Thucydides and the Ancient Simplicity |
Acknowledgments |
Introduction |
1. Sherman at Melos |
2. Truest Causes and Thucydidean Realisms |
3. Representations of Power before and after Thucydides |
4. Power, Prestige, and the Corcyraean Affair |
5. Archaeology I |
6. Archaeology II |
7. The Rule of the Strong and the Limits of Friendship |
8. Archidamos and Sthenelaidas |
9. The Melian Dialogue |
10. Athenian Theses |
• | The Athenians at Sparta: Old Victories, New Lessons |
• | “More Just” Rather Than “Just”: Justice as a Zero-Sum Game |
• | Problems in the Data: Euphemos at Kamarina and the Melian Dialogue |
• | Notes |
11. Conclusion |
Bibliography |