The Cigarette Papers

16 occurrences of frank statement
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 expand sectionChapter 1  Looking through a Keyhole at the Tobacco Industry
3collapse sectionChapter 2  Smoking and Disease: The Tobacco Industry's Earliest Responses
 Filter Cigarettes And The "Tar Derby"
 Early Advertising Claims
 B&W's Internal Research Program
2expand sectionThe Council For Tobacco Research
 expand sectionIndustry Reaction To The 1964 Surgeon General's Report
1expand sectionReactions By Bat And B&W
1expand sectionChapter 3  Addiction and Cigarettes as Nicotine Delivery Devices
1expand sectionChapter 4  The Search for a "Safe" Cigarette
1expand sectionChapter 5  Public Relations in the "Safe" Cigarette Era
 expand sectionChapter 6  Agricultural Chemicals and Cigarette Additives
 expand sectionChapter 7  Legal Concerns Facing the Industry
 expand sectionChapter 8  Lawyer Management of Scientific Research
 expand sectionChapter 9  Stonewalling: Politics and Public Relations
 expand sectionChapter 10  Environmental Tobacco Smoke and the Nonsmokers' Rights Movement
1expand sectionChapter 11  Where Do We Go from Here?

 expand sectionStatements by Brown and Williamson
2expand sectionList of Available Documents
  About the Authors
  Document Index
1expand sectionName Index
6expand sectionSubject Index

16 occurrences of frank statement
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