Padma purana[*] , 126
Pandey, Gyan, 377
Pandey, Ramji, 156 , 175 , 234 , 328 -29;
photo, 303 ;
at Ramnagar Ramlila , 302 -3, 307 -8
Paramanand, 383
Parashuram, 221 -22, 335 -36, 357 -58
Parayan[*]path[*] , 54 , 266 . See also Path[*]
Parvati, 217 -18
Path[*] , 39 -40;
akhand[*]path[*] , 74 -79;
contemporary popularity of, 427 -28;
defined, 54 ;
literacy as encouraging, 63 ;
melodies used in, 69 ;
Ramlila chanting as, 301 -2;
relation to Katha , 331 ;
ritual applications of, 70 -72
Pathak, Kashinath, 288
Pathak, Shivlal, 139 , 142 -44, 321 ;
royal patronage, 137
Pathak, Shrinivas, 202 -3
Pathak, Vandan, 147 -48, 151 , 231 ;
anecdote on virtuosity, 187 n. 38;
sankavali[*] text, 177
Patronage: of Katha , 160 -61, 164 ;
of Manas , 420 ;
by Marwari community, 420 -26;
of Ramlila , 269 , 282 -85
Pauranika[*] , 124
Performance, theory of, 33 -37, 340 ;
technique of framing, 18
Phagua . See Holi
Phalsruti: defined, 38 ;
encouragement of recitation in, 117 ;
use in Puranas, 57 -58
Phulvari , 7 ;
in Kajli singing, 105 , 109 ;
in Ramnagar Ramlila , 332 ;
temple tableau of, 94
Pith[*] . See Vyaspith[*]
Piyush Goswami, 174 , 202 -3
Poddar, Hanuman Prasad, 62 , 368
Poetic signature, 10 -11, 17 -18
Pollock, Sheldon, 346 , 351 , 354 -55, 394
Possession, of expounder by Hanuman, 199
Postman, Neil, 431
Praman[*] , 159 , 187 , 379
Prasang[*] , 17
Pravacan , 160 , 178
Prayagdas, 319 -20
Premchand, 268
Publishing: early Manas editions, 61 -62;
impact of, 62 -63.See also Literacy
Puja-path[*] , 54
Puranas: recitation tradition, 57 -59;
role of oral expounder, 124 -27
Pushti Marg, 275