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Las Trampas: San José de Gracia de Las Trampas

1. Harris, "The Preservation of Art," Appendix.

2. Cited in ibid., p. 6.

3. Ibid., Appendix. [BACK]

1. Harris, "The Preservation of Art," Appendix.

2. Cited in ibid., p. 6.

3. Ibid., Appendix. [BACK]

1. Harris, "The Preservation of Art," Appendix.

2. Cited in ibid., p. 6.

3. Ibid., Appendix. [BACK]

4. Domínguez, The Missions , pp. 99-100.

5. Ibid. [BACK]

4. Domínguez, The Missions , pp. 99-100.

5. Ibid. [BACK]

6. Harris clarified this point by noting that José González, "a displaced native of Sonora," repainted these works of an earlier date. Harris, "The Preservation of Art." Also see Kessell, The Missions of New Mexico , p. 102. [BACK]

7. Bloom, "Bourke on the Southwest X," pp. 274-275. [BACK]

8. Owings, "Las Trampas," p. 32. [BACK]

9. Kessell, The Missions of New Mexico , p. 105. [BACK]

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