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120. Cited in Bolton, "The Mission as a Frontier Institution," p. 63. "[He] was able to report fourteen monasteries, serving fifty-odd pueblos, each with its school, where the Indians were taught not only to sing, play musical instruments, read, and write, but, as Benavides puts it, 'all the trades and polite deportment,' all imparted by 'the great industry of the Religious who converted them'" (p. 63). [BACK]

121. Domínguez, The Missions , p. 67. [BACK]

122. Bloom, "Bourke on the Southwest X," p. 251.

123. Ibid., p. 197. [BACK]

122. Bloom, "Bourke on the Southwest X," p. 251.

123. Ibid., p. 197. [BACK]

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