 collapse sectionIntroduction
 Interviewing Women about Friendship

 collapse sectionChapter One  The Modernization of Friendship and Marriage
 Affective Individualism and the Family
 collapse sectionThe History of Marriage Sentiment
 Free Courtship and Romance
 The Rise of the Romantic Companionate Ideal
 Domesticity: The Sentimental and Private Family
 collapse sectionThe Fate of Friendship and Community
 The Rise and Decline of Romantic Friendship
 collapse sectionChapter Two  Distinctive Values of Friendship
 First Glimpses of Husbands and Best Friends
 Distinctive Values of Close Friendships
 Women's Culture Defended: Women Friends as Mothers
 Understanding and Women's Sphere
 If Not Unique, Preferred
 Unique Values of Marriage
 Comparing Close Friendship and Marriage
 Do Values of Friendship Interfere with Marriage?
 Community, Power, and Love
 collapse sectionChapter Three  Close Friendship as an Institution
 Standards of Commitment
 collapse sectionRules of Relevance
 Permissible Talk
 Moral Obligations
 collapse sectionCustomary and Residual Practices of Friendship
 Networks of Close Friends and Kin
 How Closest Friends Met
 Are Friends Similar?
 Frequency of Contact
 Configurations of Association
 Mothers Are More Constrained
 collapse sectionChapter Four  Friendship and Individuality
 Autonomy in Friendship
 Friendship and Individuality
 Subordinating Friendship to Marriage
 collapse sectionChapter Five  Women Friends and Marriage Work
 Marriage Work
 Emotion Work
 Situation Management
 Accommodative and Influence-oriented Marriage Work
 Why Marriage Work Reinforces Commitment to Marriage
 Do Husbands Do Marriage Work with Friends?
 The Concomitants of Collective Marriage Work
 Implications for Male Power and Authority in Marriage
 collapse sectionChapter Six  Conclusion: Friendship and Community
 The Modernization of Friendship and Marriage
 Close Friendship as Community
 Toward a More Inclusive Study of Women's Friendships

 collapse sectionNOTES
 Chapter One The Modernization of Friendship and Marriage
 Chapter Two Distinctive Values of Friendship
 Chapter Three Close Friendship as an Institution
 Chapter Four Friendship and Individuality
 Chapter Five Women Friends and Marriage Work
 Chapter Six Conclusion: Friendship and Community
 Appendix A: Methods of Research
  Appendix A: Methods of Research
  Appendix B: Interview
 collapse sectionIndex

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