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and causation, 154 -155, 161 -162;

and humanitarianism, 154 -156.

See also Economic rationality

Categorical thinking:

and justice, 13 , 99 ;

and rights, 183 , 188 , 190 , 197 -198, 211 , 214 -218;

and syntax, 105 -106, 109 , 110 , 113


and capitalism, 154 -155, 161 -162;

and the novel, 167 -168, 172 -173;

and tort law, 160 -163

Charities Organization Movement, 153 -154


rational, 97 -100.

See also Deliberative rationality; Economic Rationality

Civil war, 157 -158;

as epistemological crisis, 208 .

See also Slavery

Classical Republicanism, 13 , 36 , 42 , 48 -49, 147 , 182 ;

and political rationality, 42 -46, 48.

See also Liberalism


and economic rationality, 12 -13, 140 ;

and the novel, 167 -172, 180 -181;

and syntax, 107 -110.

See also Reason

Commensurability, 144 ;

materialist, 60 -62, 67 -68, 73 -74, 89 ;

moral and economic, 147 , 149 -150, 155 -156, 162 , 172 ;

political, 42 -48;

punitive, 11 -19, 53 -54;

rational, 187 , 200 -201, 202 , 203 , 207 , 223 ;

reflexive, 50 -54, 162 -163, 165 -166;

syntactic, 111 , 116 -119, 220

Compensatory equilibrium:

and evolutionary theory, 163 -166;

and the novel, 166 -167, 175 , 177 ;

and tort law, 159 , 161 -163

Constitutional law, 193 , 195 , 207 , 209 -210;

and racial segregation, 214 -217;

and substantive due process, 209 -211

Communitarianism, 182


of anonymity, 30 , 35 ;

prevention of, 15 -19;

and retribution, 11 -12, 19 , 54 , 55 ;

as signifying field, 25 , 26 , 31 -34, 37 -38, 55 ;

and sin, 20 -24, 28

Criminal law, 8 ;

and evolving taxonomies, 20 -24;

and shifting jurisdictions, 20 -23;

strict construction in, 23 -25, 33 .

See also Punishment; Punitive rationality

Critical Legal Studies Movement, 182 , 189 , 199

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