Families: in abortion investigations, 125 , 126 -28, 302 nn48, 49;
contraceptive use in, 40 -41;
role of medical practice in, 68 ;
state intervention in, 115 ;
support for abortion within, 27 . See also Fathers; Mothers
Families, working-class: birth control for, 36 ;
effect of abortion on, 39 -40, 144 .
Family planning: by working-class women, 35 -36, 230 . See also Birth control
Fatherhood, as expectation, 115 , 129
Fathers: attitude toward daughter's abortions, 28 , 108 ;
newspaper warnings to, 125 ;
physicians as father figures, 59 -60, 84 , 234 ;
power over daughters, 237 , 248 ;
state as, 115
Federal Bureau of Investigation, 318 n39
Fee for service, 49
Fees, abortion: of clinics, 150 ;
compared to childbirth, 74 , 154 , 313 n101, 315 n106;
at Gabler-Martin clinic, 154 -55, 197 , 311 n82, 313 nn107, 108;
at Keemer clinic, 157 ;
of midwives, 74 , 96 , 283 n98 negotiation of, 154 -55, 225 ;
physicians', 47 , 76 , 96 , 154 , 196 , 197 , 282 n86;
in postwar era, 197 , 325 n11;
at Timanus clinic, 158
Feminine mystique, 163 , 315 n10
Feminists: abortion activism of, 217 -18, 223 -34, 238 , 252 ;
on abortion law reform, 331 n21;
in abortion rights movement, 222 -34;
African American, 207 , 232 , 334 n50;
and birth control movement, 141 ;
English, 220 ;
on medical profession, 3 , 260 n6;
and poor people's movements, 236 ;
smear campaigns against, 172 ;
tactics of, 229 ;
Feminists, nineteenth-century, 12 ;
on birth control, 36 ;
views on abortion, 32 -33, 35 , 36 , 76 , 278 n44;
views on medicine, 260 n6. See also Women's movements
Fetus: defects of, 203 , 204 , 221 , 240 , 327 n383
primacy over woman, 250 ;
Fibroids, in therapeutic abortion, 326 n27
Fields, Dr. Charles, 238 , 239
Findley, Dr. Palmer, 109 , 110
Finkbine, Sherri, 203
Fish, Dr. E. F., 67
Fitzbutler, Dr. Henry, 269 n38
Florence Crittendon Hospital (Detroit), 174 -75, 176 , 177 ;
sterilization at, 329 n54
Folk remedies, for abortion. See Abortifacients; Abortion, self-induced
Foucault, Michel, 5 , 7 , 262 n21
Frank, Dr. Jacob, 56
Frank, Dr. Louis, 124
Freedmen's Hospital (Washington, D.C.), 147
Freedom, sexual, 220 ;
feminists on, 16 , 217 , 229 ;
in nineteenth century, 32 ;
in sex reform drives, 92 . See also Sexuality
Friedan, Betty, 315 n10
Friedman, Lawrence, 167 , 317 n33, 318 n39
Friendship, women's, 27 , 29 -31, 45
Fritzsche, Sybille, 235 -38, 239 , 335 nn66, 67, 336 n69;
on Cook County attorney, 242 ;
on religious opposition, 338 n98
Furniss, Dr. Henry, 123