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Pan American Association for the Advancement of Women, 18

Pan American Conferences. See International Conferences of American States

Pan Americanist movement, 52

Pan American Scientific Congress: First, 12 ;

Second, 13

Pan American Union, 23

Pan American Women's Auxiliary, 18

Pan American Women's Central Committee, 24 n.11

Pan American women's conferences, 14 -18

Pankhurst, Emmeline, 144

Parada, Aida, 17

Pardo Bazán, Emilia, 180

Paredes, Condesa de, 163 , 164 , 168

Parra, Teresa de la, 10 -11, 37 -44 passim, 58 , 68 , 72

Parra, Violeta, 73 n.13

Parra del Riego, Juan, 109 -110

Partido Feminista Nacional, 114

Pasionaria, La. See Ibarrui, Dolores

Paul, Alice, 25 n.17

Paz, Octavio, 157 , 168 , 171 n.5

Pellicer, Eustaquio, 79

Pensadora Gaditana, La , 179

Pensil Gaditano [Ibérico ], El , 179


bibliography, 182 -231;

introduction, 173 -181;

summary (1722-1988), 184 -185.

See also specific titles

Periquillo sarniento, El , 178

Perón, Eva, 130 , 131 , 137 -138

Peyre, Irene de, 17

Pfandl, Ludwig, 157 , 168

Phillips, Rachel, 113

Plus Ultra , 30 , 74 -78, 80 , 83 -85, 87 -88

Pocahontas, 53 , 59

Polo de Medina, Jacinto, 165

Portal, Magda, 63 , 64 -66, 70 , 72 , 73 n.13

Posmodernistas , 57

Pound, Ezra, 36

Pratt, Mary Louise, 6 , 34 , 48 -73, 232

Prieto, Adolfo, 144 -145, 150 n.29

Pueyrredon, Manuel A., 144

Py, Eugenio, 79

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