Gaède, Edouard, 69 –70
Galois, Evariste, 137
Games, theory of, 143
Gaudin, Albert, 239 n13
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 143 –44
"General of Meaning of Art." See Solov'ev, Vladimir
Genette, Gérard, 233 n4
Geometry, 165 –68, 177 , 206 –7;
n -dimensional, 178 –79;
projective, 138
Gide, André, 156
Glossolalia, 57
God, death of, 81 –84
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 165 , 216
Goncharova, Natal'ia, 175 –77, 180
Goodman, Nelson, 191
Gorgias, 172
Gorodetsky, Sergei, 53 ;
"Some Currents in Contemporary Russian Poetry," 53
"Go to Hell" (Futurist manifesto), 171
Greimas, A. J., 145
Group (mathematical concept), 136 –40, 156 –57, 162 ;
Gurdjieff, George Ivanovitch, 179
Guro, Elena, 212 –13