Odo Capet, fig. 11
Old Testament kings, 9 –10
Orders of chivalry:
Order of the Garter, 109 ;
Order of the Porcupine (Mail), 163 , fig. 111 ;
Order of the Star, 107 –109, 129 , 131 , 132 , fig. 76
Ordinance, on education (tutelle ) of the dauphin, under Charles V, 113 –14;
under Charles VI, 172
Ordinance, on the majority of the dauphin, under Charles V, 111 , 113 , 124
Ordinance, on regency for the dauphin:
under Charles V, 137 ;
under Charles VI, 172
Orléanist party, 138
Osculum , 120
Ouy, Gilbert, 38
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce Ms. 217 (Grandes Chroniques ), 232 –33;
extra text passages in, 288 n.38