Thucydides and the Ancient Simplicity


 collapse sectionIntroduction
 collapse section1. Sherman at Melos
 collapse section2. Truest Causes and Thucydidean Realisms
 The Realisms of Thucydides
 Thucydides and Political Realism
 collapse section3. Representations of Power before and after Thucydides
 Inscribing the Limits of Authority: The Hegemony of Herodotus’s Spartans
 Xenophon’s Self-Fashioning Spartans
 collapse section4. Power, Prestige, and the Corcyraean Affair
 The Anger of Corinth
 collapse sectionThe Speeches of the Corcyraeans and Corinthians
 Reciprocity and Status
 Discrediting the Corcyraeans
 Establishing Credibility
 collapse section5. Archaeology I
 Views on Human Development
 The Original Humanity and the Heroic Past
 The Original Humanity and the Forces of Production
 The Polis as the Basic Social Unit
 The Constituent Ties of Society: Aidôs and Dikê
 collapse section6. Archaeology II
 Wealth in the Archaic Period: Symbolic Rather Than Financial Capital
 Thucydides and “Symbolic Capital”
 Thucydides and Capital
 collapse section7. The Rule of the Strong and the Limits of Friendship
 Spartan Traditionalism
 collapse section8. Archidamos and Sthenelaidas
 Archidamos’s Vision and Spartan Practice
 collapse section9. The Melian Dialogue
 Herodotus’s Athenians and the Politics of Heroism
 Thucydides and the Grandchildren of Salamis
 collapse section10. Athenian Theses
 The Athenians at Sparta: Old Victories, New Lessons
  “More Just” Rather Than “Just”: Justice as a Zero-Sum Game
 Problems in the Data: Euphemos at Kamarina and the Melian Dialogue
 collapse section11. Conclusion
 Essentialism, History, and Ideology in Thucydides
 The City and Man
 The Funeral Oration And The Price of Objectivity


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