"Facing AIDS," 228
Factor VIII, 281
Fain, Nathan, 205
False positive, 305
Falwell, Jerry, 141
Fatal Attraction , 221 , 233 , 262 n138, 266 n158
Fauci, Anthony, 284
FBI. See Federal Bureau of Investigation
of AIDS, 154 , 156 ;
of contagion, 68 , 73 ;
of contamination, 29 ;
and control of sexual morality, 140 -42;
of infection, 153 ;
of loss of status, 89 ;
of sex, 151 ;
of venereal disease, 152 .
See also Feared minorities; Phobia
Feared minorities, 78 -82
Federal AIDS Task Force, 308
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 8 , 130 , 133 , 202
Federal government, response to AIDS of, 161 -63
Federal Health Resources and Services Administration, 333
Feldman, Douglas A., 211 , 212
"circumcision," 211 ;
genital mutilation, 211 ;
"promiscuity," 262 n138;
-to-female transmission of HIV, 258 n119
Feminine personifications, 235 n2
analysis, 233 ;
community, 232
Fettner, Ann Guidici, 206 , 216
Financing health care, 160 -61
Fineberg, Harvey V., 162
Fire-and-brimstone, 307
"Fisting," 295 -96n35
FitzGerald, Frances, 201 -2
Five Points area, 42 , 44 , 45 , 48
Fleck, Ludvik, 203 -4
Flies. See Polio; Stable-fly
Fly-bites. See Polio; Stable-fly
Food, contamination of, 6
Foucault, Michel, 13
4-H "risk groups," 194 , 198 , 206 , 238 n10, 281
Fox, George Henry:
Photographic Illustration of Cutaneous Syphilis , 183 (fig. 9)
cholera in, 41 ;
plague in, 89
Frank, Barney (Congressman), 308
Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper , 184 (fig. 10)
Frederick Douglass High School, 127
Freedom, individual, 98 -99
Free sterile needles, 164 , 253 n94;
New York City Department of Public Health distribution experiment, 264 n150.
See also Sterile needles for intravenous drug users
Friedan, Betty, 262 n138
Fumigation, 38 , 44 , 50
Functionalism, 18
Fundamentalists, 304 -5, 307