Activism, 310
Addiction. See Intravenous drug use; Intravenous drug users; Substance abuse; names of specific substances
Addicts. See Intravenous drug use; Intravenous drug users; Substance abuse; names of specific substances
Adler, Michael, 115
Africans, 9 , 192 -93, 198 , 212
crisis, 147 ;
organizations and policy- making, 312 ;
"widows," 261 n131
AIDS Centers, 332
AIDS Council of New South Wales, 310
AIDS Foundation, 303
AIDS Health Services Projects, 333
AIDS Medical Foundation, 205
AIDS-related complex (ARC), 194 , 286 , 304 , 328
Allen, Hilary, 235 n1
Altering behavior, 162 -63.
See also Education; Life-style; Public health; Sex-education
Altman, Dennis, 199
AMA. See American Medical Association
Amebiasis, 273
American Academy of Actuaries, 160
American Association of Physicians for Human Rights, 278
American Foundation for AIDS Research, 330
American Journal of Public Health , 80
American Lung Association, 75
American Medical Association (AMA), 93 , 95 n16, 149
American Museum of Natural History, 172
American Physicians for Human Rights, 309 -10
American Social Hygiene Association, 123 , 140
American Society for Social Hygiene, 131
Amphetamines, 81
Amyl nitrite, 200 , 273 -76, 294 -95nn33-35
douche, 288 ;
intercourse (-receptive-sex), 206 , 288 , 295 n35, 312
Anderson, James, 114
And the Band Played On (Shilts), 199
Animal rights movement, 323
Annals of Internal Medicine , 277
See also Penicillin; Streptomycin
Anticontagionists, 71 -73
Antipositivism, 13
Antireductionist tradition, 31 n 16
Antisodomy law, 306
Antitoxin, 21
Anti-Vaccination League, 104
Antivaccination lobby, 105
Antivivisectionist controversy, 323
Anxiety. See Fear; Phobia
"Approved receptacle," 201 (fig. 1).
See also "Natural" receptacle
ARC. See AIDS-related complex Ardill, Susan, 231
Armed forces, screening of, 158
Army camp, 186 (fig. 12)
Arsenic, 139
Arsenicals, 125
Artificial insemination, 207
Artistic representation of AIDS, 241 -42n19
Asiatic cholera, 43 , 61 n35, 91
Associated Medical Schools, 94
Atlantic , The , 212
Atmospheric origin of disease, 45 .
See also Miasmas; Vapors
Australia, 10 , 48 , 303 -5, 308
Austria, 48
civic and medical, 87 -91;
scientific experts, 164 .
See also Civic leaders and plague; Crisis of authority
Autologous transfusions, 283
Automobile Club of America:
and quarantine, 54
Azidothymidine (AZT), 327 , 334 -35
AZT. See Azidothymidine