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64. This term architectural competence is borrowed from Glassie: "The learning designer develops a set of pure and simple geometric ideas. As thinker, as perceiving, conceptualizing human being, he shatters and rebuilds reality by dint of an inward capacity for sundering and ordering. Without limiting his thoughts in terms of future need, he constructs ideas that are inherently useless but of enormous potential owing to their very simplicity. He relates these essential ideas into a geometric repertoire much the same way the learning speaker develops a set of phonemes or the learning musician develops a scale of notes. The designer's geometric repertoire is not composed of models of the sights of the phenomenal world. It is not a set of abstracted trees or faces, but a set of simple shapes abstracted beyond any connection with trees and faces. It is an unreflectively held repertoire of geometric entities, elegant summaries of features of shape, such as line or angle or curve." Glassie, Folk Housing , pp. 19, 19-40. [BACK]

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