Preferred Citation: Hedeman, Anne D. The Royal Image: Illustrations of the Grandes Chroniques de France, 1274-1422. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1991 1991.


Unillustrated Copies

Dates are provided when possible. This section is subdivided by centuries, because there is less information on which to base a date.

Thirteenth Century

B.L. Add. 38128 (after 1285 and probably before 1314)

B.R. 4 (after 1285 and probably before 1314) John the Fearless, duke of Burgundy; Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy

Fourteenth Century

Musée Condé, Ms. 868

B.N. fr. 10136

B.N. fr. 24433 (flyleaves are fragments of the chronicle)

B.N. fr. 2600 (second quarter of the fourteenth century)

Fifteenth Century

B.L. Add. 15303 (early fifteenth century)

B.N. fr. n.a. 6225 (early fifteenth century)

B.N. fr. n.a. 6776 (extract)

B.N. fr. n.a. 10043

B.N. fr. n.a. 21876

B.N. fr. 1986 (extract)

B.N. fr. 2601–2602

B.N. fr. 2611–12

B.N. fr. 4933–35

B.N. fr. 4936

B.N. fr. 4937–38

B.N. fr. 4955 (1460)

B.N. fr. 4984 (1469)

B.N. fr. 4956 (extract)

B.N. fr. 4957 (extracts)

B.N. fr. 4979–83 (second half of fifteenth century)

B.N. fr. 15484


B.N. fr. 17271

B.N. fr. 23141

B.N. fr. 23142

B.N. fr. 23143

Turin, B.N. L.V. 12

Vienna, ÖNB 3431

Vienna, ÖNB 3300

Sixteenth Century

B.N. fr. 2846 (extract)


Preferred Citation: Hedeman, Anne D. The Royal Image: Illustrations of the Grandes Chroniques de France, 1274-1422. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1991 1991.