 208 ;

fatalities in, 284 n110;

following Doe v. Scott , 240 ;

frequency of, 328 n47;

in hospitals, 161 -62;

hypothetical cases in, 240 -41, 337 n90;

before Illinois Supreme Court, 242 -43;

lack of standards for, 218 ;

Leunbach method in, 157 ;

medical consensus on, 5 , 262 n14;

medical discourse on, 67 ;

medical indications for, 63 -64, 143 -46, 176 , 177 , 278 n55, 326 n27;

moral protection for, 176 -77;

of nineteenth century, 13 ;

for poor women, 144 , 205 ;

of postwar era, 173 , 200 -202, 214 ;

psychiatric indications for, 183 , 184 , 187 , 201 -3, 207 , 241 , 326 n26, 327 n36;

by race, 205 , 206fig. 3;

ratio to live births, 179 -80, 321 n82, 328 n44, fig. 2;

reductions in, 191 , 204 , fig. 2, fig. 3;

reform of, 219 -22;

restrictiveness of, 235 ;

for rubella, 203 , 240 ;

safety of, 214 , 329 n62;

social indications for, 62 , 64 -65, 132 , 143 -44, 181 , 203 ;

state statutes on, 64 ;

sterilization during, 328 n51;

in Timanus trial, 186 -88;

women's right to decision in, 66 , 67 , 146 , 279 n64. See also Abortion, legal

Therapeutic abortion committees, 173 -79;

control of physicians, 178 -79, 190 -91, 218 ;

and decline in abortions, 204 ;

dismantling of, 246 ;

following Doe v. Scott , 240 ;

institutionalization of, 214 ;

membership of, 320 n74;

origins of, 174 ;

in postwar era, 214 ;

procedures of, 177 , 178 -79;

psychiatrists' challenges to, 218 ;

review process of, 186 ;

and sterilization, 177 ;

unconstitu-tionality of, 244 ;

women before, 179 , 200 , 321 n79. See also Hospitals

Thiery, Mary E., 53

Thurston, Dr., 56

Timanus, Dr. George Loutrell, 148 , 158 -59;

abandonment by colleagues, 187 , 323 n105;

imprisonment of, 188 ;

on medical profession, 191 ;

professional ethics of, 187 ;

raid on, 181 , 322 n86;

referrals to, 183 , 186

Timanus trial, 323 n112;

court opinion on, 322 n89;

defense in, 187 ;

physicians' testimony in, 186 -87;

prosecution in, 322 n86;

therapeutic abortion in, 186 -88;

transcript of, 183

Time magazine, 172

Towne, Dr. Janet, 168 , 169 , 319 n49

Trade unions, 227 , 233

Tuberculosis, as indication for abortion, 65 , 143 -44, 145 , 146 , 240 , 326 n27

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