Preferred Citation: Oliker, Stacey J. Best Friends and Marriage: Exchange Among Women. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1989 1989.


Chapter Five Women Friends and Marriage Work

1. Arlie Russell Hochschild, "Emotion Work, Feeling Rules, and Social Structure," American Journal of Sociology 85 (1979): 551-75; and Hochschild, The Managed Heart (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983).

2. Hochschild, "Emotion Work," 552, 561.

3. Ibid., 562.

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid., 552, 566.

6. Ibid., 569.

7. On lax emotion work, see ibid., 567.

8. For a power analysis, see Hochschild, Managed Heart, ch. 8. For functionalist analyses, see Talcott Parsons, "The American Family: Its Relation to Personality and Social Structure," in Family, Socialization, and Interaction Process, ed. Talcott Parsons and Robert E Bales (Gleneoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1955); and David R. Miller and Guy E. Swanson, The Changing American Family (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1958), 200-201.

9. Jessie Bernard, The Future of Marriage (New York: Bantam Books, 1976), 28.

10. Elizabeth Bott, Family and Social Network, 2d ed. (New York: Free Press, 1971).

11. At the time of the interviews median earnings for full-time female workers were $12,001 (Janet L. Norwood, "The Female-Male Earnings

Gap: A Review of Employment and Earnings Issues," U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, report 673 [Washington, D.C., 1982], 9).

12. Barbara R. Bergmann, The Economic Emergence of Women (New York: Basic Books, 1986), 230.

13. U.S. Bureau of the Census, Poverty in the U.S.: 1985, ser. P-60, no. 158 (Washington, D.C., 1987), 111; Diana M. Pearce, "Farewell to Alms: Women's Fare Under Welfare," in Women: A 3d ed., ed. Jo Freeman (Palo Alto, Ca.: Mayfield, 1984), 508, 509; Bergmann, Emergence, chs. 6, 10.

14. Andrew J. Cherlin, Marriage Divorce Remarriage (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1981), 82; U.S. Bureau of the Census, Child Support and Alimony: 1983, Current Population Reports, sen 3, no. 141 (Washington, D.C., 1985).

15. Helen Koo and C. M. Suchindran, "Effects of Children on Worn-en's Remarriage Prospects," Journal of Family Issues 1 (1980): 505; and Paul C. Glick, "Remarriage: Some Recent Changes and Variations," Journal of Family Issues 1 (1980): 475-76.

16. Barbara Ehrenreich, The Hearts of Men (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Anchor Press, 1983), ch. 7.

17. See Stacey J. Oliker, "Abortion and the Left: The Limits of 'Pro-Family' Politics," Socialist Review 56 (March 1981): 71-95; and Deirdre English, "The Fear that Feminism Will Free Men First," in Powers of Desire, ed. Ann Snitow, Christine Stansell, and Sharon Thompson (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1983), 477-83.

18. For findings that men are less expressive, see: John G. Allen and Dorothy M. Haccoun, "Sex Differences in Emotionality: A Multidimensional Approach," Human Relations 29 (1976): 711-22; Sandra Lipsitz Bern, Wendy Martyna, and Carol Watson, "Sex Typing and Androgyny: Further Explorations of the Expressive Domain," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 34 (1976): 1016-23; Mirra Komarovsky, Dilemmas of Masculinity: A Study of College Youth (New York: W. W. Norton, 1976).----For findings that men are less empathetic, see: Martin L. Hoffman, "Sex Differences in Empathy and Related Behaviors," Psychological Bulletin 84 (1977): 712-22.----For findings that men disclose less on intimate topics, see: Paul C. Cozby, "Self-Disclosure: A Literature Review," Psychological Bulletin 79 (1973): 73-91; Brian S. Morgan, "Intimacy of Disclosure Topics and Sex Differences in Self-Disclosure," Sex Roles 2 (1976): 161-66; Sidney Jourard, The Transparent Self, (New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1971); Elizabeth J. Aries and Fern L. Johnson, "Close Friendship in Adulthood: Conversational Content Between Same-Sex Friends," Sex Roles 4 (1983): 1183-95; Komarovsky, Dilemmas.----For findings that men have fewer friendships of intimacy and emotional ex-

change, see: Barry Wellman, "Paid Work, Domestic Work, and Network," in Understanding Personal Relationships, ed. Steve W. Duck and Daniel Perlman (Beverly Hills, Ca.: Sage, 1985), 169-70; Lillian Rubin, Just Friends (New York: Harper and Row, 1985), 60; Mayta A. Caldwell and Letitia Anne Peplau, "Sex Differences in Same-Sex Friendships," Sex Roles 3 (1982): 721-32; Alan Booth, "Sex and Social Participation" American Sociological Review 37 (1972): 183-93; Marjorie Fiske Lowenthal and Clayton Haven, "Interaction and Adaptation: Intimacy as a Critical Variable," American Sociological Review 33 (1968): 20-30; Zick Rubin and Stephen Shenker, "Friendship, Proximity, and Self-Disclosure," Journal of Personality 46 (1978): 1-22; Michael R Farell and Stanley Rosenberg, "Male Friendship and the Life Cycle," paper presented at the American Sociological Association, 1977; see also Joseph H. Pleck, The Myth of Masculinity (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1981).

19. Claude S. Fischer and Susan L. Phillips, "Who Is Alone: Social Characteristics of Respondents with Small Networks," in Loneliness: A Sourcebook of Theory, Research, and Therapy, ed. L. A. Peplan and D. Perlman (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1982), 21-39; Harry T. Reis, Marilyn Senchak, and Beth Solomon, "Sex Differences in the Intimacy of Social Interaction: Further Examination of Potential Explanations," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 48 (1985): 1204-17.

20. Bernard, Future, 28; John Scanzoni, "Sex Roles, Economic Factors, and Marital Solidarity in Black and White Marriages," Journal of Marriage and the Family 37 (1976): 130-45; Gerald Gurin, Joseph Veroff, and Sheila Feld, Americans View Their Mental Health (New York: Basic Books, 1960), 101-10; Joseph Veroff, Elizabeth Douven, and Richard A. Kulka, The Inner American (New York: Basic Books, 1981), 24, 164, 175-78.


Preferred Citation: Oliker, Stacey J. Best Friends and Marriage: Exchange Among Women. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1989 1989.