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Gaède, Edouard, 69 –70

Galois, Evariste, 137

Games, theory of, 143

Gaudin, Albert, 239 n13

Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 143 –44

"General of Meaning of Art." See Solov'ev, Vladimir

Genette, Gérard, 233 n4

Geometry, 165 –68, 177 , 206 –7;

Euclidean, 178 , 208 ;

n -dimensional, 178 –79;

non-Euclidean, 136 , 144 ;

projective, 138

Gide, André, 156

Gill, Austin, 85 –86, 234 n5

Glossolalia, 57

God, death of, 81 –84

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 165 , 216

Goncharova, Natal'ia, 175 –77, 180

Goodman, Nelson, 191

Gorgias, 172

Gorodetsky, Sergei, 53 ;

"Some Currents in Contemporary Russian Poetry," 53

"Go to Hell" (Futurist manifesto), 171

Graduate education, 6 , 15

Greimas, A. J., 145

Group (mathematical concept), 136 –40, 156 –57, 162 ;

closure, 137 –40, 206

Gurdjieff, George Ivanovitch, 179

Guro, Elena, 212 –13

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